Thursday, January 13, 2011

Woman's Screams Frighten Lakeview Robber

A woman in the area of 640 West Roscoe Street frightened a would-be mugger away, by screaming.

The incident happened around 9:30 p.m., near the intersection of West Roscoe Street and North Elaine Place in Chicago's Lakeview neighborhood.

The victim said an African-American man approached her and demanded her cell phone, when the woman began to scream - the thief ran away.

Police said the suspect was wearing mostly dark-colored clothing and is about 5'8" with a slim build. He was last seen running westbound on Roscoe Street. 

On January 3, 2011, a woman was robbed in this same area.


  1. Now that's the ticket! Scream like Janet Leigh!

  2. LMAO! Too funny!

    On a serious note... Lakeview needs to have a talk with their alderman. Anytime a neighborhood dominates my blog, it's not a good thing.

  3. I totally agree! What the hell is Tom Tunney doing besides sitting in Ann Sather? The residents of that neighborhood should be "screaming" about this.

  4. Someone is prowling Rosco. Wasn't there another incident in the 700 block a week or so ago? People, eyes WIDE open over there!

  5. A link to that other incident is highlighted in BLUE.

    Here's the thing: unless they have a scanner, know a cop in the area, or read my blog, how would the neighborhood know what is going on? Most of this stuff NEVER makes the news. And if it does, it's printed WEEKS after it happened.

  6. Well, you have a point there Timothy. We are dependent on you now:)

  7. Local elections are coming up. Perhaps, it's time to vote Tunney out!

    Timothy, the Daley Machine controls the media, which explains why "we" won't see the crimes covered in the dailies. Lakeview lost its' longtime Booster paper in 2006. West Lakeview is now represented by the Roscoe View Journal .

  8. Rudy, thank you for introducing me to the Roscoe View Journal!

  9. Timothy, you're welcome! :)


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