Friday, July 27, 2012
While you were sleeping...
Here's a rundown of the known robberies and assaults that occurred overnight in Lincoln Park, Lakeview/Boystown, and Rogers Park.
1:54 a.m. -- At least two people were robbed at gunpoint by the same two offenders in Chicago's Far North Side Rogers Park neighborhood, said police.
Two black males, believed to be approximately 18-years-old, mugged one victim near the intersection of Glenwood and Arthur Avenues.
A few minutes later, the thieves robbed a second victim on the 6400 block of North Wayne Avenue, near Wayne and Arthur, said police.
All together, the robbers stole a total of $550 from their victims and a pack of Marlboro cigarettes, according to authorities
One offender had very short hair and the other thief had short dreadlocks.
At one point, authorities had a possible suspect in an alley behind the 1200 block of West Arthur Avenue, but at the time of this report, it was unclear if any arrests had been made.
2:29 a.m. -- A man was badly beaten in Chicago's Lincoln Park neighborhood.
The battery occurred on the 2700 block of North Sheffield Avenue, between Diversey and Schubert.
The initial police dispatch report indicated seven to eight males attacked the victim.
Subsequent information identified the assailants as several male Hispanics in their 20s, who fled the scene in a dark-colored vehicle.
Police offered little information regarding the victim's condition, but one officer said the injured man was in no shape to identify his attackers.
Between 2 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. -- A woman was attacked along the lakefront on the city's North Side, said police.
The incident happened in Lakeview on the 3600 block of North Lake Shore Drive; presumably, in the vicinity of the Waveland Park Softball Fields and the Waveland Park Tennis Courts.
Citing police dispatch reports, a male Hispanic offender struck the woman in the face with a bottle.
The injured woman was transported to Thorek Hospital, 850 West Irving Park Road... where another Hispanic male, whom police identified as the woman's boyfriend, was later thrown out of the hospital by security.
The ejected man later called police claiming security assaulted him.
2:43 a.m. -- In Rogers Park, a man was robbed near the intersection of North Sheridan Road and West Pratt Boulevard.
Two black males approached the victim on the street, implied they had a gun, and stole the victim's wallet and a black iPad Touch, said police.
Both suspects are in their 20s and were wearing all black clothing.
Investigators said one robber was wearing black shorts with white trim.
3:07 a.m. -- According to police communications, a man was punched in the head and robbed on the 900 block of West Newport Avenue, in the city's Lakeview community.
Two black males in their 20s, both approximately 5'6" to 5'8", attacked a man and stole $120 and a cell phone, said authorities.
One offender's hair was braided and he was wearing a red T-shirt and dark-colored pants.
At 3:27 a.m., police stopped a possible suspect at Belmont and Sheffield, but when they brought the possible suspect back to the crime scene, the victim said his attackers were much shorter.
4:25 a.m. -- Early Friday morning, police were investigating an attempted strong arm robbery in Boystown.
Two black males in their 20s approached a man near Halsted and Melrose, said police.
The offenders tried to rob the man, but they were unsuccessful, said authorities.
One would-be robber was wearing a red, Lacoste tank top and jean shorts. The other suspect was dressed in a white top and jean shorts.
After the attempted robbery, both men fled southbound on North Halsted Street.
5:08 a.m. -- A robbery was reported at a North Side bathhouse.
According to police dispatch reports, a male patron was robbed inside Steamworks at 3246 North Halsted Street, in Boystown.
As of 5:37 a.m., there were no further updates regarding the alleged robbery at the private men's club.
Lincoln Park,
Rogers Park
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Wow, boystown was a mess last night! Hey CNR why don't you get in touch with me and I'll take you to Steamworks. That would be quite a news special.
ReplyDeleteMight as well move back to the southside b/c the northside seems to be a hell of alot more dangerous. blacks like robbing the supposed "rich" white people up here. Basically nothing more than sitting ducks.
ReplyDeleteWho the fuck is out that late at night with $100+? Yeah robberies suck, but have some fucking common sense.
ReplyDeleteI live in the gold coast....if they want to take my crappy htc wildfire they can have it :-)
DeleteIn all.seriousness I never have more then $30 on me. What's the point?
The 3:07am victim should have said they were the offenders anyway. These pansies here are just going to have to come up with a plan to make it nothing but a hassle for them to be where they're not supposed to be in the first place.
ReplyDelete5:08am? Steamworks advertises Thursdays as "lights out night". Just imagine all the things you can get there in the dark. Now you can get robbed too.
There are racist nigs like "Andre" on Take Back Boystown who want to be white but never will be. Hopefully he will move back to the ghetto where he came from.
ReplyDeleteNew advertising banner: "Come get ya groove on at Steamworks. Cum get what he's probably got too!"
