Saturday, February 23, 2013

Robbery near Rogers Park Mexican restaurant

A male victim was robbed outside a Far North Side Mexican restaurant in Chicago's Rogers Park neighborhood, said police.

The robbery occurred around 10:30 a.m., on the 6600 block of North Sheridan Road, near Sheridan and Albion. 

According to one officer at the scene, the victim was mugged outside Chipotle Mexican Grill, 6600 North Sheridan Road. 

Three black males approached the victim and stole his iPhone 4S, said authorities.

The main offender is 5'5" to 5'7" and he was wearing a red hoodie.

The remaining suspects are approximately 6-feet tall and they were dressed in gray hooded sweatshirts, said police. 

The thieves were last seen running westbound on Albion. 


  1. It's usually just Gidget or blonde-calf baring hippie guy begging in front of there hours before they open, who was stupid enough to get robbed in front of a closed business in broad daylight?

  2. cracks me up that those jigaboo honor students will end up either shot dead or in prison.

  3. This area is usually white or non-black college kids, when there are criminal blacks around they stick out like a sore thumb, usually they are waiting expectantly near the Loyola El station.

  4. But I dont understand. Rogers Park is normally such a nice area. There's no crime here! Are you guys making things up? Stop being racist and fear mongering!

  5. helen... I hope that was sarcasm.
    Rogers Park is a festering stew of poverty and crime.

  6. Obv sarcasm you retard.. "helen" posts that same clip all the time here. the tranny behind the screen must think its clever.

  7. the "Helen" thing is a joke based on the defunct Everyblock, just like FGFM claiming his cock is bigger than 3 inches erect.

  8. @ 6:03PM you are correct!

  9. Over 100 Phoebes agreeFebruary 24, 2013 at 10:39 PM

    We should go find Craig on his bike and make fun of him for running his father's business into the ground, now hustling gyros and other shitty Morse Avenue Food. I live about 5 blocks from Morse, I don't give a FUCK about supporting businesses there, they can suck my mighty staff of life.
    Fuck Pillars, too.

  10. I just love how craig has locked down his wretched blog again, so no one can see it, because someone said something nasty about him.
    Probably accused him of taking a bite out their pizza!

  11. Ah, guess ill go see what's up on the "Buttown Manbait" blog.


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