Monday, July 11, 2011

Another Lakeview baseball bat attack

A man was beaten with a baseball bat in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood, said police.

A Chicago cabdriver reported the assault around 3:26 a.m.

According to the taxi driver, several black men exited a vehicle and attacked a Hispanic man with a bat. 

The injured man ran inside the Berlin nightclub, 954 West Belmont Avenue, for safety.

According to police dispatch, the attackers were driving a black 1997 Nissan Altima with the license plate: K 5 3 0 4 1 1.

Investigators said the vehicle is registered to an address on the 8700 block of South Manistee Avenue in the South Chicago Neighborhood.

According to a preliminary report, the battery victim was taken to Illinois Masonic Hospital.

The injured man's condition was not disclosed.

On July 5, 2011, a man was beaten with a bat near the corner of Belmont and Sheffield.

Click here for more details.


  1. HA! Like I said before, Lakeview is disgustingly becoming Englewood North! I do feel pretty bad for the homosexuals and "Ellens" in the Boystown community. It's quite sad how Lakeview is now subjected to these South Side animals and their gorilla warfare!

  2. Skokie Swift - Funny coming from someone living in Skokie. I ran the turkey trott this past Thanksgiving, and the skokie was extremely trashy. I will never step in that town again. Skokie is NOT what it was 25 years ago. Englewood of the burbs?

  3. There's nothing wrong with Skokie. Seems like a senseless remark.

  4. Skokie, you obviously don't know anything about lakeview or englewood for that matter. We in Chicago will figure out how to take care of this problem eventually. You on the other hand...will still be stuck in skokie.

  5. Anonymous3:15 said
    "Skokie Swift - Funny coming from someone living in Skokie. I ran the turkey trott this past Thanksgiving, and the skokie was extremely trashy. I will never step in that town again. Skokie is NOT what it was 25 years ago. Englewood of the burbs?"

    First off, I actually live in Edgewater, but I do attend school in Skokie. Secondly, sounds like you were in the south end of Evanston, not Skokie! And I'm pretty sure the lovely township of Skokie can careless about a dumbass like YOU not returning to the North Shore! Good riddance!

  6. .....and to whomever who commented on this forum elsewhere about certain Detroit 'burbs where gay people live in peace.....STFU! Don't give away OUR secrets. Can't wait to get back! This place is a mess. An absolute mess!

    A broken window of a beautiful car is the worst we'd ever had to deal with. No bodily injury. Our "establishments" took care of us and appreciated our $$.

  7. Skokie Swift - and Edgewater is any better? You're dumbass is the one that quite apparently, can't afford lakeview (or any other area, since there are many nicer areas than edgewater)! And yes, Skokie is sorta trashy now.

  8. Give Skokie Swift a little time. I suspect Lakeview property values are going to be dropping. LoL

  9. @Anonymous9:23-

    Well I'm into women so Lakeview isn't quite my style. And last time I checked, my Edgewater Beach high-rise pad is rather expensive and on par with some Lincoln Park prices. You sound like a hater! You're insulting a suburb in which has nothing to do with my residence, all because of my username on a blog?! LMAO! What a loser! I know the South Side can be very discouraging but you don't have to be that bitter and jealous. You animals are quite laughable!

    Gotta love the anonymous posters!

  10. LOL @ beachwater highrise in edgewater. You paid lincoln park prices? Smart move in overpaying for a condo in that crappy neighborhood.

  11. Gold Coast master,
    Actually, it's NOT a crappy neighborhood and how would YOU know anyway? Shall I ASS-ume that YOU live in the Gold Coast as people ASS-ume Skokie Swift lives in Skokie??? Here's another tidbit. It's the ONLY area in ALL of Chicago from the far south side to the far north side where the high rises are ACTUALLY ON the lakefront with many of them right on the beaches. Doesn't sound like a crappy neighborhood to me and I also live in one of those beachfront high rises. Plus, the area has LESS crime than RP & Uptown put together. Nope, NOT crappy at all!

  12. @towanda: So? First of all, you're way up north, and the neighborhood is definitely not better or has less crime. You're way too close to rogers park and that 5000 n. clark area is shady. TBH, you're so far from the might as well move to the burbs. Crime isn't better there...sorry to break it to you...and i'm pretty sure there aren't good restaurants there either...which you the whole point of living in th city? city life?

  13. @towanda, Your neighborhood clearly sucks. You don't have the Gay community, your neighborhood doesn't attract a bunch of loser tourists, you don't have yuppsters sniffing their own farts at the whole foods, you don't have to pay for a parking spot, you don't have hippster assholes on Vespas, hell even black people don't see fit to mob in your neighborhood.

