Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Shoplifter Stocks Up at Mag Mile Walgreens

The Walgreens at 430 North Michigan Avenue, on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, was robbed twice by the same shoplifter, within a two-hour period.

After being robbed the second time, someone at the store finally called police at 9:57 p.m.

According to the complainant, the crime was caught on Walgreens’ security cameras.

The shoplifter was described as an African-American man wearing a yellow, orange, and brown hoodie. He is approximately 5’10” and 300 lbs.

Image: Google Earth.


  1. Nothing shocking there, always the same old "MO". Rob us blind and suck us dry. New day same shit.

  2. Police were wondering why it took Walgreens so long to call. According to the 911 caller, they had been watching the man stealing things, and only decided to call police after he came back a second time.

    I know store managers are usually pretty business, but....

  3. listen people!!!!!! thieves know where the easy targets are. this man was robbing walgreens blind because walgreens let him. if it took two robberies for someone to call the cops that says it all! i blame walgreens. get yo money player!!!!!

  4. first off, the comment above me funny and awesome. and true.

    second i wanted to say, "Be on the lookout for a really fat black guy. In Chicago."

    it's gonna be tough finding someone in chicago who is black. or who is fat.


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