Sunday, January 9, 2011

Patricia Maisch: One Hero During Arizona Shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Others

Patricia Maisch. Photo: Associated Press.
Oftentimes, when people think of heroes, they think of men. But in my life, some of the bravest people I know, are women.

61-year-old Patricia Maisch from Tucson, Arizona, is a phenomenal human being; a real life Wonder Woman.

When 22-year-old Jared Lee Loughner, the alleged gunman who opened fire at a Tucson, AZ. Safeway grocery store went to reload his Glock 9 mm handgun, Maisch bravely grabbed the bottom of the magazine clip, prevented the crazed gunman from reloading.

Because of Maisch's brave actions and quick thinking, Roger Salzgeber, Bill Badger, and Joseph Zamudio were able to tackle Loughner and disarm him.

Daniel Hernandez, an intern who had only been on the job for five days, is credited with applying pressure to Giffords' wounds and preventing the Congresswoman from choking on her own blood.

To all of the heroes who stepped up to the plate on that tragic day, I say to you: You make me proud to be an American.


  1. Indeed, another wonder woman goes for it. BRAVO!

  2. I want to send her a fruit basket, or something.

  3. I'll split it with you;) Get a huge one!

  4. With all due respect to Mrs. Maisch, concerning her comments that the "Extreme Right" is responsible for this massacre, I would like to say that Jared Loughner's classmates have described him as a "leftwing pothead".....
    Loughner says his favorite books are Mein Kamph and Marx's Communist Manifesto.
    Hitler said that he was a socialist. Marx, of course, was a communist.
    At any rate, this guy was not a right winger. I, personally, am very conservative and I deeply object to people saying that this horrific incident can be attributed to conservatives. Does anyone remember the vitriol and abuse that the Left heaped on George Bush for eight years? Some of them calling for his assassination? This awful stuff goes both ways and it is all our fault.

  5. Sorry Anon--even the Secret Service agrees that threats to public officials, the president in particular, have sky-rocketed since 2008. And most of those are coming from not ordinary conservatives, like you, but from far right extremists. What's terrifying is that the paranoid hate-mongering rhetoric of the right-wing media is influencing already unhinged people like the shooter in Tucson. Combine that with a state where its legal to purchase a military-grade automatic weapon with 30 rounds and you've got an assassination in the making.

  6. Thank you Patricia and Daniel, true heroes and great examples for all. And everybody get't to have an opinion, it doesn't diminish her heroic deed one bit.


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