Thursday, January 13, 2011

Uptown: Man Shot in the Leg

This evening, a man was shot in Chicago’s Uptown neighborhood.

The shooting occurred around 7 p.m. at 1049 West Ainslie Street, near the intersection of Ainslie and Kenmore.

The shooting victim was taken to Weiss Memorial Hospital, 4650 North Marine Drive. He is listed in good condition.

According to an officer at Weiss, the man was shot in the lower right leg.


  1. Was this a robbery? Gang related? Innocent victim? Poor Uptown, it doesn't seem to be able to catch a break and have some peace. Inspect the Sec8 and low income for lease violators, inspect the SRO's, hold landlords accountable and responsible for their tenants, make the calls to 911 and 311 to report where the buildings are and the criminals living in them. I know Uptown has always had SOME problems but this is WAY out of control.

  2. Police didn't offer a motive or a description of the shooter. I love Uptown. I really do, but I am so happy I left that neighborhood. The gun violence is TOO much.

  3. What a shame for this neighborhood. It has some great buildings. Too bad they are surrounded by Sec8, low income, SRO's and shelters. Far more of these places than ANYWHERE in the city. How did that happen?

  4. Not only does Uptown have great buildings, there used to be and I still believe there are, a LOT of great people in that neighborhood. I fell in love with Uptown because of its diversity and the overall friendliness of the residents.

    I used to work out at Margate Park. People from all backgrounds and walks of life used to frequent that gym. I met a lot of cops there, too. Became good friends with most of them. But lately, there is a dark cloud over Uptown and it just won't go away.

  5. I was talking to someone "in the know" yesterday about the "boys" in our neighborhood and was told that because the aldermen are leaving soon, inspections on some of the buildings where these criminals live are on hold until the new aldermen take office! WTF! Are you kidding me? The CPD and the aldermen ALL know where these criminals live and yet, inspecting the buildings and busting the landlords is on hold by city inspectors? How exactly does that work? What, they're taking a vacation from doing their JOB!?

  6. A very wise person once said to me, "High levels crime exist, because people at high levels permit it."

  7. Sure, while they have their security team around them and live in gated houses with security cameras and security guarding THEM all day & night. What do they have to fear? God, remember when we used to see beat cops walking the neighborhoods? Man I miss those days. People think they have it better now with all the latest technology and social networking? HA! give me the good old days back when we could walk around at any time of the day or night without fear of getting beat, mugged, robbed raped or shot! Peace of mind is worth far more than ALL of this modern technology! Oh, and yet our crime is so much worse with all this "modern technology". How is that possible?

  8. I miss those days. People were so much nicer back then. I think technology is making mankind less social.

  9. Me TOO! I think everything has become less personel. Just check out the people on their cells, IPods, IPhones and laptops when you're out and about. NO one looks up, talks to anyone, smiles..nothing. I don't have any of those things. My cell is simply for emergencies when we're out. Call our home and leave a message because when we're out, we don't want to be bothered, we're having fun! We decided a few years ago, that whenever we are out, we're going to compliment someone, a complete stranger and we do. Most of the time, it seems to make a persons day, puts a smile on their face and I'm sure makes them feel better. Whenever we are on the bus, when we sit down, we always tell the person we sit down next to "hi" and asked how their day is. You would be surprised how many people will than talk and the friends we have made doing that. I don't get why we all cannot "practice random acts of kindness". It's so easy to do and so rewarding.

  10. towanda, I have watched people sitting in their seats ignoring an elderly person standing on the bus. There have been plenty of times when I have yelled from the back of the bus, "Ms. Would you like my seat?"; while people glare at me like I'M THE STRANGE ONE! LMAO!

    People just aren't thoughtful anymore.

  11. I don't think it's social networking. What about "free will" and "accountability'? Daily, excuses (i.e. fatherless, abused or neglected child) are made for criminals, but rarely (if ever) is accountability mentioned. Even in the Fenger High School, most parents denied their child partaking in the fight, even when the video showed otherwise.

  12. Was that YOU Timothy....just kidding. There is no accountability anymore Rudy. Everyone seems to be in a complete state of denial about their behavior.


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