Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Police Car Chase Ends in Portage Park Neighborhood

Photo: Tribune/Chris Sweda.

At 8:51 p.m., a female officer attempted to stop a red, 2001 Audi, after the driver blew through a traffic light near the intersection of North Broadway and West Buena Ave., in Chicago’s Lakeview neighborhood. When the officer attempted to pull the driver over, he reportedly turned off his lights and sped away.

Police followed the car for several blocks. During the high-speed car chase, the driver of the Audi allegedly tried to run over an officer on a bike, and struck a police car.

Because of the driver’s reckless and violent behavior, Lakeview area police terminated the pursuit at 8:55 p.m.

At 9:29 p.m., the red Audi was spotted in the Portage Park neighborhood.

When officers tried to stop the vehicle, the driver reportedly shot at police and attempted to run one officer over. Moments later, it was reported that an officer had been shot.

Later, it was determined that the officer was not shot, but had sustained a leg injury.

At 9:48 p.m., police secured a crime scene on the 3900 block of West Marmora Ave., in Chicago’s Portage Park neighborhood. At 9:50 p.m., an ambulance was called to the intersection of West Irving Park Rd. and North Marmora Ave.

Witnesses said the red Audi was stalled at the intersection of Irving Park Road and Marmora Avenue, when police fired into the vehicle. After firing their weapons, police pulled 3 suspects from the car: 2 men and a woman.

The 2001 Audi, with license plate number, 8862747; is registered to a woman who lives on the 6200 block of West Berenice Ave.


  1. I live just 1 block south of the incident place. Well exact address that Police stop stopped them is Dakin & Marmora (3935 N Marmora Ave.)around 9:45pm . But before that we heard one more shooting 10-15 minutes earlier close that area.

  2. "I live just 1 block south of the incident place."

    I bet this was very upsetting for your community.


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