ReplyDeleteWe are family, hey, hey, hey ya'll.....Jose, Ravi, Tyrone and me.....c'mon and sing it for me....
Racist quotes guy and racist Andre should get together and fuck.
ReplyDeleteAndre is a total bottom for white guys.
ReplyDeleteDiversity is great and all that but they do sometmes get angry when they discover you're not sexually attracted to them. It's like because we have black president and they got the COH, we're suddenly supposed to snap our fingers and change our preferences. Hey, in general, I'm not into blondes either but they don't throw race into it.
ReplyDeleteI've never been into dinge either and I don't have any friends who are...they have that mildew odor and look too much like monkeys.
ReplyDeleteIf we exterminated the nigs, we could save 90% of the trillions in taxpayer money spent to house them, feed them, transport them, provide free medical care, provide police, security, courts, jails and prisons.
ReplyDeleteNo neighborhood or community in any city in any country in the world EVER benefited from nigs moving in. Wherever they go, crime and destruction follow as decent white people flee to safer areas. The Boystown crew are brainwashed into thinking somehow "diversity" will improve their neighborhood...and yet all the proof confirms the opposite.
ReplyDelete^ The scary part here is it's stupid meets stoopider. There's so much ignorance on both sides, the situation is beyond help.
ReplyDeleteAll I know is the black gays of any age didn't act like this we're I'm from. I'm really not attracted to them. I'm the type to never say never too though but that's beside the point here now. It's their over-aggressive behavior, cat-calling, invasion of personal space and flat-out ghettoness that closes the door before it's even ajar. In all fairness, some mexicans and most asians are just as bad. And the assumption that we're all "rich" (in Chicago) locks that door because I'm certainly not risking being cleaned out of what I do have even with a friendship or two.
"Yo mans, you gotsa a nice a**!" from across the street then following you? Yeah, I wanna get wich you. But this is only slightly worse than the average White guys approach here of "how big is your c*ck and are you a top or bottom?" before even asking your name. No danger with them though. They're just dumb and clumsey.
Good thing about that strip though is you occasionally meet people from all over the country that don't act like this. They're usually not slobbering drunk or hopped up on something either. Just an observation. It's like a ray of sunshine.
The uppity nigs think whites should differentiate between them and the ghetto nigs. When you are on a dark street being followed by a nig, it's impossible to tell the difference.
ReplyDeleteEven Rev. Jesse Jackass Jr. has said that he is afraid when he sees a group of nigs and not afraid when he sees a group of whites.
If I ever want to commit suicide I guess I can just run around Boystown with an Ipad yelling "fucking niG$ers!" at the top of my lungs.
ReplyDeleteYou don't have to do that. Just walk from Halsted to the Belmont L station some night after midnight. You will be killed.
ReplyDelete^ Or, if you're not smart, you could get caught up in the patronization of gays by gays via their version of capitalism. It's a slow death, but still death nonetheless. No different. I was invited into the klan, but declined.
ReplyDeleteLive well (and smart). The chickens have come home to roost!
The listing about Steamworks at 5:08am is false. The poor guy was mugged at Melrose and Halsted and since everywhere else was closed, he came to the front desk, shook up from the incident and asked Steamworks to call the police. The poor guy had no where else to go after he was robbed. Where is your compassion everyone? And they say halsted queens are jaded.
ReplyDeleteJuly 27, 2012, 9:21 p.m., that is not true. Police interviewed the attempted robbery victim on the street, long before the incident at Steamworks was reported.
ReplyDeleteI don't know what your motives are for lying, but I'm guessing you work for Steamworks.
You've asked that names not be posted in the comments, so please remove Andre's name from the many comments here in which it's listed.
ReplyDelete1. Andre's full name was not mentioned in the forum. For all I know, they could be talking about Andre 3000.
ReplyDelete2. If Andre has an issue with the comments here, he will have to contact me, himself.
3. The person mentioned in your post contacted me directly and asked that his name be removed from any and all posts on CNR.
Whose name was removed from any and all posts?
ReplyDeleteWas it Rahm? I bet it was Rahm.
ReplyDeleteJust a bunch of Canadiens and Beaners ruining Chicago one day at a time. Waiting for the day that when the good people of Chicago can protect ourselves. Thanks Libertards!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Chicago News Report for allowing these racist white people to still have a voice and spread their hate crimes in another venue besides Facebook. Calling me a "nig" or a "total bottom for white guys" is not going to ruffle my feathers. You people are so vapid. Keep talking about me, that just means you are getting my message about racism out to other parts of the city.
