Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Violent black thugs beat, rob 87-year-old veteran in West Englewood

Cops: Michael Protho, 17 and Rashon Williams, 20, attacked senior citizen in West Englewood.

Chicago is probably home to more black sociopaths and psychopaths than any other city in the United States; making the Windy City one of the most dangerous places in the U.S.

On Monday, July 30, 2012, 87-year-old Porter B. Cross, a reported World War II veteran, was savagely beaten on the 7100 block of South Claremont Avenue, while walking home from a corner store in Chicago's jungle-like West Englewood neighborhood.

Cross had just purchased lottery tickets when three black terrorists, ages 15, 17, and 20, smashed his glasses in his face, knocked his hearing aid out of his ear, broke his dentures, and robbed him, said officials.

Two of the worthless sons-of-bitches have been identified as 20-year-old Rashon Williams, of the 1400 block of Lincoln Avenue in Calumet City and 17-year-old Michael Protho, of the 3000 block of Woodworth Place in Hazel Crest, Illinois.

Because of his age, authorities are protecting the identity of the 15-year-old animal who was allegedly involved in the robbery.

According to the Chicago Tribune, the cowardly muggers were apprehended after two delivery men followed them to a secondary location.

Cross is lucky there were normal people in the area when he was robbed... otherwise, his attackers may have never been caught. 


  1. animals....how can these sick people sleep at night

    1. They sleep very well b/c they lack the inner moral standards that civilized people possess.

      For the most part, these uncivil uneducated urban black people, families, community and culture are a complete failure - and not liked or emulated by white, Asian or Latin peoples.

      I wish we would stop pretending that these black people are our equivalents.

  2. Fed Up With Black CriminalsJuly 31, 2012 at 9:26 PM

    I can think of another race of people who glorify and celebrate ignorance the way blacks do. They have become a nasty, loathsome, despicable group of monsters.

  3. Fought to protect the world from the Nazis only to be taken down by a bunch of punks. Three young guys attacking a senior citizen, lock them up and throw away the key. These punks probably dont even know what WWII was.

  4. More likely they think WWII is some kid of rapper.

  5. I'm almost shocked the one doesn't have dreds. That's probably the reason he was so easily identifiable and caught along with the other one. He was probably so stupid that he forgot he wasn't wearing his White T instead of a green polo and although he ditched it, it was too late for somebody already saw him with it on and without it as well.

  6. I hope Buckwheat and his nig pal get killed in prison.

  7. Dey didn't do Nuffin dey be honoroll students! Oh lordie

  8. Man, it's a good thing they didn't get my elderly father who is a WWII Veteran aIso... I don't think anything could restrain me. Used to be that black families taught their kids to respect their elders or they would get a beat-down. It's just shameful, what type of person could do this to any elderly person? Hope they are made an example of & get the maximum sentence possible. Death Wish & Death Wish II were on cable the other nite...we need some Charles Bronson types to turn the tables on these types of thugs & take back our streets!

  9. Shameful Act. CNR, Phoebe and Company on EveryBlock Rogers Park are talking about you again and saying that all your advertisers should stop advertising here. Phoebe and her imbecile friends over there are nothing but liberal bullies. I hope that you are not intemidated by them. And keep posting.

  10. I havent seen the fat ignorant mommas of these poor boys defending them on tv yet! Why not?

    Im sure well here these boys were good and straightening out their lives and planning on getting there GEDs someday.

    And that the poleeces got the wrong boys.

    Dey didndt do nuffin!

  11. Phoebe even gets indignant and pissed off with people who comment in a way that's goes against her when she posts stuff on EB. She's a sore loser and egotistical thinking she alone will change the world. She even quit EB after some commenters disagreed with her and then couldn't take not putting her 2 cents in and came pack under a different id. Perhaps she should call herself the black Mother Theresa of our time. She sure thinks she's a saint.

  12. @ 8:27pm, I couldn't have said it better about Phoebe or now known as "RogersParker". Last week, she actually upset some regular EBers by saying that a white cop was harassing a black "honor" student in Rogers Park. Most of the folks on Everyblock told her she was nuts and the cops were doing their job. Even Everyblockers have their Phoebe limits.

  13. Wow, look at how close the together the 20 year olds eyes are. I'm thinking chromosome disorder. It would certainly explain the less than human behavior.

  14. Now what is the real excuse for this vile behavior? How can anyone continue to justify and make excuses for people who create such havoc? I at one time was a brain washed liberal, but that has all been mugged away. Surely, good intentions have paved the way to hell after all.

  15. Black trash! Nothing good happens around them.

  16. Chicago needs a Zoo for these uncivilized people so white folks (crackers) can go watch there chimpouts and eat popcorn and point at them.

  17. Lyndon B Johnson is responsible for this.

  18. Look at these tough guys. I see it took two of these Athlete/Honor Students to handle an 87 year old man. Pfffft!

  19. Lincoln was responsible for this. LBJ just handed out the money.


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