Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Larnell Mace, Zion man charged with killing 4-month old daughter, is online shopping for his next victim?

Ladies and gents, if you have some extra money to send to a convicted baby-killer, Larnell Mace would like to hear from you!

Mace, an alleged graduate of University of Illinois at Chicago, recently accepted an Alford plea in the April 16, 2008 murder of his 4-month old daughter, Jasmine Mace.

Basically, Mace plead guilty without pleading guilty and will serve up to 22 1/2  years in prison.

Published reports indicate the apparently demented baby-daddy beat his daughter to death, because she wouldn't stop crying... which makes perfect sense, since one of Mace's favorite quotes is, "pain is weakness leaving the body."

While serving time on the taxpayers' dime, Larnell is apparently passing his time checking his Facebook account for new "friends."

Chicago News Report counted at least 13 women who have befriended Mace since he joined Facebook nearly two years after he murdered his own child.

So, if you're a broken, desperate woman or a lonely, old queen with a big heart, you can write to Mace at:

Larnell Mace L-128975 P.O. Box #38 Waukegan IL 60079.

We hear that letters that contain cash, will get a quicker response!


  1. He has done us all a favor. His dead daughter won't be doing any breeding.

  2. Im pretty sure the old raycisss queens on here would love to drop down on those arthritic knees and wrap those arthritic fingers around his manhood. Its funny how yall old queens are on ssi because of your bad back but have no problems getting your back bown out by some black dude you brought off cl or rentboy. You are suppose to use your ssi for living expenses not black meat.

  3. Geez O'Peties, what a man !!! It sure takes a lot of balls to beat to death a 4 month old girl !!! Speaking of balls... this freaking animal should have an extremely radical vasectomy... Yes, remove all of his... well, I wouldn't call it his manhood removed without anything to numb the procedure plus use a rusty butter knife to do it !!! Then give him an addacunttome operation so everybody in prison can have a turn on this vile piece of SCHITT !!!

  4. Shittleton Arts Rogers ParkFebruary 20, 2013 at 11:16 AM

    I need to immediately trek to this prison with my "Very first Douchebag" paint by numbers coloring book and teach this man that art conquers all!!!
    I want to do a mural in the library at the Lawrence House depicting him smashing in his baby's skull, the whole experience just speaks to me, artistically.
    Plus my ugly fucking face might put most of the inmates off rape for a couple of hours, because it's even worse than a sackful of smashed assholes.

    ---Leffrey "Jizzleton" Shittleton of Rogers Park Fartz, incorporated

  5. Typical bootlip "entitled" obamavoter. He won't have to worry about doing anywhere near a full prison term. Quinn will be sure to release him soon (just before the next election if Quinn's history holds true.)

  6. That is one classy black man!

  7. The baby was probably just hungry because this piece of dog crap spent the welfare money on Gatorade that he sold at half price to the little ethnic food mart down the street.

  8. Hey girl, wanna buy some candy? It's fresh ...just boughts it wif my baby mama link card

  9. What an awesome investment in our tax dollars! Dude is an (alleged) UIC graduate, AND probably a beneficiary of the CPS, which gets it's funding from you and me! Yaaaaaaaay! Great fucking return on my investment! Yaaaaaaaay!

    Stock market served my ass better during his tenure, and that ain't a great deal.

    Why do we invest in these obvious losers? Unless, of course, they are an investment in keeping a certain political party in power...

  10. @8:20 PM that is EXACTLY on point! This is the Democratic voter base. We must provide them with free things to keep them voting for elite Dem officials so they stay in power. Why do you think Obama is making all the illegals legal? So they will vote Democrat in the future.

  11. CNR... using facebook as a source and calling himself a reporter... HA

  12. Shit, dat baby been eatin up all's his funds on link, ain't fittin to let that happin, duh way he can still buy stuff to sell inda hood instead of hafin to feed his chilren. Gibs me dat link card bitch

  13. If you cannot feed them, DO NOT breed them. Pets, children, Obama supporters ...whatever the case

  14. If obama had a son...


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