Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Rogers Park: Second man robbed on Sheridan Road

Approximately two hours after a man was robbed at Sheridan and Lunt, a second man was robbed several blocks south of that location.

Police are investigating a 10:25 p.m. robbery at the intersection of North Sheridan Road and West Columbia Avenue, which is approximately 6750 North Sheridan Road.

The victim was accosted by a black man in his twenties wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans.

The suspect stole the victim's iPhone, said police.

The offender has a dark complexion, is approximately 5’10”, and 190 pounds. His hair was styled in braids or dreadlocks.

No further details are available.

Click HERE to read about the robbery at Sheridan and Lunt.


  1. Great, just what we need, a serial mugger/robber on Sheridan Rd. Don't you ghetto thugs have ANY respect? Don't you have ANY feelings of guilt? Don't you EVEN care? Maybe the rest of us should break the law and carry a weapon like the ghetto thugs do. Nah, I have too much RESPECT, would have too much GUILT and I CARE too much. Something these ghetto thugs no nothing about. OMG, we need that conceal carry bill passed to even the field out.

  2. Towanda, sociopaths aren't known for their sensitivity. ;-)

    I don't care what anyone says. Some people are hopeless and cannot be saved. And that's the reason Illinois needs to reinstate the death penalty.

  3. Don't victimise one another, fight the real enemy, I refuse to fear those who are acting out of desperation and insecurity. I suppose that I am lucky in that I have nothing to be stolen (especially note an enslavingly expensive iPhone, why would you want one?) Stand up to all who would threaten. If this person seeks to harm me or any I know they will have steel toe boots in stuck in their soon to be missing teeth.

  4. Anonymous, I'm with you on that one. Not into being a victim and maybe we all should decide to not be victims. Hell, little old ladies attack punks, so can we:) These ghetto thugs seem to be instilling fear in people, which is what they want, and than they will own the streets. Get pepper spray, carry something heavy that can clock them and aim for the "family jewels"!


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