Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Interview: Former Fuze nightclub manager says owner discriminated against blacks and gays

27-year-old Camila Klinger, a former general manager for the Chicago nightclub, Fuze, located at 2242 North Lincoln Avenue in Lincoln Park, did a brief interview with Chicago News Report.

Here's what she said....

CNR: Prior to the date you were fired, had you and Anthony Anton (the owner) discussed his alleged tactics for excluding black patrons? If so, what was the conversation?

Camila Klinger: I was fired in January 2010. During my entire time there, I witnessed several types of discrimination.

CNR: Can you give me a few examples?

Camila Klinger: The second week I was employed, Anton asked me to fire the African American Hip Hop promoters for a weekly Thursday event. As time went on, his comments and demands became more and more obvious against African American and homosexual patrons. I soon realized why he asked me to fire those Thursday night promoters; I started to speak up and complain frequently, as soon as it was clear to me.

CNR: According to the Chicago Sun-Times article, Anton frequently complained the number of blacks in the club. How did he keep track of the racial make up of the crowd?

Camila Klinger: He came in almost every weekend to monitor the racial makeup of the crowd and he was constantly concerned about how many African American parties I was booking over the phone and internet, and which African American promoters I was working with. He asked me to do things that I refused to do and never did, more than once.

I complained and refused to comply with any discriminatory demand until Anton gave me an ultimatum the night I was fired: enforce the racial quotas or he would find someone who would. I could never ever say yes to this.

CNR: The Sun-Times said things came to a head after an African-American and a Latino patron got into a fight at Fuze. After the fight, what happened next? Were the police called? Was anyone arrested? What did Anton say to you afterward?

Camila Klinger: The police are often on that block on the weekends, because it's heavily populated with bars. They came over, but I do not believe anyone was arrested.

Anton was not present that night, but when I saw him the following Sunday, he asked about the fight.

CNR: What did Anton say?

Camila Klinger: One of the first things he asked me was the race of the people involved. I told him I believed it was between a Latino and an African American. Then he told me that I really needed to start limiting the number of African Americans allowed in the club. I said absolutely not.

I told him not only was that wrong, but it's illegal. He responded by firing me immediately. Because I did not agree with the "I'm not racist, it's just business" attitude - I was eventually fired.

CNR: Some people say you filed this lawsuit, because you were fired, and if you really cared about doing the right thing, you would have said something the first time Anton allegedly asked you weed out black customers.

Camila Klinger: That’s the point -- I did say something, every time he said or asked me to do anything discriminatory. I wanted the owner to do the right thing, but instead of fixing the real problem with discrimination, he fired me.

It is simply untrue that the first time I spoke up, was after I was fired. It was the fact that I spoke up, that cost me my job.

If I had just quit once I realized what his ways were, instead of complaining and not complying, I would basically be walking away from a very wrong situation and it would just continue to happen, nothing would change.

CNR: Did you file a legal complaint, or notify EEOC of the alleged racial discrimination at Fuze, before you were fired?

Camila Klinger: I started pursuing legal action after I was fired. The lawsuit was not made public until I filed in federal court, which I could not do until I filed with the EEOC and received the right to sue first.

CNR: What do you say to people who question the motives behind your lawsuit?

Camila Klinger: Now, I truly understand why people are so scared of speaking out. People will question your motives and not believe you. I am not going to allow that to get in the way of the cause at hand, which is what is most important.

People are still being denied equality. If we don't continuously speak out and complain, then nothing will ever change.

*Chicago News Report reached out to Fuze. Our phone calls were not returned.

Photo: Chicago Sun-Times/John H. White.

Copyright © 2011 - Chicago News Report. All rights reserved.


  1. "If we don't continuously speak out and complain, then nothing will ever change."

    This from the person who stayed silent so long as she was employed. Her own words indicate she saw the discrimination two weeks into the job but she just now found integrity? Either that or she's making it up and filing a claim with the Law Offices of Gimme S. Money. True facts!

