Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sandra Teichow, Woman Who Took Photo of Killer, Last Good Deed Caught on Tape

I am heartbroken and I am outraged. It took me an hour to write this article. Not because I am a slow writer, because my emotions kept getting in the way.

67-year-old Sandra Teichow was like most Americans. She was kind and compassionate. But her wonderful spirit of generosity may have put her in harm's way.

Police say Teichow was beaten to death by 65-year-old Wilbert Leonard Thomas; a career criminal. His motive? He allegedly wanted the quarters Tiechow saved to give to people washing their clothes at a Racine, Wisconsin laundromat.

Thomas was arrested after police discovered his photo on Teichow's cell phone. As she lay dying, Teichow snapped Thomas' picture as he fled the scene. Police say Thomas beat the Good Samaritan with his cane, and strangled her to death.

Police found Teichow's quarters in Thomas' apartment.

Today, I discovered video of Teichow's last good deed. As I watched the video of her generously passing out quarters, knowing hours later, she'd be dead; I felt my heart breaking, again.

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