At approximately 4:56 a.m., an injured man walked into the Boystown Walgreens at 3201 North Broadway, near Broadway and Belmont, and asked a store employee to call the police.
Authorities said the victim sustained a cut above his right eye.
The attacker, described as a black man in his 20s, was wearing an Afro with a white stripe running through it.
The suspect is approximately 5'7", 145 pounds, and was last seen wearing a black leather jacket.
Police said the offender fled westbound from Belmont and Broadway.
Approximately thirty-one minutes before police were called to the Boystown Walgreens, a similar crime was reported at Belmont and Sheffield, around 4:25 a.m.
A man said a black male offender hit him in the face with a bottle.
In this case, the suspect was wearing a black shirt and black pants.
Police toured the area looking for the complainant, but never made contact with the victim.
It's unclear if the two occurrences are related.
In July, a suspect matching the description of the man involved in the assault near Walgreens, pepper sprayed two people on the 3200 block of North Halsted Street.
The victims said their attacker had an Afro with a "blond" streak.
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Maybe it's time the bars down there re-evaluated their closing times. There are an awful lot of ghetto thugs swarming around down there scoping out their next victim and with the "el" right there, it's a quick get away. They're gone and never caught only to come back and do it all over again. One guy in a wheelchair told me he didn't live in the area...far far south side..but follows the money! Nice. CC should be passed because these ghetto thugs will NEVER know who's carrying!
ReplyDeleteBefore the gays took over this area, Boystown was a horrible neighborhood. Drug addicts, whores, gangs, and overall undesirables ruled the streets. Through gentrification the area blossomed into a great place to live, play, and visit. Fast forward to today, it looks like the BAD OLD DAYS are coming back to haunt us!
ReplyDeleteThis should not be happening. I do appreciate how in the recent Redeye's online version hoodrat crime reports they are stating that many of these people were reportedly or, admitted to being, drunk. Again, this should not be happening but I'm very, very curious what these victims look like and more importantly their behavior, attire, level of coherency, etc. when these attacks happen.
ReplyDeleteHonestly, I've never had a problem but it doesn't mean I never will of course. I've seen/heard many out on these streets that I'd like to pop with a bottle too - aimed right at the mouth (but I don't).
It doesn't say anything was taken from either victim in this report. Just an observation.
...and maybe the area's own idea of freaklike "diversity" drew the skunky afro guy in and he was tired of being teased about it too?
ReplyDeleteThese kinds of attacks are happening because of the PC nature of the area. Thugs are easy to spot and stick out like a sore thumb. Instead of trying to be all PC, we should be calling the police every time we see one of these parasites. We should not wait around until they commit a crime but be proactive in throwing them out of the community by force of necessary. If you can't act right, then your not welcome. I for one refuse to let the city be taking over by a bunch of hood rats and project yos.
ReplyDeleteWell, ya still got "drug addicts and whores" here. Maybe they're not targeted by the police because they don't "look" like thugs? They're just selling their "services" out of rented condos that won't sell, or maybe at the lakefront, rather than on the street? In general, the gays don't "act right" here either. I'm ashamed to be one in this area. It's come one/come all for the sake of the almighty $ and, well, that's what ya got - ALL. That's for sure!
ReplyDeleteReally, I don't understand what the draw is to this city. I was told it was a better place. It's "PC" alright. I'll give it that.
I think with the opening of the center on halsted we got more of the criminal element in the area. lots of male prostitutes and transgender prostitutes on school/ clark/ sheffield. area is very dangerous now.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous was right abbott the element in boystown. Anytime you have 50 bars that close to each other, a bath house and adult bookstores you've got youve got a jacked up community. Add to that the drug selling and prostitution that many residents and non residents patronize, youve got a hot mess.
ReplyDeleteI'm very disappointed in gay chicago.