  2. If you read the interview above, she claims she complained throughout her entire time there, "I did say something, every time he said or asked me to do anything discriminatory. I wanted the owner to do the right thing, but instead of fixing the real problem with discrimination, he fired me."
    "I complained and refused to comply with any discriminatory demand until Anton gave me an ultimatum the night I was fired" which means she spoke up to him not once, but several times, every time he demanded her to do anything discriminatory.
    "If I had just quit once I realized what his ways were, instead of complaining and not complying, I would basically be walking away from a very wrong situation and it would just continue to happen, nothing would change. "
    She was trying to change things until she was given an ultimatum and lost her job because she refused to comply! It is very clear in the story and in this interview. This is obviously a person with morals and a person who doesn't see color and saw that the only way this could really change is to speak out even more, not just file a complaint that nobody will ever know about or do anything about.
    I commend this woman, good for her and I wish more people were like her. I agree with her, it IS important- what happened to civil rights? Instead of focusing on this woman- lets focus on the issue and do something about it!

  3. Night "clubs" used to be just that. They were "clubs" for certain types and "certain" types were refused at the door. I was refused at a lesbian "club" and I was refused at a black "club". So I just went elsewhere.

    The owner made a bad decision thinking hiring this woman would bring in a "different" clientele (like herself) for $$$ but it didn't take off. Her type is no longer flavor of the week either. She just needs to find the place where people of her own are welcomed even for employment - like I had to.

    This situation isn't about Ford Motor Co. or Walgreen's PC quotas. It was a nightclub. She can pick up another gig in Boystown.

  4. Has anyone ever seen the TV show Soul Train? They discriminate against white men. They simply wish to associate with people that they enjoy the most. Truthfully, I don't want to go to a club where there are blacks. I don't hate them, I just don't need to associate with them in order to be fulfilled in life. Ms. Klinger can go attend court then return to her white neighborhood feeling smug that she stood up to her evil racist boss. But even Ms. Klinger will run the other way when she sees someone with simian features after dark, no matter where she is.

  5. Anonymous at 4:42 p.m., I did read the article and I did identify her hypocrisy. She claims she complained but she complained to a person disinclined to change his practices. You think a racist says "by God you made a rational argument, I'm going to stop being racist"?

    Wrong! She took no affirmative steps towards correcting it until after she was fired. She saw a problem, she did nothing effective about it and only after she stopped personally profiting from the "problem" did she do something serious/effective.

    She has no credibility, she has no integrity. She's a bigger attention whore than her piercings and tattoos would indicate by themselves. If you are buying her bs sob story now then you have no ability to read between the lines. True facts!

  6. The civil rights movement? Are you kidding me? The criminal mentality and bad element coming out of the black communities has made that movement null & void. The criminals & thugs have ruined it for the entire black culture. No one trust being around them. There is always some type of altercation when these lowlifes are around because they simply do not know how to act in public. Don't they have clubs and bars in their own neighborhoods? Can you imagine if whites went to black clubs or bars? Anywhere these lowlifes go, they think it's their turf..wrong. They ruined their turf and now want to ruin everyone else's. True facts.

  7. Have to agree that one cannot change a pure racists mentality. Obviously she wasn't talking to the right people BEFORE she was fired.

  8. I am black and I refused to party in a club full of black people! Too much drama! You look at someone the wrong way and get shot!

  9. wow. It's surprising how many racist people (some who think they're not racist, but are). Everyone should be allowed into a night club or any establishment-color of skin does NOT matter, color of skin is NOT what makes a person. All these comments just show how Camila's right- something DOES need to change- there is way too much ignorance and racism out there...AND in this blog.

    Click on "who reads this blog" button up top, and you'll see that the majority of people reading his and responding are rich white people- I understand these comments now.

    She also stated that she did NOT COMPLY to any of his requests- that means that even though he was asking her to do discriminatory things- she wouldn't do it! There were still plenty of African American's in the club! GOOD FOR HER!!!

  10. The funniest thing on this website are Towanda's posts. She is total BS, an avatar of a liberal white male. I also think it is hilarious that there are people on here giving lectures about how bad it is to be racist, then they will walk home to their white neighborhood. The wealth of Western civilization is the ethnic proclivity of its people --- the white people. Who is it in this world, that defines the human standard of beauty, living, and morality? Hint: it's not people from Kenya.

  11. @ Carl,
    "The funniest thing on this website are Towanda's posts. She is total BS, an avatar of a liberal white male."

