Monday, October 4, 2010

Psycho Joggers Push Fisherman into Lake Michigan at Du Sable Harbor

This story gives a whole new meaning to the phrase, “health nuts”.

Police say 2 sociopaths disguised as joggers, or vices versa, pushed a fisherman into Lake Michigan, for absolutely no reason.

The victim was fishing in the Du Sable Harbor when the attack occurred, Sunday afternoon.

If the fisherman’s friend hadn’t jumped in the water to save him, the man could have drowned. Reportedly, he wasn’t a very good swimmer.

The suspects were described as two jackasses men in their twenties, dressed in running gear.

In 2007, 33-year-old John Haley pushed 62-year-old Du Doan in Lake Michigan at Montrose Harbor. Doan drowned.

A month prior to that incident, Haley pushed another man into Lake Michigan. That victim survived.

During Haley's trial, the defense floated the ridiculous argument that Doan's death was the result of horseplay. The jury didn't buy it, and convicted Haley of involuntary manslaughter.

Frankly, I think he should have been charged with murder.


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