According to 31-year-old Anthony Kuber's long-abandoned Twitter account, he is an Obama supporter and a Kanye West fan... but, despite Kuber's open-mindedness, his affinity for black culture wasn't enough to protect him from Chicago's rampant black-violence.
On November 5, 2012, around 7:45 p.m., Kuber exited the CTA Red Line station at 220 West 47th Street, on his way to his father's house to pick up his voter's registration card. He was planning to cast his vote to reelect America's first half-black president: Barack Obama.
But before he could reach his destination, two black men ambushed him, pulled him into an alley, robbed him, shot him several times, and left him for dead... all this, over an iPhone.
During the savage attack, Kuber's right hand was destroyed when one of the many bullets that tore through his flesh entered his pinky and exited his index finger. Because of the severity of his injuries, Kuber may never be able to use his right hand again.
Despite the glaring fact that the majority of violent crimes committed in Chicago are perpetrated by black offenders, Kuber said what happened to him has nothing to with race.
Here's a quote taken from a website that was set up to help raise money to cover Kuber's medical expenses:
Tony would like to say, this is not a gang, drug, race or political act. He states it is a random act of violence by very sick and disturbed people. Tony would also like to say, on Monday night he saw the ugliness of what people can do, but by Tuesday morning will all the kind words he also sees the beauty in people.
Photo credit: CBS Chicago news
Some people say liberalism is a mental disorder. I think of it more as a learning disability...
ReplyDeleteFind a fool, f--k a fool....
ReplyDeleteThank you fool!
I'm not a liberal but I guess I was just as stupid to think you needed your voter's registration card to take to the polls. They weren't needed. They were "matching signatures" from driver's licenses. Ahem.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, Happy $hitcago maiming.
What a dumb douche.
ReplyDeleteThis was just their way of thanking him for being an Obama supporter. It's a cultural thang, you wouldn't understand. Better him than me, or you.
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't understand. It's a black thing.
ReplyDeleteThings stupid white people do...
ReplyDeletehe looks like a douche.glad it happened.wtf is this idiot doing on 47th street anyhow.
ReplyDelete^ Visiting his father. He should focus his "compassion" on more constructive things (like getting his father out of the 'hood). These people really are a hoot.
ReplyDeleteIt is this sort of coddling that enables negroes to continue preying on innocent people instead of being taken seriously by society as a dangerous threat. If negroes would only target fools like these, maybe it wouldn't be a issue but the fact is that negroes do not care if you voted for Obama or not, they will still rob you and shoot you or worse. This idiot and people like him are part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteHe looks like a wigger.
ReplyDeletethis twit will eventually wind up in the burbs after he realizes how dangerous the colored man is.
ReplyDelete15 friends? According to mrs. Feinstein any more than 10 = TERRORIST
ReplyDeleteIt's pretty much rule of thumb that male wiggers are scrawny and ugly, and female wiggers are fat, fat fat.
ReplyDeleteWhile his statement about this not being a "gang, drug, race or political act" and a "random act of violence" are technically true, he's dancing around the real issue, and that is, who did this to him.
ReplyDeleteThey would have done this to a black person in the same situation; they would have done it to a Republican. It was a crime of opportunity. They probably wouldn't do that to an opposing gang member, bc: 1) As stupid as they are, gang members won't be walking around the middle of another gang's territory, and 2) They would have just ambushed and made sure to kill the other one.
The issue is, this was two black guys doing this to anyone, period. Just the same as all the "wildings" by teens are all black, the overwhelming percentage of blacks shot are shot by another black, and 85% (6 out of every 7) arresttee of a violent crime is a self described black.
This is a racial thing in that, the people committing the random, deadly violence on the streets of Chicago, who have turned entire neighborhoods into death zones, are overwhelmingly black. That is the issue. Until the larger black community acknowledges this and works to actually raise their children, this will continue. Unfortunately, they've proven over multiple generations that that is not the case.
This blog keeps alot waterheads at home stroking their guns and away from schools.
ReplyDeleteSo many shitheads post here. at least I know they're to sad and pathetic to say or do anything in real life.
ReplyDeleteFour more years of Obammy sound good to you shithead? Just call this liberal... "Lefty!"
ReplyDeleteIf Obama has a son... His son would shoot this dipshit in his other hand during a robbery!
ReplyDelete@ 8:02AM
ReplyDeleteYou are right about keeping us away from schools. We have finished out degrees and are out in the world living life and being productive. No need to go back.
More blacks shoot up their inner city schools then there are incidents like Sandy Hook, if you must tally. Most of those black shooting are not mass killings, just single fatality incidents. The total number of deaths add up fast however and eclipse Sandy Hook.
Why go back to school unless you are some liberal dip shit professor who can't hack it in real life? I don't need to make my life's goal to indoctrinate undergrads and hope they all think like I do.
That sits in contrast to you and your ilk needing to be around the school since it takes you 6 years to finally get out of High School. Normally your are graduated based on quotas anyway...
racist article....
ReplyDelete^if you do not like this article, I would suggest finding another website that does not contain such material. reddit.com/chicago would be perfect for you. all "racism" is banned there, unless it is anti-white racism of course...
ReplyDelete"Things stupid white people do..."
ReplyDeleteThis blog/article and the comments need to be added to the list.
Why won't he mention race? He's probably ashamed of the way you people will talk about it. The irony of rampant white racism as a response/complaint, no less, to "rapant black violence."
Oh, what a broken world we live in.
It's a shame this happened to him, but glad he's okay.
ReplyDeleteHow black is that?
ReplyDeleteThis site is a joke.
ReplyDeleteWhat does being an Obama supporter and Kanye West fan have to do with what happened to him? Every race has its trash, including Whites. I happen to know many educated, rich, and giving Black people....they have nothing to do with the Black thugs in the city of Chicago. In fact, they hate thugs too.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that too many low class people with little money are having too many kids. Many of them have substance abuse problems and/or work long hours & neglect their children. I think we need to have limit on children in America, one kid per household depending on the combined income. Rich people are the ones who should be having children!