    Not sure what you found funny about MY comment but yours is hilarious..hahahahaha

    Your comment(number 4) is like the pot calling the kettle black. Maybe you are one of those pure racists I mentioned in my comment and I hit a nerve OR maybe you're just jealous you don't live where I live.

  12. It's not racism, it's tribalism. It has been around since the dawn of man and will be around for as long as man exists on earth. To deny it is to deny your own existence. It is man's natural state to want to associate with their 'own kind' and fear those from another tribe. Accept it and move on. There is no Utopia Camila. There is only here and now. Stop banging your head against a wall. Evolution is a very slow process. The melting pot melts a little bit more every 10,000 years.

  13. You see Towanda, everyday we all come to this site and seemed shocked at the behavior of black people. I'm not. If you observe black people throughout the world you will see that violence, murder, and rape is the product of their culture. If you are black in the US you get the benefits of living in a civil society which would not exist if African culture were dominant. Often in brute insensitivity there is much truth. "Pure racist" is just an informed citizen that probably has experienced the vitriolic idiocy of a black person and survived to tell about it. I do believe that all people have the right to express their unique expression of humanity, I just want to preserve a place in the world for my culture and allow it to flourish. Like Ghandi once said, India is to Indians what England is to the English. I love it when I go to a bar or club and there are no black people. I'm grateful for bar owners that filter their patrons so as to allow people to enjoy themselves with other attractive people with whom they have a connection and affinity. In short, I don't need to look at an unattractive person to fulfill myself, or hear their vomit on how their people are oppressed and everyone owes them something for being born stupid, ugly, & poor.

    I knew Towanda was a fake from the start because she sides with civilized people --- what other black lesbian do you know who does that? The fact that she is able to articulate herself and promulgate values such as hard work and honesty were the other dead giveaways. The essence of being a Liberal is simply the genocidal hatred of whites. But the question I put to all of you is, if you succeed with all your diversity and affirmative action and you actually make your filthy third world liberal nation, what have you really accomplished? You will have turned this country into a giant Roger's Park or Uptown. The mob attacks are just the beginning.

  14. It's Tribalism not Racism? Associating with people of your own kind- to me that means associating with people with similar interests, hobbies, cultural backgrounds, religious backgrounds, etc. because you can relate to them more, I understand that. But when you start DENYING other people based only on the color of their skin or any other type of discrimination...that becomes RACISM and surely not tribalism.

    It's like the old children's story, I forgot exactly what animals were in the story, but I remember the meaning on the story- another baby animal lost its mother and siblings and found a mother of another kind of animal with her babies- cried for the other animals help, and the mother accepted that other animal as if it were her own, within her tribe, her species, and they all accepted the different animal that wasn't like them, as their own.
    Of course in real life, certain animal species would just eat each other- but these animals were humanized, they could speak and wore clothing- we humans are such a special type of species and look at how much hate exists in the world.

    There is a big difference between "tribalism" and "racism". That "fear" of other "kinds" you speak of, is really sad.......your fear turns in to hate, your fear is ignorance. Pure ignorance.
    I'm sure you who talk about tribalism agrees with the other one that says the Civil Rights Movements is null & void too?
    Camila having a positive utopian outlook of equality and acceptance seems much more positive, unhateful, progressive, than your fear of people of other races and Tribalism theories.
    I wish more people had a better vision of the world too.

  15. @ Carl,
    Obviously you have not been reading ALL my comments on this blog. You do know how to archive right? You have one thing correct in you comment, I am a gay women, other than that, you are way off. I have said over and over "PC" is dead and didn't work anyway. I have said ghetto thugs come in ALL shapes, sizes and colors. I also think you speak what many people think but prefer to act "PC". I disagree with you when you categorize ALL black people as "stupid, ugly & poor". Perhaps you only know those type of black people. I happen to know many, gay, straight and otherwise, who are brilliant people, beautiful people and look upon their culture as lost, given the opportunities they have been given and have squandered. I detest "GHETTO THUGS" from any ethnicity/culture who terrorize the innocent people and destroy neighborhoods. I detest ANY ethnicity who thinks the white person is their ticket to be lazy, or are animals, or "tribal". I'm sick to tears of our country being the catch all for those "looking for a better life" and come here and suck the hardworking, taxpaying law abiding CITIZENS dry. I'm sick of other cultures coming here and expecting us to accept their way of life rather then they adjust to ours. NO WHERE in the world does that happen BUT here. Trust me, I am NOT "PC". We are not that far apart. However, I do believe that people of ALL ethnicities, if they are a contributing part of society, have the right to participate in that society. Uncivilized ghetto thugs are not welcome! The entitlement mentality is rampant in the black culture BUT there are many in the black culture who contribute and participate. Too bad you don't know any.