    And worst of all ... you might have to take advantage of one of Chicago's many outlets to commute to another neighborhood. CITY LIFE!!!!1 >:O

  14. Lmao at the Edgewater Beach haters! Gotta love how the hate for Skokie township, has turned into a hate-fest for Edgewater... just because I live there. LOL! Jealous are you? You act like I live on the pathetic ass South Side or West Side. Dude, don't let you personal hate for Skokie Swift let you make a total ass out of yourself on a blog, by tearing down an area that only makes Chicago News Report news on small things like robberies and NOT on front papers or major broadcast news in the same fashion as Englewood, South Shore, Roseland, Chatham, or even LAKEVIEW!! LOL!

    If you're going to hate... at least in a logical way be a good hater! Dumbass!

  15. Well Wrigley Field is in Lakeview so of course Lakeview would be more tourist attraction-friendly. Edgewater is more residential and beach-friendly. But any area that has more attractions like night life and ball parks, will attract massive scumbags and ghetto behavior! So for Lakeview, it's a gift and a curse LOL. Exactly why I can careless about that area, and would never live there. Most black animals don't know a thing about Edgewater. The only blacks that end up finding out about Edgewater, are the ones who end up getting CHA voucher'd in Rogers Park, Uptown, or Evanston! South Side blacks can careless about the Upper North Side of Chicago. Which is a good thing! Lol

    R.I.P. Lakeview!!

  16. Anonymous@11:34,
    Shows you what you know or in this case DON'T know. 5000 N Clark is around Argyle which is the north end of UPTOWN. You have NO CLUE about Edgewater but nice try. You're just jealous because you have LSD and Lincoln Park between you and the beach/lake. As far as the crime goes, WRONG again! The crime from RP and Uptown IS far worse and guess why? We DO NOT have as many SRO'S, shelters or slum lords here...gee, I wonder IF that might have something to do with our Alderman OR the fact that people are involved here? Hmmmm. Guess you were in need of a demographic/history lesson. YOU don't KNOW a thing about Edgewater so just admit it. You can keep your tourist "attractions" and the high price of real estate for a shoebox. Oh, and Andersonville also borders Edgewater, is in the same ward and is much nicer with LESS crime! Too bad YOU didn't know about our little secret gem up here. YOU lose!

  17. Anonymous@12:08

    Absolutely LOVED the sarcasm:) When you put it that thank you!

  18. I live in Lakeview and the crime here has gotten worst!!! Everyone here just seems completely helpless against gang bangers. Me and my gf are considering moving to Wicker park when our least is up in a few months.

  19. The Dude,
    I think the COH is the biggest problem in Lakeview. I lived there when the "strip" was just getting started and it was a pretty safe area than. Heck, as a woman, I could leave a bar with friends, walk over to the Melrose to eat and than walk home without any problems. Today, if I lived there, I wouldn't even consider that. I don't get why these ghetto thugs don't understand that they create ghetto neighborhoods because people leave a great area due to crime...their crime! I would look at Wicker Park closer if I were you. Sadly, they are having some problems as well. The ghetto thugs are really like roaches in this city...they're everywhere but some areas aren't nearly as bad as others. Just do your homework BEFORE you decide. Good luck!

  20. The Dude, I think you should come live in the gold coast. That's the place to be. Don't live in poor neighborhoods like Edgewater, Skokie, Lakeview or Wicker Park.

  21. Yeah Towanda, Lakeview has just gotten to shady for me. I see alot of characters that obviously don't belong here. The Center refuse to own up to the awful blacks they attract that cause trouble. Some of them trespass into residential property to do drugs and god knows what else. I love the melrose and me my friends go there a lot but only during the day. I've had several neighbors get ambushed and robbed getting out of a taxi at 4am. My girl have had multiple incidents of being followed from the Belmont train stop or 22 bus stop by potential rapists or whatever on her way home from work. I had to get my work scheduled changed just so I can meet her every night to make sure she safe. Myself have been mugged once, right on quiet ass Melrose and Sheridan. All of these disturbing incidents are by blacks, blacks that obviously don't live here and we are fed up with it. Lakeview attracts really bad black people and the police are too lazy. If its not happening by wrigley field or by the Lincoln park boarder on Diversey then they can careless! I agree with some of the comments about Lakeview going down the drain.

  22. So, once again, my intuition is correct. I NEVER go out on Halsted St. on the weekend. Used to on Sunday nights but even they make Detroit (yup) look admirable.

    Really fun guy from one of your "better hoods" wanted to go out on Saturday. I didn't want to but he wanted to sing (ya know, that 'lil' place up 'north'). Cute. Fun too. Police action up there with the paddy wagon and a squad car right outside the joint. "Owner" even concerned. Only one drink in me. I didn't even want that one.

