Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Edgewater neighborhood shooting: Man shot in the back

A man was shot in the back in Chicago’s Edgewater neighborhood, said police.

The shooting occurred around 11:15 p.m., in the middle of the 6100 block of North Kenmore Avenue, said authorities.

According to an officer at the scene, a man was shot in the lower left back outside 6134 North Kenmore Avenue.

Witnesses saw four or five men, at least two of them described as African-American, running from the area after the shots were fired.

One tipster said the shooters fled the scene in a silver Infiniti with blue headlights and tinted windows.

The getaway car was reportedly parked in the parking lot at Kindred Chicago Lake Shore Hospital at 6130 North Sheridan Road.

According to a resident in the area, a stray bullet shattered her apartment window at 6150 North Kenmore Avenue.

A vehicle parked in a nearby parking lot was also struck by gunfire, said police. 

The gunshot victim was taken in unknown condition to St. Francis Hospital in Evanston, Illinois.

At the time of this report, investigators were interviewing several potential witnesses.

Copyright © 2011 - Chicago News Report


  1. But doesn't Chicago have a "gun ban"? I believe Illinois is now the only state without a CCW available. Liberalism at it's best.

    Happy "gun ban" Chicago. Only the criminals have guns.

    Oh and doesn't Edgewater pride itself on "diversity"? Puke. Puke.

  2. Why don't we ever hear about white shooters running away from crime scenes?

  3. Liberalism at "it's" best? Here's a quick grammar lesson: it's = it is. It's not the possessive.

    Here's a quick logic lesson. How CCW would prevent gang shootings in Edgewater is a mystery. Seems to me the problem is too many people buy guns legally, then legally sell them at gun shows, etc., to people who are going to use them to shoot each other over drugs, etc. Imagine all of the fellows who like shooting legally carrying guns. That would be a dream. There's a reason the police support sensible gun restrictions. And no the reason is not so they can take your freedom away.

    And finally, diversity. What does this have to do with diversity? Perhaps by "diversity" you mean something more nefarious. But that would be kind of racist. And I'm sure you don't want to suggest that Edgewater's thriving multi-ethnic population is to blame for GD gang violence.

  4. Well, now I have experienced everything here. I finally heard gunshots, about 6 of them. At first I thought it was some idiot shooting off left over fireworks. I went out on our balcony and saw undercover cop cars racing from Broadway, fire trucks and CPD cars racing down Glenlake...nope, not fireworks, they don't do that for fireworks. Just what I wanted to experience in this city, the sound of gunshots and it wouldn't surprise me in the least IF these ghetto thugs didn't even live here!

    Of course I had to come to CNR to get the news since the mainstream media doesn't give us a heads up. Thanks Timothy:)

  5. Edgewater does pride itself on diversity. Unfortunately, for some people that includes criminal diversity. I'd prefer diverse people from all over the world, but only the law abiding ones.

  6. To anon at 8:52 AM, you should take a look at gunfacts.info. Although this site might be pro gun, their statistics seem to be convincing enough. Some points from the 111 page article:

    "Fact: Only 0.7% of convicts bought their firearms at gun shows. 39.2% obtained them
    from illegal street dealers.
    Fact: Less than 1% of “crime guns” were obtained at gun shows.88 This is a reduction
    from a 1997 study that found 2% of guns used in criminal offenses were purchased at gun
    Fact: The FBI concluded in one study that no firearms acquired at gun shows were used
    to kill cops. “In contrast to media myth, none of the firearms in the study were obtained
    from gun shows.”
    Fact: 93% of guns used in crimes are obtained illegally (i.e., not at gun stores or gun
    Fact: It seems to be
    slowing down property
    crime (especially
    burglaries). The chart
    shows the legal
    handgun supply in
    America (mainly in
    civilian hands) to the
    property crime rate.
    Fact: Every day 550
    rapes, 1,100 murders,
    and 5,200 other violent
    crimes are prevented
    just by showing a gun.
    In less than 0.9% of
    these instances is the
    gun ever actually
    Fact: 60% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they
    knew the victim was armed. 40% of convicted felons admitted that they avoided
    committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed.
    Fact: Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because
    they fear being shot.
    Fact: 59% of the burglaries in Britain, which has tough gun control laws, are “hot
    burglaries”70 which are burglaries committed while the home is occupied by the
    owner/renter. By contrast, the U.S., with more lenient gun control laws, has a “hot
    burglary” rate of only 13%."

    Before you dismiss this with your "logic", without even looking at the document, each fact is supported with a source at the bottom of the page.

  7. I just wanted to apologize for the format of my last post, it may be hard to read but the point is made. It seems to me that the anon poster from 8:52 likes to preach about the facts without actually knowing them. I urge everyone, for or against ccw permits, look at facts presented from both sides. Living in a world where you think you know everything only leads to ignorance.