  16. Anonymous@10:39,
    Don't you think that "fear" develops from all the ghetto thugs terrorizing society? I'm just saying that in the last few years, I have become very conscience of my surroundings, avoid certain areas and now carry pepperspray because of ALL the ghetto thugs preying on innocent victims for their own personel gain. They're the ones who have lost all humanity and then cry racism when we won't take it anymore. When we call it like it is and when we fight back. People need to be held accountable for their actions and not just get a free pass to terrorize innocent people. This is where fear starts and where hatred begins....for most people. Other's? It's an inbred thing just like it is for some in the black culture to continue to hold white society responsible for their lot in life.

  17. It's a private club that charges admission - they can refuse service to whomever they choose.

  18. [your fear is ignorance]
    Fear is a survival instinct. It is found in just about every single animal on earth that has a brain. Ignorance is actually not knowing fear and how to react to real threats. Spare me your liberal dreams, I'm talking about the real here world and how things actually are; not how we'd wish them to be. Your "vision" is not based on reality and is how races, who don't understand the value of fear and therefopre the protection their tribe provides them, are wiped out. Every gang banger in Chicago understands that - you should too. Get your head out of the clouds and look around you. There are plenty of good reasons to embrace fear.

  19. I'm a bartender and door man. We have no problem with anyone of any race as long as they don't cause problems and drive away business. Thuggy black males drive away paying (and tipping... don't even get me started) customers. Fact. After years in the business I know how to spot trouble and I'll find a reason to not let trouble in- dress code, problem with the I.D., too crowded, I think you're over served. It has nothing to do with race. We all just want to make money on a given night. I'm black. Stick that in you're liberal pipe and smoke it.

  20. you're a bouncer and would never deny anyone solely based on the color of their skin, you would deny them based on trouble- if they have gang tattoos or symbols, are overly served, etc....I'm sure as a bouncer you deny people who look like trouble of all colors. I think that's exactly what this women is fighting for- violence and bad comes in all colors, not just one. And it seems like the owner based trouble with the color of the person's skin. violence and trouble is everywhere and comes in all colors....we can't deny an entire race because of the actions of some. As an African American bouncer, would you not allow an African American college student wearing khakis and a button-up inside your venue just because of the color of your skin? That is the point.

  21. Save that african american smack for your PC friends. I came up in Washington Park. I'm black.

    And as for the imaginary black college student in khakis, I hate to tell you but in the service industry we call that man white. You can tip toe around it all you want but no one who works a bar wants a black crowd. There are too many problems, too many weapons, too few drinks purchased and too few tips given. It may not be fair. It may not be right. But it's true. I get paid cash money each shift and I just want everyone to walk out safe and my coworkers paid. White boys might push and shove sometimes but they buy and they tip. And they never, ever have a gun.

    I do everything I can to keep the crowd as white as possible. I do it here and I've done it the other places I've worked for the last 12 years on the northside. Every place knows and does it. It's just smart business. And I get it. If I owned any of the places I've worked I'd do the same damn thing.

  22. @Carl "You see Towanda, everyday we all come to this site and seemed shocked at the behavior of black people. I'm not. If you observe black people throughout the world you will see that violence, murder, and rape is the product of their culture." Something that was learned from the Europeans during the periods when the king's armies invaded Africa and used violence, rape and murder to enslave the population. It was okay in the country in the 17002 and 1800, for white people to, rape, kill, split up, terrorise African American families. The 1900's African Americans could not even vote. Why do white people think that everything that African Americans went through as a people-just here in America alone. Up to the early 60's white people could kill African Americans and receive no jail time. Every shred of violence coming out of the African American community is the result of a race being stripped of its racial identity. Every time African Americans attempt to do positive things and make positive strides, they actually get blocked by white America.

