Monday, October 4, 2010

Rosemary Warren-Morris Allegedly Paid Boy for His (Pee) Urine; Arrested

Shockingly, the current price for a cup of fresh, drug-free pee in Chicago, is $1.

Police say that's how much 51-year-old Rosemary Warren-Morris paid a 9-year-old boy to urinate in a cup for her. Warren-Morris needed the boy's urine in order to pass a drug test for a job she was hoping to get.

The pee-pee incident occurred on October 2, 2010, on the 2900 block of West Harrison Street, after Warren-Morris invited a neighbor's son to her house, and paid him a dollar to pee in a cup.

The 9-year-old, excited about making an easy buck, told his mother, who promptly called the police.

Warren-Morris has been charged with misdemeanor assault.

Even though I told this tale in a rather flip manner, I am taking this incident very seriously. Anyone who manipulates a child into engaging in an illegal or immoral act, in my book, is dangerous.

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