Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Cops: Thief robs North Side McDonald’s, escapes on CTA bus

Police are looking for a man who robbed a North Side, Rogers Park neighborhood McDonald’s, and fled the scene on public transportation.

The robbery occurred at 6536 North Sheridan Road, around 11:12 p.m., said police.

Authorities said the suspect entered the fast food restaurant and stole several hundred dollars from the register.

However, officials did not say how the man gained access to the money or if a weapon was used during the heist.

The thief was described as a black man with a bald head and no facial hair.

He is approximately 6-feet-tall, 200 pounds, and was last seen wearing a white t-shirt and blue jeans.

According to a McDonald’s employee, the crook got on a CTA bus going southbound on North Sheridan Road.

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  1. Black Thugs are just taking the north side hostage. It's not good enough they destroy their own communities but they have to destroy the nice ones as well!!! People if you see a black Thug on the street DO NOT HESITATE to call the police. We need to let these thugs know that they are NOT welcome anywhere in the city let alone on the north side.

  2. Thanks to our former greasy, sweaty mayor and the alder-creatures, the north side is the new ghetto. If the government is looking for a way to save money, I say they should start by getting rid of Section 8 housing and all the SROs! Let the lazy lowlifers WORK for a living or die on the streets!

  3. Are you bigots trying to pretend that drugged up whites and illegal Mexicans and violent Perto Ricans don't commit crimes on the north side? Ha! I laugh in your silly faces!

  4. So we can pretty much profile any individual (white, black, otherwise) wearing a white t-shirt as wearing the standard crook uniform!
    If they mess with me they've got a big surprise coming!

  5. The "white-t" thing was Detroit, Compton, Camden about, oh, say, 15-20 years ago. I was amazed Chicago still didn't catch on to it in this "diversityland" called Edgewater or Rogers Park 2 years ago. This ignorance alone put your "cool progressiveness" back to the Stone Age.

    Seriously! The Iowans and sticks of Michigan fools need to get out of Starbucks and experience the world beyond TV. There's a life beyond Madonna or Lady Gaga.

  6. wtf? how long have some of you been living on the north side?? I've been living in Uptown since 1989 and it's always been "ghetto" nothing new about it! And like someone else said... not just Blacks commit crimes, you racist pricks!

  7. They ALWAYS take the ghetto express back to their pathetic lives after they've robbed everything and everybody blind.

  8. So it was robbed $700 buck's..McDonald's got BILLIONS

  9. Who cares if McDonald's has billions, does that give thieves the right to rob them? Just because a person has some money in their pocket, does it gives thieves the right to take it because they have none? The answer is no, anyone who believes otherwise is probably a thug that should be locked up before they rob someone who WORKED for their money. Believe it or not McDonalds was built from nothing, employs tons of people, provides jobs for even more that produce their food. These people should go get a job flipping burgers for them if they need money that bad, they probably don't have any other useful skills to offer society.


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