Sunday, August 14, 2011

Miles Morales, black Hispanic Spider-man stirs racial controversy

Is the new black Spider-man being rejected for racial reasons, or do critics have a valid point?

I have always been a huge Spider-man fan.

As a nerdy kid with an extremely athletic side, two traits that don’t usually co-exist, Peter Parker was one of my heroes.

Don’t tell anyone, but I used to pray to God that I get bitten by a radioactive spider!

Today, I was taken aback when I discovered the new Spider-man, Miles Morales, is a black Hispanic male. When I saw the character's picture, I thought it had been photoshopped.

Alex Alonso, Marvel Comics’ editor in chief, who happens to be of Spanish descent, said he hopes the new black and Latino Spider-man is readily accepted by Marvel’s fans.

Despite Alonso’s rainbow-coalition-wishes, not everyone is pleased with the Peter Parker replacement.

Cyberspace is buzzing with critics who flat-out reject Miles Morales. Some say the naysayers have denounced the crime-fighting teen, because he is black.

Among these critics, the consensus is that Morales has no connection to Peter Parker; which isn’t true.

The new black Spider-man’s back-story will be unveiled in a September 2011 issue of Ultimate Spider-man.

The issue will explain Morales’ connection to Parker and how Parker’s beloved Aunt May, offered the young superhero guidance.

Another flimsy criticism is that you cannot drastically alter a character's appearance and expect followers to accept the changes.

But Marvel has not drastically changed Spider-man's appearance. Instead, they have changed the race of the man who wears Spider-man's costume.

Frankly, I think we should wait and see what the new Spider-man has to offer, before we send him to comic book hell.

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  1. Lucid comments, as always, Timothy. Keep up the good work!

  2. This is just another ridiculous PC rewrite from Marvel & DC. From turning Nick Fury into Samuel L. Jackson, to making Super Man "ashamed" to be an American, from making Captain AMERICA "ashamed" of being an American....

    The comics industry is ridiculously liberal and never misses an opportunity to crap all over White culture and world contributions. But hey, it's their own job on the line as they continue to lose their reader base.

  3. How are they crapping all over white culture? Who cares if Spiderman is black, white, green, or yellow? It really doesn't matter, but let's get on their back about it anyway, right?

  4. the 2nd comment just goes to show how racist and simpleminded some white people truly are?

  5. It's racist to point out that political correctness comes at the expense of another race. Affirmative action, special demands/special concessions & acknowledgments are inherently racist.

    If something commonly identified as White, a White story or part of White culture is 'altered' to another race then yes, it is a slap in the face of White culture.

    You call me a racist but it's interesting how it's only considered racist to care about your culture and history if it's White culture. Chinese people aren't embarrassed of China. Native Americans aren't ashamed to be Native Americans. Mexicans don't shun Mexico, the Japanese, Japan. But look out, if a White person wants to keep something they identify with or have pride in their culture they are labeled supremacists/racists.

  6. Most comic book buyers are white and have a lot of disposable income. In a move NOBODY ASKED FOR they make Spidey more ethnic. If this kid were real they would bust his chops for being unoriginal and ripping off Peter Parker's legacy.
    Let him become his own hero if he wants to fight crime, what a ripoff jerk!

  7. White bigots are always looking for something to moan about. Stop playing the race card. America's demographics are changing. Whites are no longer the majority so get over your racist agenda.

  8. But we sure support your arse majority or not.

  9. There's the double standard rearing its head again. You throw out the straw man argument that "demographics are changing" as justification for saying Whites can't appreciate their culture or keep it. Your comment that we're always looking for something to moan about is amazing considering all the special interests in this country which thrive on claiming victim status because it allows them entitlements and special rights which, certainly, are more preferable than EQUAL rights. Moaning indeed!

    Don't worry though, special rights and entitlements will go away soon enough when there aren't enough White people working to support the welfare gravy train. Heck, when there aren't even any White people living in Detroit 2.0, aka Chicago. You'll be begging us to come back and please fix things for you, please bring food, etc.

  10. "White bigots are always looking for something to moan about" I wonder if the black bigots would always be moaning about something if they had to support the whites all the time? None of the white people I know get handouts. They work day in and day out so your sorry arse can sleep in and take what you don't work for. They supply the pantry you get free food from. They pay full market value on their rent. They volunteer and contribute to society. What is it the black bigots do for society again? Black society is more bigoted and racist that any culture in the world. Lots of luck if and when we ever become the minority. Who will provide for you then? PS. Find your own hero, if you can.

  11. I only know one black guy who I've ever seen in a comic book shop, and he owns it. Otherwise it's whites and asians buying comics, who demanded this change?

  12. Change comes whether we/you like it or not! Get over it!

  13. Anonymous at 4:43 p.m. Let's say our country "changes" and implements sharia law which is Islamic law. Sharia law commands the death penalty for homosexuals and it is in fact enforced in every country which follows sharia law. If that change comes to America will you say "get over it" or are you prepared to admit your "get over it" comment is just meaningless tripe? I don't "have" to love you or your lifestyle. "Get over it!"

  14. Comparing a black cartoon character to Sharia Law is a dumb argument and a failed attempt to change the subject. Try again. And what in the hell does homosexuality have to do with this topic? Get over it!

  15. Anonymous 6:48, you must have missed the full article wherein the writers say they are considering making the half black, half hispanic boy a homosexual as well. As for a sharia comparison, it's completely relevant. This article discusses the substitution of one cultural identity for another. Proponents of that change say "get over it" and play the race card. It then becomes completely fair to discuss whether "get over it" applies to another cultural identity or practice being substituted for one that is relevant to the proponents of "get over it".

  16. One thing's for sure, Spidey is gonna protect the hell out of that ghetto! Nobody's half-busted cassette Walkman, analog tv or Ford Festiva's gonna get jacked on his watch!

  17. Take your Islamic beliefs and shove them up you ass! Islamic ppl are disgusting and ugly!!!!!

  18. Sorry, but Peter Parker is Spider-man. No one else can take he's spot, it's like replacing Superman's identity. I really hope Ultimate Comics will fix this mess they made.


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