An unidentified woman wants to open a "starter kitchen" in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood; the business will also serve meals to the homeless.
According to the apparent entrepreneur's YouTube video, she wants to open her restaurant at 1138 West Bryn Mawr Avenue, where Flourish Bakery Cafe used to be.
In the almost 40 years I've been on this planet, historically black people have been unable to do what the rest of us do, get a job, pay their rent/support themselves without incredible handouts from the gubbamint, homeless agencies, soup kitchens, etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's not my problem, and never has been, but they keep ramming it down my throat anyways. Enough is enough!
How cute, her business plan is scribbled on a posterboard like a middle-school student!
ReplyDeleteI like how the 2nd video starts with "Ok, Go!"
ReplyDeleteiMovie costs $4.99, but who needs that when you can get free handouts from the govt!!
When I was a child, I used to feed this stray cat. After a while, there were 8 cats and an opossum that came to eat. Soon, they began fighting over the food.
ReplyDeleteI realized that I wasn't helping any of them.
That nig's lips remind me I have to check the pressure in my tires.
ReplyDeleteGod no. That's the last thing we need.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't she start something like this in the depressed areas of the south side where the rent is cheaper. Starting a non-profit is a good idea for the lazy and people who can't cut it in the private sector.
ReplyDeleteEveryone contact your representatives, senators, speaker Boehner and tell them you want a reduction in HUD spending. Cut the funding except for the elderly, disabled, and vets. Contact them immeadiately, this is our rare chance to save our area from section 8. Nowhere is safe, they may not be in your area yet, but give it time. The greedy landlords
ReplyDeletedon't care about your area.
Also tell them u want a cut in funding for projects like these force the liberals to get real jobs like everyone else.
They can't live on the south side anymore because they've destroyed it. Now they want to destroy the north side. Whatever neighborhood they infiltrate they destroy because they are incapable of living in a proper manner without white people.
ReplyDeletewtf is "starter kitchen" anyway? cant you just start off in your own kitchen?? what is the point of learning how to cook in a restaurant, and what makes you think people will want to eat the food you are "preparing"
ReplyDeletethis sister is trying to do something positive and you people are tearing her down. typical haters! if she was white you'd be singing a different tune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhenever those nigs are talking about their "community," they mean they want the "gubmint" to pay them.
ReplyDeletethat nig needs a paint roller to apply her lipstick
ReplyDeleteUptown, Edgewater and Rogers Park are really a hootchfest at this point. Nasty liquor/grocery stores, places that "unlock cellphones for $15" (i.e. stolen), scandalous ice cream shops and coffee shops exacerbating Chicago's loitering problem (Starbucks), certainly aren't my idea of a "Historic District". Maybe it had something going on back in 1915 or something.
ReplyDeleteThat Renaissance building on Sheridan is beautiful. I asked a 20 year resident up there what the "history" of that building was. He asked "what are you talking about, I dunno?". I'm serious.
And the fancy florist had ONE dried out, browned at the edges yellow rose. I need 1/2 dozen. He offered it for free. I declined.
Get F'in REAL Chicago. I'm SO glad I didn't buy that "condo".
Maybe the newbie self-described "highly educated liberals" will give it another try at "turning it around" like the last 20 groups of them. Best of luck.
If they were white I'd beat the shit out of them for establishing a nigger magnet for the neighborhood, they would probably be a shylock kabbalah reading motherfucker.
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a really great idea for a blighted block.
ReplyDeleteThis is amazing. Shes actually figured out a way to make Edgewater worse.
ReplyDeleteStupid idea and pathetic 'video'.
Chimps cant do anything.
Yes, "blighted block". The dry cleaners lasted all but 9 months for all that "gentrification". That bike shop is great however. Haven't met anyone that has a bike in Chicago though. They all want to sit on their ass in Starbucks or on one of those outdoor cafe tables on Clark St. all day and mind everybody elses business but their own. Maybe they can volunteer at this new soup kitchen. I'd have at least somewhat of a respect for them.
ReplyDelete"Edgewater Development area"? New one on me. P.S. they already have a soup/sandwich place - Subway. It'll be there longer than this "forward food" (WTF?) place.
ReplyDeleteIt won't last a year before two ex-partners/lovers get into a squabble, squander the tax $'s and one flees to Europe.
Let the laws of economics play out. If its a good business itll take off. If not it will fail.
ReplyDeleteIf there were less social services, there would be less people needing them. At some point, spooks need to figure out a way to stand on their own instead of getting constant handouts.
ReplyDeleteWhat did I miss? Did all the Popeye's Chicken close?
ReplyDeleteYeah, the onez by Wilson Red Line closed, I used to pee on the windows while my buddies from Wilson's men's hoe-tel cheered me on. Now all there is to do is sit on milk crates and sell drugs.