Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Black Governors State University Professor Questioned After Using Racial Slurs

James Whigham, an African-American University Lecturer at Governors State University in University Park, Illinois, has come under fire for using racial slurs during a political science discussion with his students.

During the lecture, Professor Whigham reportedly used derogatory epithets to describe blacks and Hispanics. Whigham's comments prompted one student to leave the room.

Eric Matanyo, a spokesman for Governors State told FOX Chicago News, "We responded immediately by talking to both the student and the professor. And it's our understanding that the word in question was used in an academic discussion of historical, political context."

The Governors State University's Office of the Provost has launched an investigation.

Watch the FOX Chicago News coverage below:


  1. OMG! The "N" word was a part of the history of black people. If they want everyone to remember their black history than why censor certain words? Black people use that word themselves and this was a BLACK professor! I've heard black people saying it time & again when I'm out & about. Removing it from "Huck Finn" or not allowing it to be said in COLLEGE takes away from the "true" history of blacks. Many other cultures have "terms" that are used to describe that culture and they are not all pretty, I don't see the hispanics, jews, asians, mexicans or any other culture being so sensitive even though those words are offensive as well. Plus, I have heard many black people referring to other cultures by using those negative words as well. I personally think the use of the "N" word is offensive but using it in the context this professor was and taking offense to it is just plain over reacting. What a cry baby this woman is. Why go to the higher ups? Oh, I know, "15 minutes of fame"...

  2. But it's A-OK for "rappers" and everyone else to go ahead and use the word. When the common African-American on the street uses the word, why isn't there all this outrage? I think someone sees this as an opportunity to seek attention by feigning "shock" or as an opportunity to try to sue the school and seek financial gain. Pathetic. Either quit using the word across the board or just let it go. It's a word.

  3. Towanda and anon do either of you have any proof that every single black person in the U.S. uses the n-word? Do either of you have any proof that the woman who was offended by those words uses those derogatory terms? Guys two wrongs never make a right.

  4. Anonymous@6:17. First, I NEVER said EVER black person, you made an assumption and we all know what that means. Second, I can only go by what I hear when I am out & about, as I stated in my comment. And rappers, who are black, do use in it songs. I also NEVER said that women the women used "those derogatory terms" Where is that coming from? Certainly not in my comment. If she was offended by the use of the words the professor used, she did the right thing by walking out of his class. Do I think she needed to get her "15 minute of fame" by making a big deal out of it? NO! She'd already made her point by leaving. Why she felt the need to go on TV is totally beyond me. Sadly, it is what it is.

  5. I always refrain from racial, ethnic, gender and sexuality derogatory words. If the situation warrants, I will call someone asshole , which reflects the person's unwanted behavior.


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