    So my bud wants something to eat. He is really FUN, the ONLY fun one I've met here in 5 years. Says "Nookies". I've heard of it, then realized it's at "ground zero". "No way", I say. I'm headed home. He convinces me.'ve got the "homies" all over their steps. Can't even enter without an "excuse me" (and THEN they ain't even budgin').

    Host taking us to our table, waiter right on time, another employee standing there "guardin' the yard" but ain't budgin' either. Just waiting for them to start sumpthin'.

    Halsted St. businesses......a simple "we're going to have to ask you to move from the entrance" would suffice. They're blocking the entrance! No reaction? Call the police.

    First time at "Nookies". I'll never patronize them again. They have no respect for themselves, nor me.

    You're getting exactly what you deserve "Boystown". Don't boys have balls?

  23. P.S. Back in "my day" it used to be Gay/Lesbian. Your LGBQTG.LMNOP tell me what you think of me has caused this mess. Some of us had a real, real hard time discovering "what was wrong with us" when we realized we were gay. Many of us where what you simply call "White". Some of us "White" people grew up in government subsidized housing as well. I was one of them.

    My single parent did not allow me to roam the streets at night. I was 23 when I "came out". I was like a kid in a candy store when I discovered that I wasn't the "only one" when going to a gay bar. I embraced the scene for what it was worth. I didn't try to shut it down.

  24. Right Gold Coast Master, like your "Gold Coast" and "Mag Mile" aren't having problems and MORE problems than we are having. Time to take off your rose colored glasses, your money doesn't protect you..IF you even have any because I know there are shelters and SRO'S in the Gold Coast as well. Oh, is that Meth clinic still there too? You know, the one on State a little north of Elm? How about the Mark Twain on Division? I know that's still open. Good thing they closed The Cedar down, what a dump and FULL of dealers and ghetto thugs! Yep, time to take the rose colored glasses off, the Gold Coast is easy pickings now days, people just have to pay more to get mugged, beat up, caught in mob action and on & on. Edgewater has the Gold Coast beat all to hell as far as crime goes, turning on the news proves that! maybe you should change your name to "ROSEY"...

  25. wtf_r_u_fools_thinking!July 13, 2011 at 3:15 AM

    Hey, I have an idea! Take all the "ghetto thugs" and "bad blacks," that infiltrate Lakeview/Boystown, round them up, and exterminate them! You know, the same way Hilter exterminated the Jews! I mean afterall, they are the ONLY "animals" responsible for crimes that are practically creating a new wave of "white flight..."

    Oh, and after that, allow Conservative Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians to round up all the "elitist gays" of Lakeview/Boystown and exterminate them as well! I mean they are, afterall, a threat to the very nature of what constitutes morally acceptable behavior and societal normalacy. What the hell are they thinking? Wanting equality, INCLUSION, and the right to marry/raise a family under the "right", "privilege", and "protection" of FEDERAL LAW....

    Do those simple things and PROBLEM SOLVED!!!!Lakewiew/Boystown will be restored to its "original" know before it was infiltrated by all "the elitist gays", "the ghetto thugs", "the bad blacks." Then maybe the rest of the world will sleep better at night...




    Some say this is simply about fighting crime and has nothing to do with race? Really? Kind of hard to believe considering the following DOCUMENTED incidents that have occurred within the "diverse and openly accepting" gayborhood...

    1. Shirley Q Liquor (Charles Knipp), BLACK FACE, Hydrate, May of 2011.....

    (Although cancelled, the mere booking of an act like this is repugnant, vile and disgusting. Is it 1911 or 2011? Kind of hard to tell sometimes...)

    2. Racial slurs, just AND unjust banning, The Closet, June of 2011...

    I could go on with more example, but frankly, there is no need. The senseless and violent crime that is alive and well in Lakeview/Boystown needs be handled effectively, insofar as it is sensitive to the blatant racism and bigitory that is not only clearly existent, but from the perspectives of some, rampant, intolerable, divisive, and ultimately, dejectory.

  26. It's ok, Towanda. My "rose colored glasses" cost much more than your tiny condo on the crappy beach in Edgewater. I'll be fine living in my life of luxury while your peasant a$$ lives in a dump.

