Thursday, August 18, 2011

VIDEO: Police investigate AirBNB in Englewood, woman says cops came to ‘protect white people’

Several Chicago police officers were filmed during an investigation at an AirBNB (AirBed and Breakfast) in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood.

One investigator expressed concern for the guests' safety.

The woman who runs the business, which is affiliated with the online rental service,, said the cops were only interested in “protecting white people” and avoiding a possible international scandal.

Annie, the woman behind Annie’s AirBNB in Englewood, claims Chicago police officers unfairly targeted her home, because most of her paying guests are white.

While offering an explanation for the investigation, an officer was caught on camera saying, “This is a very dangerous neighborhood. You’re running a business in which is gonna draw international people to this location. They have to be safeguarded. Something nasty could happen here. Most of all, it embarrasses the city of Chicago.”

Annie accused the officer of being an “Uncle Tom” and putting the safety of white travelers, over the safety of the black residents in Englewood.

Earlier this year, a San Francisco woman said her home was trashed and her property was stolen by travelers she met through AirBNB.



  1. First of all, why would you NOT research the neighborhood of a place you plan on staying at?!?!

    Secondly, is this lady nuts?! Either she has a scam going to rob the naive white folk staying at her b&b or she really is nuts. Englewood is one of, if not, the worst neighborhood in Chicago!!

  2. The people who live in Englewood, don't want to live in Englewood. Why in the hell would some white kid from another country or state want to crash there? Does Annie sale "I survived Englewood" t-shirts to her guests?

  3. Foreigners don't know their way around town and could be robbed, raped or murdered if they wander into the wrong situation. So yes, the cops may need to keep an eye out for their safety. The tourists should not be in Englewood, everyone in this city would know that. That woman is endangering people by bringing them into that area. Just some more anti-white ranting by that woman which is so common out of the mouths of blacks. Is her place up to code?

  4. This is the dumbest crap I have ever seen! What kind of fools pays money to live with random strangers?!!!!!!!

  5. I feel sorry for people coming to something like that not knowing its the ghetto. I think that site should clearly state if they are in a high crime area, and also area
    demographics, this is not racist but rather informative. Someone losing their life for something that could be avoided should be important, but clearly the woman speaking in the video is just a hustler.

  6. I went on the site to look this woman's destination up. I was surprised to see there were many great comments of how she was an excellent host. I still agree that englewood should be avoided at all costs, but for a traveler on a budget, knowing what they are getting into, this seems to be a good deal. She's offering a place for as low as 10$ a night with breakfast and some other nice things. I didn't read one negative comment on any of her listings. With that said, its nice to see police in the area, if only for the travelers going there. Maybe this will provide a little bit of the presence needed.

  7. It's great that the police are down there. Englewood is one of the worst neighborhoods in Chicago. On top of that, you will get robbed or shot walking around that neighborhood with your tourist gear. That is as good as a guarantee. I think it is awesome that the police are down their protecting the travelers.

    The lady is claiming racism which is BS, because the only reason Englewood has the reputation it has is because the residents make it one of the most horrible places to live in Chicago. Maybe, just maybe if they weren't selling drugs in the corners and shooting up the place killing innocent people, they wouldn't get such a bad rap.

    It's not the police's fault that thugs roam the streets in englewood. Maybe if the community did a better job of raising good people with pride and respect for themselves and others, they wouldn't have all of these problems.

  8. Imagine coming from out of state, or worse, out of the country and ending-up in Englewood! LOL it's the worst neighborhood in CHicago, possibly the USA! OMG!

  9. ..It's how we lost the Olympics. A bunch of animals killing a teen

  10. I am already here and please help. I survived the last night and I almost died in drive buy.... I am just kidding.....

    Alex & Alex

  12. I Live here and i find the judgements about myself, my host, and my fellow travelers offensive. Annie is not a terrible host and she gives her guests tips on how to remain as safe as possible in the neighborhood. Yes, it is a dangerous neighborhood but she is not nuts for renting her home out to people on a budget or to someone like myself who had a hard time finding a hotel at the last minute when all others were booked. No it's not a safe place but that has more to do with how residents chose to behave and I agree, guests should be cautious and not wander at night but At $10 a day, you kind of go in not expecting the best situation.

