Friday, April 15, 2011

Woman robbed in front of Greyhound bus station

A woman who was described by police as an “out-of-towner”, was robbed at a Chicago bus terminal.

The robbery was reported around 12:46 a.m. and occurred at the Greyhound bus station at 630 West Harrison Street.

The offender, whose race was never mentioned, was described a 45 to 50-year-old man, who is approximately 5’11” to six-feet-tall, and 170 to 200 pounds.

He was last seen wearing all black clothing and a baseball cap.

According to the Greyhound robbery victim, the suspect never brandished a weapon.

No further details are available.

1 comment:

  1. Finally a crime report that doesn't mention the suspect's race or complexion... a largely irrelevant and growingly inaccurate description that tpp often perpetuates stereotypes.

    For instance, how does a victim describe multiracial people? Does they break it down: well officer, he was 1/4 white, 1/4 native americak, 1/2 black? No, of course. He's just black or has 'dark complexion'.

    And on behalf of the female visitor, I apologize for such a rude welcome to Chicago.

    If we were to issue an arrest warrant for President Obama for his continued war crimes against the people of Pakistan via illegal drone bombings, he would be described as black or medium complexion even though his white, war~mongering, pro-corporate side is why he does it.


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