Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cops: Missing Wrigleyville man has the mind of a 4-year-old

A 19-year-old man with the mental capacity of a 4-year-old child, was reported missing from his North Side Wrigleyville neighborhood home.

According to an 8:30 p.m. Chicago police news flash, the missing man, whose first name is Alex, was missing from the 1100 block of West Addison Street.

Citing police dispatch reports, Alex is Caucasian, has red hair, and he is missing his right, front tooth.

Alex, who left his home without a coat, was last seen wearing a light blue shirt and blue jeans.

Authorities said the missing man is fascinated by police cars and the last time he went missing, police found him on the 7100 block of North Clark Street.

If you see anyone matching Alex’s description, please contact the police, immediately.

UPDATE: It appears the missing man was located at the Belmont 'L' station, around 9:43 p.m.


  1. And even with these limitations, he's still smarter than most blacks.

    1. What an ignorant piece of shit you are. A black guy fucked your girlfriend?

    2. No, blacks destroyed my formerly vibrant birthplace which is now a ghost town.

    3. Then maybe your ancestors shouldnt have put them in chains, whipped them, and dragged them across the world.


  2. 19yrs.old...stupid...white...missing teeth??...must be an inbreed,like all many whites in gayville.Just the facts my friend!

  3. My ancestors had nothing to do with slavery in the United States whatsoever.
    If you think you want to right this wrong, we can ship them all back starting ASAP.
    I'd like to go to the store without some Streetwise loudmouth like Arnold in front of Walgreens on Diverseyu shouting about an invisible Jewish guy up in the sky who controls our lives with magic words and rituals. We can put him on the first boat.

  4. Im going to make it a point to find Arnold today and give him some money. Thanks for the suggestion.

  5. Don't forget to suck his aids infected cock while you're at it

  6. Ask him to give you an apostrophe after you waste your money on a poorly written glossy stack of toilet paper while you're at it.
    I got rid of the fake wheelchair guy in front of Trader Joe's, motherfucker would get out of his wheelchair and walk after he finished his begging shift.

  7. I bet one of the darkies knocked his tooth out...

  8. You got rid of him? Wow what a manly man you are sir! Bravo! May I suck your balls oh lawman of panhandling?

    1. I bust all forms of tnb, that was just a small part of my micro aggression campaign.

  9. If you allow begging spooks to get a foothold in ANY neighborhood, pretty soon there will be at least one in every foyer, begging, limping, shuckin' and jivin'.
    Then the neighborhood will be nothing but wig shops, cellphone stores and places that sell diapers and $8.00 packs of ramen noodles.

  10. Someone who has the mind of a 4-year old? Sounds like a libertarian.


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