ReplyDeleteJuly 28, 2012, 8:12 a.m., no, it wasn't Rahm. :-)
ReplyDeleteAfter reading these posts, I'm both disgusted and appalled that any of you utilize the word "nig" etc.. Really? That's what it's come to? "Nig"? How about if someone straight gets on here and starts calling everyone a "faggot"? You are a bunch of racist people, if I ever saw any. How about you all move to the south and hang out with the southern white boys, where they kick the shit out of homosexuals? Maybe get shot, stabbed, killed, you know the usual for the whites from the south? Ridiculous comments! I hope some of you say this to "Andre"'s face, let's see how fast you can run before you get your racist selves beat to the ground. This whole thread is disgusting, that's all I can say.
ReplyDeletePeople don't be so goddamned racist idiots. It makes you look like a fool and a coward because you do it the safety of your home where nobody can see you. I spite that I may know some of you and may call you my acquaintance. If you are gay and racist, you are truly ignorant because of the fight we're enduring now. HOw about don't be a pussy? You ask the two guys who tried to mug me in 2007 and see how they turned out. I'm not saying it's easy to fight back but breeding ignorance won't help anything. We must ask of the police department to do their job; they are right on Halsted for God's sake! There are plenty of white hood rats out there.
ReplyDeleteI find most of these comments digusting.. Where were you people raised? First of all, the Andre mentioned in several posts is my friend and guess what I am white. He is a well educated and wonderful person. He says what he feels on HIS personal page. There is one thing I know for sure white people will never walk in the shoes of another race. We will not know the struggles they face. There are good and bad people from all walks of life. The real issue the amount of crime that takes place on a given night on the streets of Chicago. I don't care what color the people are committing the crimes what we should care about is what are we going to do to stop it. Chicago News Report I am disappointed that you allow this nonsense to be said on here. I do believe people should have t freedom of speech, but when the word "nigs" is thrown around like its no big deal we have a responsiblity to stop it. Andre is supported enough and educated enough to defend himself, but what happens if the next person these people decide to blast in a public forum is not.
ReplyDeleteyes for example you could just say that young unemployed black males from the south side who are dresses like they are in the "still dre"
ReplyDeleteRap video are committing these crimes on the north side instead of using the word nigs...
The only people who need to be exterminated are people who say racist things under the cover of anonymity. Get over yourselves and take a class or two on black/Latino history while you're at it. You really should go back and look at the crap you wrote so you can see how stupid you look to the rest of the world reading this post. I feel sorry for you. You're the problem, not the solution. And it's pathetic that you don't realize it. I pray to God you never procreate.
ReplyDeleteI don't call all black people nigs, but Andre is definitely one. Just read his facebook page...pure nig mentality.
ReplyDeleteYou don't call all black people "nigs", but Andre... "just look at his Facebook page, pure nig mentality"... So, you troll on his FB page? If he offends you so much, and you think he is a "nig", then why would you be going on there? Get a life much?
ReplyDeleteWell I know all you people calling Andre a "nig" would never say it to his face. You can hide behind anonymous and say all those things. The original post was about crime on the streets of Chicago in different neighborhoods then you decided to turn into Andre bashing session. Frankly, if you don't like what Andre says on his personal fb page don't read it. He doesn't go on your page and post things. I feel like you spend too much time stalking his page. I just hope one day that all the people who posted such hateful and hurtful comments not just against Andre, but against an entire group people realize how digusting that behavior is. As I stated earlier I am white and could care less what color Andre is. The bottom line is we are all human beings and that is really the heart of the matter. I just do not believe in going on a public forum and blasting someone. The issue still remains our Chicago streets are very dangerous and it doesn't matter what neighborhood we are in. The issue isn't what Andre posts on his fb page. I bet if all the people posting horrible things about Andre would take the time to get to know him instead of spreading such hatred you would realize how incredible of a human being he is.
ReplyDeleteThe person who owns this cesspool of a website should be ashamed. Racists helping racists helping homophobes. News? LOL
ReplyDeleteAndre posted on his/her Facebook page that he/she "hates white people in Lakeview." We would be very happy if he returned to Englewood to be with the other nigs.
ReplyDeleteStill trolling his FB page, I see... Not much to do with your life? Apparently that's all you've got to do with your time.. Sad, so sad... Racism is alive and well in your house!! Hope you are proud of your racism!! Pathetic...
ReplyDeleteDon't you have a dick to eat?
DeleteRacism is a good thing. It helps keep the races pure.
ReplyDeleteNobody wants a mixed-breed mutt.
Whites should stay with their own and coloreds with their own.
Only fat ugly white girls do nigs because they have no self-esteem and white guys won't do them.
The only exception is if the nig has money from playing sports...but then they have to risk being OJed to death like Nicole Brown Simpson was.
The name removed was Rob, not Rahm. Now let's see if my comment is posted. Only mentioned a first name. It could be Rob 5000.
ReplyDeleteSpell the last name backwards so everyone will be fooled.
ReplyDeleteAgain, not using last names here.... What's going on with Rob? Did he give up with his safety marches? I'm sure the cops would love another pizza party. Why does he keep lying about being the admin. for TBB? Really, what's going on with Rob??