  8. Anonymous gun facts guy. You don't really get logic, but I'll try again.

    Logic lesson #1: armed criminal gang violence has nothing to do with whether or not a law-abiding citizen can carry a concealed weapon (other than, as I argued, increase access to guns on the part of criminals).

    Unless you're some kind of racist, ethnic and religious diversity have nothing to do with armed gang violence in Edgewater.

    Finally, armed gang violence is not an argument for looser or less restrictive gun control policies, as you seem to suggest.

  9. Anon guy who knows everything about logic.

    Here is a legal definition of "gang violence": Gang violence means criminal and non political acts of violence committed by a group of people who regularly engage in criminal activity against innocent people.

    Logically if these gang members engage in criminal activity against innocent people, the innocent people with ability to apply for ccw permits may do so for protection. The ccw permits then logically will create the ability for more INNOCENT people to LEGALLY carry a weapon. This should reduce gang violence against innocent people, as is proven with the facts I provided.

    I personally could care less if gang bangers want to kill each other, I'm purely worried about innocent people getting shot. This article does not indicate whether both members were gang bangers, I was going on the assumption the man shot was an innocent person. This may be incorrect but either way my point stands. CCW permits will reduce gang violence against innocent people because it will allow innocent people to carry weapons to defend themselves. Where is my logic flawed?

  10. By the way I'm done arguing with you over this unless you can support what you say with some type of source, not just your impressing "logical" mind. I do not need your logic lessons so stop repeating your argument of, "criminals will obviously have way more access to guns if non felons have the ability to buy and carry them."

  11. Dear Guy who continues not to get logic:

    I was around the scene last night, and on that basis (and the fact that robbery was not mentioned here) I'm going on the view that this was an instance of gang-bangers shooting each other. If so, that doesn't make your point at all.

    You have no remarks about how "diversity" has caused this. Still waiting for an explanation of the logic of that claim. Perhaps you'd support some kind of racial purity policy for Edgewater--armed whites only.

  12. I was not the first person to post, have never said anything about diversity causing this, therefore I will not try to argue this. I do appreciate how you have never actually used anything I said, other then attacking me on being illogical and a possible racist in order to prove your points. Diverting attention away from a point with personal attacks is a very logical thing to do. Thank you for that. Like I said, I am done with you, I can only hope that the "logical" people that read through this will actually see the point I was getting at. Good day.

  13. Well, if you weren't the first guy to post about CCW, then my comments obviously weren't directed at you. My apologies--though that should have been obvious to you from the very beginning, given the content of my remarks.

    Your comments, however, continue to bear little relation to the actual news story. Gang bangers shooting each other (and possibly innocent by standers) does not make for a very good argument for CCW.

    There may be in fact other perfectly great arguments for CCW, etc., but that really doesn't have anything to do with the current issue.

  14. I can assure you that I was not that person, although I probably should of clarified that from the beginning to avoid this. I also apologize, I only brought up the CCW argument because:
    A. I didn't see that this was a definite case of gang on gang violence, although it is suspect and,
    B. In your first response I interpreted Gang Shootings as gang members possibly shooting innocent people, not just other gang members.

    I totally see where you are coming from, and I hope vice versa is true. I strongly believe ccw permits are advocated against based on myth that are popular belief. This prevents innocent people, such as myself, from legally carrying a weapon for protection.

  15. Agreed. I generally don't favor CCW and thought this was a bad argument for it--though I'll be the first to admit there might be other better arguments.

  16. This happened right outside my building and I thought it was fireworks, until I heard a guy yelling he had been shot. scared the hell out of me.

  17. Can someone tell me why people along Granville from Sheridan to Broadway, keep supporting the
    panhandlers/druggies? Check out the bench in front of the Metropolis...disgusting. I will not frequent any business that supports or allows this. Speak up with your dollars. If the Granville business owners allow all low-life to block the entrance and take up residence on their only outside bench or more usual, on the ground in front of the business like Gino's East do not spend money there.And what about the Loyola rent a cops? The area near the Red-line at night is as creepy as it gets. The shooting last night is a direct result of residents turning a blind eye on all the street crap that we all know is going on. When you see someone in the alleyway hiding in the shadows call 911. What do you think their doing there? Contemplating life's mysteries?Residents and business owners take action or leave. I want my neighborhood to be safe and fun and I for one am taking action. Beware you street creeps druggies and thugs. I will call 911 every single time I see you invading our space. By not calling 911 and staying vigilant you are condoning this violence and disgusting blight on our beautiful neighborhood.
    Mike from Edgewater

  18. I don't care what any of you think. I'd feel more comfortable and safe if I were able to legally carry a gun to defend myself.

    I don't think cc would prevent gang members from shooting at each other... they already know each other have guns. But it might make criminals think twice before attacking a guy who is out numbered of who can be physically overpowered because he migth pull out a .45 revolver and fire off a few 410 shotgun shells into his face.

    I'd feel more comfortable being armed sometimes.


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