Monday, December 27, 2010

Anthony Rapoport, Wilmette Man, Charged With Killing Aunt on Christmas Day

24-year-old Anthony Rapoport of Wilmette, Illinois, has been charged with beating his 49-year-old aunt, Nancee Rapoport, to death with a baseball bat on Christmas Day.

Police said the murder was sparked by a series of on-going arguments between Anthony and his aunt. Police were called to the family home on the 3100 block of Hill Lane, several times. On one occasion, Nancy Rapoport accused her nephew of hiding her cell phone. Another 911 call was precipitated by a confrontation over donuts.

On December 25, 2010, Rapoport reportedly called police stating that he had killed someone in his family home. When police arrived, Nancy's body was on the floor in a pool of blood and Anthony had fled the scene. According to authorities, Anthony Rapoport murdered his aunt because he was tired her nagging him.

Rapoport has been charged with first degree murder and his bond has been set at 8 million dollars.



  1. "Donuts" are you kidding me? This thug killed his Aunt over donuts? Was he on drugs? Is he mental? Just ONE DAY out of the entire year, can't EVERYONE just be nice to one another?

  2. I grew up in Wilmette in the 70's. Everyone know the family and steered clear of them as we all knew they were trouble. A predictable yet sad event.


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