8:51 p.m. -- What started as a simple traffic stop, turned into a dangerous situation for Chicago police officers and the residents of a north side neighborhood.
Police attempted to stop a car, after the driver ran through a red light in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood. According to a female police officer, the car blew a stop light near North Broadway and West Buena Ave. When she attempted to pull the car over, the driver turned off his lights and floored his engine.
During the car chase, the driver allegedly tried to run over a police officer on a bike and purposely struck a police car. At one point, the offending vehicle was traveling southbound - on the wrong side of the street.
At 8:55 p.m., police made the decision to terminate the pursuit.
The driver of the car was described as a male, Hispanic. The female passenger in the vehicle, was also Hispanic. Police described the car as a red, 2001 Audi, with license plate number: 8862747. The car is registered to a woman who lives on the 6200 block of West Berenice Ave.
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