Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sexual, racial slurs hurled at Uptown gym

What happened to the good old days when you could go to a gym, get your work-out on, and go home in peace?

World Gym: 909 W. Montrose. Photo: Insider Pages.
Police were summoned to a North Side Uptown neighborhood fitness center, after a male patron began to verbally assault and sexually harass another male customer, said police.

According to police dispatch reports, the incident occurred around 4:04 p.m. at World Gym, 909 West Montrose Avenue.

Apparently, a man on the second floor, where the free weights and strength training equipment is kept, made racial and sexual comments to another man using the facility.

The 911 caller said he would point out the offender to the cops, once they arrived.

No further details are available, but I’m sure there were plenty of witnesses. That gym is usually packed on Saturdays.


  1. black on White. No doubt.

    I've never been called Whitey or Cracker in my 40+ years in/out of Detroit but it seems to be the norm here in Chicago. Ya'llz think it's funny 'til you're set straight. "Diversity" in Uptown/Edgewater is so abundant though, right?

    Oh, can't forget being called "John Boy" outside Big Chicks one night. You'd think you stepped back to 1962 in this city. Seriously.

  2. John Boy?! Wow! Never heard that one before.

  3. Yup, never will forget that one. She backed off after I used the (omg) "N" word in retaliation.

    Seriously, use the word "Whitey" in Dearborn, MI or "n****r" in Detroit and see what happens. Just see what happens.

    It's a 1962 free-for-all in Chicago and it's appalling. Diversity? Please, f'in Please!

  4. Anonymous@8:01;
    Here's the deal. As long as innocent people, many of whom are white, keep getting mugged, robbed, beat & burglarized and as long as we continually hear about all the gang shootings and innocent victim shootings, Chicago will never be a diverse city. We are not much further along now, in the 21st century than we were last century. Why? Because crime has gotten way out of control and when it's being committed by a certain culture, it breeds a dislike for that culture. Plain & simple.

  5. May be too late for Chicago--middle class blacks got sick of being victimized by thugs and have been moving out of the city in droves. Even Chatham is getting scary now.

  6. seriously a detroiter telling us how it is better back home. LOL!! Half your blank suburban 20 somethings have moved here. I was just in Detroit about two months ago. What a disaster. In no way do we need a lecture from a transplant from there. That city needs serious help.

    What is it with you Detroiters? Perhaps the most dismal people.

  7. I shopped at the Jewel on that corner and I was trying to cross Montrose to catch the 151 back home. I was wearing headphones and some idiot was yelling and yelling and yelling at me. When I passed him he was yelling "Beep Beep mother*bleep*! Beep Beep mother*bleep*. So somehow, I was so massively obese that he couldn't cross the street with his grocery cart full of junk. Cocaine is a hell of a drug, huh? I moved out of Uptown after too many incidents like this.

  8. I moved out of Uptown for the same reasons. Too many jerks, thieves, and bums!

  9. Too many undesirable buildings in Uptown. Hopefully the new Alderman will clean up the streets in Uptown and make it more of a desirable place to live. The ghetto element is everywhere on just about every street. An Alderman has to be deaf,dumb and blind not to see what's happening there. Oh wait, the outgoing Alderman wanted all these undesirable buildings in Uptown so she got more TIF money. What a great trade off...NOT!
    What's that saying "you get what you pay for"......


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