Friday, December 28, 2012

2 Lakeview robberies reported minutes apart

During the early morning hours -- within less than five minutes -- at least two robberies occurred in Chicago’s North Side Lakeview neighborhood.

The first known robbery happened near the intersection of North Ashland Avenue and West Grace Street, around 1:04 a.m.

Two Hispanic males, one of them armed with a gun, stole a victim’s wallet and iPod, said police.

The muggers, who are said to be in their 20s, were last seen running southbound on Southport Avenue.

Approximately four minutes later, a second mugging was reported farther south on the 800 block of West Oakdale Avenue, around 1:08 a.m.

Again, according to police communications, two Hispanics males were involved in the crime.

Authorities said one suspect was wearing an army coat and the other crook was dressed in a red sweater and blue jeans.

Investigators said the thief in the red sweater is about 5’8”, and during the robbery, he implied he was armed with a gun.

According to police dispatch, the offenders stole a victim’s Samsung Galaxy cell phone.

At the time of this report, no arrests had been made in either case.


  1. Citing police communications, the owner of this blog was arrested this morning for soliciting himself as a woman under the red line tracks in Lakeview. Will update with details as they emerge

  2. To the commenter who regarded the 'owner of this blog'. Why are you offended when someone reports crime? Does it make you feel upset? What's the problem?

  3. Racist wanna be journalism offends me, not the reporting of crime.

  4. "Racist journalism"? I don't think so. Just calling a spade a spade.

  5. I like how some people go on blogs and try to insist that the blog must adhere to the rules laid out by the troll. In this case the race must be covered up; height, weight, clothing is ok but no mention of race must be made. They think they are everyone else's boss. Who appointed them the internet police?

  6. Well, the blog owner does overdo it a bit. Like the most recent article he posted criticizing the victim for not wanting to call out the suspects as "black". It's great for the crime he points out that doesn't show up in the mainstream news, but the racial overtones are a tad strong, to say the least.

  7. ^ Somebody's got to do it. The MSM is nauseatingly "undertone".

  8. I like this site. Piss on the haters!

    Nice to see some news, some of the news anyway, without the heavy slant of excess liberalism coating the story.


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