  27. I DOUBT that Gold Coast but nice try. Guess you decided NOT to respond to the unsavory things you have in the Gold Coast..gee wonder how I knew those things..hmmm could be I use to live on Bellevue and can tell you plenty about the gold coast BUT you have never lived here so you don't have a clue what you are talking about. TaTa

  28. wtf,
    Are you one of those "Gender Just" nazi's or something? I happen to know the people who own the Closet, went in there probably BEFORE YOU were ever born and trust me, you are making crap up! There were all kinds of people in there and they are not racist. Here's something else to put in your pipe and smoke, I was banned from there as well many years ago...oh, did I mention I'm white...for acting like an idiot when I was drunk and high and stupid way back then. The BEHAVIOR is what prompts businesses to ban/bar people fool! You just don't get it. RACIST my ass, that's just some overused word that at one time meant change, now it's just like the boy who cried wolf all the time. GROW up and take at look at the behavior of those coming into the neighborhood wanting "Acceptance"! If they want acceptance than THEY need to change THEIR behavior! KIDS MY ASS! Ghetto thugs more like it! If not for the people who came before them and YOU, there would not be a Boystown and trust me when I say we experienced FAR more hatred than you or your ghetto thugs will ever know there now! GROW UP! Take some history courses on Stonewall and by all means, keep shoving your crap down everyones throat for "change"...that will help..NOT!

  29. wtf,
    Oh and all you have to do is look at this site, that reports the crimes that the mainstream media doesn't, to understand WHY people have had enough. These ghetto thugs and probably you, bring it on themselves and then, when people have had enough, scream "racism"....I have to agree with your name..WTF!

  30. You people all sound like complete idiots.

  31. I agree with the previous poster, you all sound like idiots.

    "Blah, blah, blah, my neighborhood is better than yours, blah, blah, blah, your place prolly sucks & mine is sooooo cool, blah blah blah."

    How about sticking to the topic at hand from the article - what can the law abiding citizens of neighborhoods that are being infiltrated by crime & violence seeking hoodrats able to do to keep those problems out & maintain the safety of their neighborhoods?

  32. Big Al,
    Part of my comments were pointing out that EVEN the Gold Coast has it's share of crime and why. I was also pointing out that Edgewater does not have the vast amount of crime that Uptown or RP has (yet) and said it might be because of our Alderman, community involvement and not as many shelters or SRO'S, which to me, is a large part of the problems these neighborhoods are facing. Though I forgot to mention all the SEC8 and CHA housing that don't seem to be monitored. It wasn't about "my neighborhood is better than your neighborhood" though I can see how that might be perceived. At least it wasn't on my part. As stated, the Alderman and community involvement helps with the crime issues. We have positive loitering here, we call 911 when something looks suspicious, we call 311 and the alderman's office to report graffiti. Community involvement is a big part of keeping a neighborhood safe or changing a bad neighborhood. Try to read between the lines.

  33. WTF..aka; Gender Just,
    Your agenda is plain and clear. Name calling is what Gender Just does best. Notice I NEVER called you names so who is resorting to inciting racism and bigotry because YOU are not acknowledging your very own rants of hatred. Talk about a hypocrite. Again I say to you, though I truly believe it falls on deaf ears, CHANGE the behavior and the attitudes change. You are a youngster who simply reads about events that those of my age ACTUALLy went through so YOU and your bigoted agenda can try and find a "safe place". Bringing your vigilantly attitude to a neighborhood that many people suffered hatred to establish is simply a product of your very young thinking and lack of experience. WTF indeed!

    "FOOLS LIKE YOU ARE A WASTE OF MY TIME!" AND YET, you keep who's the fool?

    You've been doing the same thing on the TBB site. Inciting anger and hatred. Trust me, Your comments are full of what you truly are! I guess you don't think calling someone a "faggot" is a bigoted remark? Both parties created the problem and since it was a Friday night, I would imagine the barkeep didn't catch it at first...ya know, busy and everything. You simply go find articles that you can than perpetuate your hatful agenda. I heard about that innocent, know the owners, talk to them about it and there really are ALWAYS two sides to a story..YOU seem to forget that. Go away, your for real hatred is part of the problem. Change will NEVER come as long as people like you are so hypocritical!

    Tell me where I made, what you perceive, is a racist comment? Go ahead, make a bigger fool out of yourself.


  34. Sorry, but another major issue you have here now is a sense of distrust and disrespect amongst the business owners and the "regulars".

    They've lost me (well, my $$ in their eyes) until they man-up and put an action plan in place.

    I'm not contributing my extra $20-30 left over every week (after a 67% income tax increase in this mess of a state) to some "charity" for AIDS (i.e. shut down your bath houses oops "health clubs"), the "homeless", civil "unions", gay black "youth", blah, blah, blah.

    It's a new Obamanation Chicago. Time to get with "the times".

    When I hear the business owners have contributed to that "action plan", you might have my hard earned gay buck again. Meanwhile, keep courting Courtney from Naperville and her bridal party or Thelonious from Gary to pay your 3rd mortgages.


    "Diversity" is great, ain't it?

  35. is there really any point to these remarks about Edgewater or Skokie? the point is people are being beat up in Lakeview and its unacceptable, thank you to the cab driver who got the license plate, if your gay you should be able to walk anywhere. black gay men who are upset with their community, should confront their pastors and community and not beat up others that are like themselves.


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