ReplyDeleteI heard that Rob was in Antartica this weekend, taking pictures of the penguins.
ReplyDeleteNigs really? Chicago News Report supports racism. Lets go to the Chicago Tribune and call everyone fags and see how everyone feels.
ReplyDeleteRob's pals love this site. It allows them to make the sort of racist comments that would clearly violate Facebook's Terms of Service.
ReplyDeleteShould we call them trayvons instead?
ReplyDeleteShould we call them "trayvons" instead??? You are a awful, disgusting excuse of a human being. Chances are you are young, too, which makes me even sicker. How can someone in this day and age have such feelings. ??? Awful. I love Andre, we have a handful of school friends in common. With Love, straight married white girl with children!! Since you love labels so much
ReplyDeletePlease name one neighborhood in the city or in the world that has improved after nigs moved in. Go it.
ReplyDeleteWell, allow my otherwise racist ass to be the voice of reason.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you Southside guys address the homophobia and violence in your own neighborhood, create a vibrant, thriving, financially successful gayborhood of your own, and then invite all those cracka ass honkeys to come pack your fudge down on the Southside? Then Chicago can have two huge gayborhoods.
But you can't, blacks cannot sustain first world society in any way or form without the intervention of smarter humanoids on the planet.
So, fuck you Andre, and fuck your race traitor white friend, too.
I'm straight but only interested because blacks are destroying white society, again.
Someday, some society will do the right thing and wipe all of you out, the Germans might be up to it since they have so much practice.
We already have the infrastructure in place to exterminate them.
ReplyDeleteSpecial CTA trains running overnight (when all the nigs are out in the streets creating chaos and whites are home asleep) could be equipped to pack them in and emit lethal gas into the sealed chamber cars.
Then the trains could go to O'Hare and the bodies loaded onto cargo planes.
The planes could fly to Mexico, where the corpses would be dumped from the air (just to get even with the mexicans for sending us illegal aliens).
Beverly is 71% white and 29% black. As the blacks continue moving into the neighborhood for the Section 8 housing, the whites continue to leave for safer places. Businesses there are closing and the police force has doubled to deal with the increased crime. The private Catholic schools are building electrified fences around their buildings to keep out the nigs.
ReplyDeleteI call a nig a nig pretty often and live to tell the tale. Alone, they can't fight worth a shit.
ReplyDeleteAs well as fags, jews, etc.
I'm an equal opportunity hater.
It's insane to have all this political correctness when it's obvious the influx of southsiders made Boystown shit, just like Panera cares has increased the amount of useless fucks in Lakeview.
I have written you emails, ChicagoNewsReport to have my name removed, and yet, I have been rebuffed, nor have the comments been taken down. In an earlier post you said if we reached out to you, you would remove said comments. Why are you lying and allowing others to spread hate on your website?
ReplyDeleteWow....I had no idea gay people could harbor soooo much hate...Im a white woman...I date what most yall crackers would call Andre is not a nig...hell my white ass is more a nig then he is...I just want t o say that is blacks and Mexicans seem to be the ones commiting majority of crimes...well fucking duuuuh...their racial group are dicriminated against n blocked from opportunity that allow for growth...proven by your comments here racism is alive and don't think the job market is any different? Soo when you have your family at home you let them starve....or do you go rob some crackers? I dinno bout u but id rob some crackers.
ReplyDeleteOnly fat ugly white women with no self-esteem do nigs.
ReplyDeleteWow, this was thoroughly disgusting. Only cowards sit behind their computer screen and bash another. If you were really so full of white pride, where is your name, address, phone number and picture. Make sure everyone knows how prideful you are, and then you can deal with the reprocussions. Be a man, sack up and take your licks. That is if you can find your way out of your mom's basement. Freedom of speech is one thing, but have some decency. If you really hate blacks, mexicans, women, and every other non-white - then you move! YOU are what is wrong with this country, not people of different races, sex, or orientations. If you knew anything about U.S. or World history you would know things don't usually work out so well for "race purifiers."
ReplyDeleteIt's hard to imagine that there are still so many bigoted people in this day & age. Diversity & different ethnicities is what makes this country amazing. Nicole is right, if you don't like it, GET THE FUCK OUT!! I have known Andre since we were young & he has always been a vibrant, articulate man. I feel sorry for all of you ignorant souls who will never have the pleasure to know his charm, wit & charismatic sense of humor. Why don't all of you racist cowards buy an island so you can move there & pontificate about how superior you are. THEN this country would be a better place! ASSHOLES!!
ReplyDeleteWhy does Andre want to live with white people? Whites don't move to Englewood and expect the nigs to want us there.
ReplyDeleteWhen blacks stop using nigga, then we will stop saying nig. double standard hypocrites!!!!