Wednesday, October 13, 2010

2 Police Officers Injured in Crash at Addison and Sacramento

2 police officers, involved in a traffic stop on the 3000 block of West Addison Street, were standing outside of their vehicle, when a citizen's car struck their squad car.

The injured officers were taken to Mount Sinai Hospital.

We are getting conflicting information on the officers' conditions.

One report indicated their injuries were non-life threatening. While other reports state one officer is in critical-to-serious condition, and the other is in serious-to-fair condition.

Through our own investigation, we have learned that an offender is in custody.

UPDATE: At 10:34 p.m., a police officer at the hospital announced that both officers are in stable condition.

1 comment:

  1. This block is the border, between the Irving Park and Avondale communities.


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