Sunday, June 12, 2011

Man assaulted at Roscoe’s on Halsted Street

Around 3 a.m., police were called to a Lakeview neighborhood bar.

According to police dispatch, a man was attacked at Roscoe’s, 3356 North Halsted Street.

A man, who was bleeding from the head, was hit with a bottle, said a 911 caller.

The concerned citizen also said several bar patrons were trying to push the injured man outside, so his attackers could finish the job.

At 3:04 a.m., a second 911 call indicated police bypassed the offenders, as the suspects fled to a nearby Walgreens.

It’s unclear if police made contact with the assailants.

The victim refused medical treatment and did not want to file a police report, said an officer at the scene.


  1. A fight at a gay bar?! I thought the gays were peaceful people.

  2. Just shows there are ghetto trash in all groups.

  3. Based on personal experience, it's the gay Chicago mouths that usually cause this to happen (especially the short ones with the Napolean Complexes).

    A straight female co-worker literally asked me to shut one of them up one night (living down the block from Sidetrack, she and her husband always wanted to go in).

    After 20+ years generally having a great time at gay clubs in a city which most of you have a disdain for (but have never been) the worst I ever experienced was getting wet from a drink being thrown from a cat fight across the room.

    One of the "big boys" on the Halsted strip still owes me a round for sparing their window in place of damaging my shoulder for my rational self telling me not to kill one of those punks.

    I don't know what the drug of choice is out here, never got into that scene, but it's definitely affecting their judgement and memories. It's not alcohol.

  4. gay people make me sick

  5. Gay people in Chicago have literally made me sick too. I'd prefer to identify myself as homosexual because gay just does not fit.

  6. Oh dear God, you all sound like the drama queens now! WTH? I'm a gay man who occasionally hangs in Lincoln Park and I've seen just as bad (and worse) behavior in that hood with the straight frat boys. And for Mr. Anonymous Homosexual at 6:05, gay does not fit? Get over yourself, really.

  7. Your're disgusting gay people here. Disgusting and give us all a bad name. Should have seen the drama outside Roscoe's tonight - at 10:00 PM no less. Chicago is where gay freaks come to live because they can't fit in anywhere else. (Signed, Homo @ 6:05).

  8. When the less than desirable started coming into boystown, the place went down hill. I lived in the 700 block of Melrose in the late 80's and NONE of us worried about closing down the bars and walking home or going over to the Melrose. It's not about gay people, it's about the type and quality of the "gay" people going there now. Trust me, many ghetto thugs will go into those bars to "hunt" for their next victim as he or she stumbles out of the bar. Now, the ones who made BoysTown what it is, are all grown up and don't go there anymore.

  9. homosexuals make me sick

  10. Anonymous@10:51,
    People like YOU make me sick. If you are a black person, than YOU should know about discrimination. If you are not, than YOU probably hate black people and any other person who's different than YOU. YOU are part of the problem. How's that working out for YOU???

  11. As if Mothers, Sluggers & the other Sports bars don't have routine fights...


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