  13. Every city in every country has at least a dozen neighborhoods that are medium to high crime areas. I live in one of the best neighborhoods in S. Lakeland, with 2 gates at each entrance, shared by a Dr. across the street, and an owner of one of the finest jewelry stores 2 doors down from me. We have had notices that 4 houses were broke into, at least 3 cars have been stolen, and a very prominent police officer beat his wife with a steel baseball bat last weekend leaving their 4 children parent-less. So what denotes a "good" neighborhood? I am originally from Chicago and lived in a "good" neighborhood on the South side for 19 years, and would visit Englewood often; I would even sometimes take the "L" train or Dan Ryan there at night. Here is a news flash... ANYWHERE in Chicago, whether it's Englewood, Hide Park, Calumet Park, Downtown, you have to have your game face on! It's a CITY for heavens sake. When you travel to any city that is what you are suppose to do. Chicago is a very SEGREGATED city and if you are not the RIGHT color or ETHNICITY, you could possibly be beat up, raped or killed. Blacks are not the only one capable of committing horrible crimes!

    Chicago no doubt a beautiful city, but it is notorious for corruption, crime, mafia, gangs, etc. When visiting Chicago one must have a sizable bank account to really enjoy the city. But if this Annie is offering her home on a budget; then more power to her and her guests who can't afford to stay at $100-400 a night places. The guests comments have all been good, Annie informs them that the neighborhood is not the best, what can you do. There is a comment that Annie is a hustler...aren't we all now adays? This woman is trying to make a living; but the part that everyone is missing is that she is not even over charging for her couch or rooms. From what I see on the site, she is very reasonable for the area. If the guest keep coming, then I don't see what the problem is.

    As far as this video, it is very disturbing. All those police cars and harrassment for folks coming to rent a couch? Oh wait, they were white folks...I wonder if the police would have done the same if the majority of her guests were Africans, or Mexicans....uhmmm, makes one think. I thought to myself, this isn't a crack house, it's not an escort service, (like the corrupt business owners have on Rush Street); this is an honest business extending a service to people who are coming to an expensive city on a budget.

    Well, I must say I admire Annie. She has been able to accomplish what no other person has accomplished... She has DE-SEGREGATED one of the "most popular" black communities in Chicago! Well done Annie! Well Done!

  14. The people who stay at this bed and breakfast do so because they can afford to and because they by their own volition come here. A cop made a statement to me " there is a reason It's cheap" and while I agree, not everyone can bare the expense of a more luxury hotel and it's not as if she's charging a lot of money to her guests. Even a private room in her home is less here than at a hostel downtown so People book because it's economical. it has nothing to do with race or class.

  15. I'm reading the comments and wondering how many people know the history and strength of Englewood, or do you just believe all the things that you hear on the news? Is the area unsafe? Sure! Name one place in Chicago that is 100% safe! Its funny when there were a large amount of any other race but white how "unsafe" or "shady" an area can become. Its also really interesting that a woman trying to promote a home business gets harassed and investigated because of the area that she lives in.

  16. I'm from Europe and I was in Chicago in 2010. I met a man of Czech origin on the plane to US (by chance) who told me that some areas in south Chicago could be really dangerous. I couldn't belive that I could be even killed there. I tried to find some information on the web and I learned about Englewood (from Wikipedia). Anyway just by accident I came to the Englewood (we were looking for a gus station and navigation took us just on Garfield). I wasn't pleasant experience. There was a cop who explained to me that this is not good neiborhood esp. for people of my color. The whole thing was shocking to me (I have never encounter something like that in Europe). We Europeans often come to US uprepared for this. It was really irresponsible from that lady conduct AirBNB in that neighborhood.

  17. All the individuals that rent from this woman are grown. No one is forcing them to stay there. Yes, its Englewood and it is notorious for being unsafe. But they had mobs of teens attacking tourist on Michigan Ave. last summer. Being from Chicago, I would not stay there, bu Some people that come from other countries may see this area as an improvement from where they came from. Some may not care because it's cheap and its all they can afford. Either way it's their choice and they need to research where they are staying and make their decision. This lady is no hustler, she just sees a need and found a way to make it work. Just like people that drive for Uber or Lift. The cops are their worried about the foreigners, but don't seem to care for the people that have to live in Englewood everyday.


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