Saturday, February 23, 2013

North Side: Dead body pulled from Chicago River

Saturday, around 10 a.m., officials discovered a dead body floating in the Chicago River on the city's North Side.

According to police communications, the body was found in the east side of the river, somewhere near West Irving Park Road, between Rockwell and California.

At the time of this report, it was unclear if the decedent was male or female, and authorities never disclosed the apparent drowning victim's age.

If more details become available, this article will be updated, accordingly.

Photo: Google Maps.

UPDATE: At 10:49 a.m., authorities were still trying to recover the body from the river. Westbound and eastbound traffic were temporarily rerouted while officials tried to clear the scene.

UPDATE: The approximate location of the scene is 2629 West Irving Park Road, between Chicago's Homer Park and North Center neighborhoods.

UPDATE: At 11:17 a.m., authorities were in the process of transporting the body to the medical examiner's officer.

UPDATE: The body was discovered by a passerby around 10:04 a.m.


  1. They probably ate at Panera Cares and expired shortly thereafter.

  2. The body, was it identified yet?


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