Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Police search cars on Lake Shore Drive looking for Evanston bank robbery suspect

Traffic on Lake Shore Drive literally came to a standstill as Chicago police officers searched for an Evanston, Illinois bank robbery suspect.

Chicago News Report picked up the story at 11:12 a.m.

At the time, the suspect, who was described as a black man in his 40s with dreadlocks, was driving southbound from the 6500 block of North Sheridan Road.

Police said the suspect robbed the Bank of America at 1336 Chicago Avenue in Evanston, Illinois.

At approximately 11:34 a.m., traffic on the 3200 block of North Lake Shore Drive, near Lake Shore Drive and Belmont, was blocked as cops searched individual vehicles.

The alleged thief managed to slip through the police barricade.

With the help of a GPS tracking device, authorities followed the suspect to a South Side address at 8058 South Yates Boulevard.

The bank robbery suspect was arrested around 11:59 a.m.

According to police dispatch, officers recovered the proceeds and a weapon.

Copyright © 2011 - Chicago News Report. All rights reserved. 


  1. Saw a lot of squads at the corner of Granville & Sheridan Rd about that time. I think this is about 6300 N Sheridan Rd. Police were talking to someone in an SUV though I could not see the driver. Must not have been the robber because he was let go...and traffic began moving again:)

  2. Fed Up With Black CriminalsAugust 17, 2011 at 10:54 PM

    So Leroy came all the way from the ghetto south side to rob a bank in Evanston? Why didn't that lazy punk rob a bank in his own rotten roach infested hood? Black people are a shameful bunch of misfits.

  3. 'cuz there isn't any money in the banks on the south side.

  4. Glad to hear they caught this one.


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