    I notice most of these stories that have African American suspects get referred to in the story by race. Never have noticed any other stories where race (white) was mentioned or received a large number of comments. It seems this site is up strictly to bash the African American community. I see positive images and positivity in the African American community ALL the TIME. First white people need to stop thinking of this Country as their country. Native Americans were here before the Europeans stole it whit, VIOLENCE, RAPE, MURDER, GENOCIDE and forcing the Natives to live a Christian life or be murdered. It's all the broadcast negative stereotypes in the media that is causing issues. Broadcast some of the good, neighborhood cleanup programs,youth mentoring programs. The African American community is not ALL GHETTO THUGS, it is a small % that is causing trouble but getting a large % of the press.

  23. White people do just as much if not more violence than black people, its just not broadcast by the media as much. Google "James Craig Anderson" in Mississippi. Why was this hate crime story not a big issue? If that was a group of black kids all of them would be behind bars and charged with murder. They have video evidence of the crime but only one person has been charged and that is simple assault. These "kids" decided to purposely "go and f$&K with some Ni$$ers". And run him over with a pickup truck after beating him. White people tend to be more creative with violence, and murder, sorry, "simple assault"
    Don't tell me white people aren't violent, they just get away with it.

  24. Anonymous@8:02,
    "Every time African Americans attempt to do positive things and make positive strides, they actually get blocked by white America."...

    WHAT? Are you kidding me? We have a BLACK president(whom I voted for). Chicago had a BLACK mayor and there are many BLACK Aldermen, many BLACK officials holding office in this city and country. The only people who "block" BLACK people from doing positive things are BLACK people.

    There are PLENTY of articles where the criminal is WHITE and their picture is SHOWN and that horrible crime you mentioned is getting PLENTY of coverage in the STATE it was committed. That WHITE ghetto thug is charged with murder and possibly a hate crime. Stop making excuses for the ghetto thugs who prey on ALL people in this city! They are contributing to the fear/hatred factor. Even the Mayor of Philly said the same thing and he's BLACK. In 2009, almost 20% of known offenders of hate crimes were black, even though blacks make up just 13% of the population, though I would suspect that those numbers have gone up because once the ghetto thugs pass the word around where the pickings are easy (whites), the rest follow.

    I realize the Black culture likes to hang on to what was done to them hundreds of years ago and during the civil rights movement but come on, it's time to move forward. Maybe that's a large part of your problem. Your culture is NOT the only culture who has suffered yet your's is the only culture that lets it continue to stand in your way, lets it continue to mold your thinking and lets it continue to breed hatred and yes, RACISM, which is NOT a one way street. I also know many people in the black community are trying to make it better but people like you continue to make excuses for the ghetto thugs causing fear and hatred and people like you live in the past so your excuses have validity. We have many different ethnicities in this country that DON'T commit crimes on innocent people, who DON'T have the "entitlement" mentality and who SUCCEED, why are the greater percentage of crimes committed in this city and country, committed by BLACK people? I suppose you think statistic lie right?

    Take a look at the CTA, who drives the buses a greater percentage of the time? Take a look at the USPS, who's delivering the mail in this city the greater percentage of time? Affirmative action gave the black population ALL the opportunities it needed to succeed. Why are you STILL bitching about things that happened decades and centuries ago?

    Change the fricking behavior...we're ALL sick of it and that includes ALL the black on black crime!

  25. @ Anonymous August 24, 2011 8:06 AM:

    "Click on "who reads this blog" button up top, and you'll see that the majority of people reading his and responding are rich white people-"

    If you are using those stats as an argument, you might want to check again. It plainly states that the majority is African American.

  26. Theirs so many racist comments here is unbelievable!

  27. That's it, throw down the racist card when the facts are stated. Typical.

    It's "there's" not "theirs" and "it's" not "is"

  28. Open your own club with your own money.

    The same goes for smokers, non-smokers, etc.

  29. I think the best thing about fuze is the pizza place across the street! Best Pizza in Chicago, Huge slice delicious, just delicious!!! Lincoln Park Pizza serves every customer equally!

  30. It is so sad, we blame each other and argue . We all go out to have fun! What about respect? Let's just respect each other and behave, forget about religion, race, color. If you want to fight.. join a fight club!!


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