Thursday, around 1:41 a.m., a white male walking through the area of Winthrop and Ardmore, called police after two black males allegedly threatened him, because he didn't have a lighter to light their cigarettes.
Three minutes later, one of the black males mentioned in the white male's 911 call, contacted police claiming the white male used racial slurs and threatened him.
When police arrived around 1:45 a.m., both parties had left the scene.
Authorities called both 911 callers back, but their calls went to voicemail.
Is Chicago's black crime wave causing racial intolerance, or are black suspects, who routinely target white victims, playing the race-card when confronted with the prospect of being arrested?
It's not just the black crime wave causing racial intolerance -- it's the workaday misbehavior of blacks all over the city. The M.O. for any sensible white person who values there life and possessions should be simple: avoid and/or ignore black strangers whenever you're approached since the odds are it can only invite trouble.
ReplyDeleteThe typical approach "Scyooz me, can I axe you a quesshun?" should be answered with a firm "NO!" and quickened pace. If the black insists or pursues, SEEK HELP. Plain and fucking simple.
Being addressed as "sir" is always a dead giveaway they "need" something and to do the same above as well. I've never been called "sir" to get my attention by black street people in my life until moving to Chicago. If they said "yo", I might even look their way. In any other scenario here, unless they're working for tips, they're stepping on your foot, letting doors slam in your face or calling you every other name in the book.
ReplyDeleteThey always "need" something. I always ignore them here but most times that's not an option. I won't let them use my lighter because a.) with your knives here I have a 48" distance rule with anybody I don't know and b.) they're not touching my lighter anyway. Once I did let one of them use it and he snatched it out of my hand like LaShawn at BK does with your money when she found out she actually as to work her full shift today. He slapped it back in my hand without even a "thanks". This was Halsred St. however. Never again. Ever.
Again, I'm sure this is what Alabama was like in 1955. "Sir"? Please!
Here's another one. During that "pride" sh*tfest, a group of them were having their OWN street party on a side street curb. They tried to get my attention with "sir" to take a group picture for them. It was pitch black and they weren't near a steet light. Unless they had some high powered photography equipment, the "picture" would have nothing but a black blur even if you were able to get them all in the frame.
ReplyDeleteSure, I'd be happy to. Want my wallet too? They think they are being funny and are intentionally harassing.
Yes racial tension is very high - as well as unaddressed by our elected leaders.
ReplyDeleteYes blacks always have and play their ace in the hole: the race card. It happened to me.
Yes, whites have a legitimate and justifiable fear of race-based crimes of violence by blacks.
So what...they use racial slurs. Screw these monkeys. It is about time people start fighting back.
ReplyDeleteYou know what??? What really pisses me off is the FUCKING FACT THAT THESE FUCK-WADS KEEP PLAYING THE RACE CARD!!! The time is NOW for"WE THE PEOPLE" to have our say against these fucked-up links in our hominid creation cycle!!! "FUCK THEM ALL"!!!