The robbery occurred on the 2300 block of North Orchard Street, between Fullerton and Kemper Place, around 4:30 a.m.
Two black males in their 20s approached a white female victim on the street. One them, apparently, grabbed the woman from behind.
The muggers stole the victim’s back pack, cell phone, house keys, and eyeglasses, said police.
The thieves, one of them dressed in a gray T-shirt and dark-colored pants, were last seen running southbound on Orchard Street.
There was no indication the victim was physically injured during the robbery.
Photo credit: Google Maps
This is easily avoidable. Don't walk alone at 4:30am and be aware of your surroundings. I know, I know you can't see black people at night, but they can be heard from blocks away. So remove your earbuds, walk with other people (I don't get the "oh she's a server at a bar excuse" your employer should provide a safe means of getting home)and just don't be a dumbass.
ReplyDelete^^^You are correct, people need to exercise caution these days, the savages are out there ready to pounce, don't make it easier for them.
ReplyDeleteIf it's really dark, just look for the teeth and eyes.
ReplyDeleteTrue. Unless their eyes are red as the devil dick from smoking a blunt and they don't have any teeth from poor oral hygiene. Just saying.
DeleteThe train runs through that area 24 hours. That being the case, there should be proper protection by the CTA and the CPD - 24 hours.
ReplyDeleteThere is nothing here indicating she was wearing an ipod. There is nothing here indicating that she wasn't "exercising caution" either. Many people work odd shifts at other places than bars believe it or not. Hospitals, the 24 hour grocery store that you patronize at "that time of night" when you "probably shouldn't be there in the first place". And, yes of course, bars. Many people, like myself, got rid of their car. Because of the economy, the could no longer afford gas at upwards of $4 and $5/gallon at one time. Insurance, parking, vandalism, theft, etc. They were duped into "world class" public transportation here.
If you're "not supposed to be out at that time of night" then the bars, stores, hospitals and whatever else need to close by midnight at the latest. The trains don't need to run 24 hours either.
All of the above mentioned are MORE than happy to take your money though, including the bars and the CTA.
@12:58pm, I totally agree with you. I work in the medical field, and I sometimes work 2nd shift. I can't avoid this. I also wear glasses like this lady. I can't believe these savages would steal someone's prescription eye glasses. They are Rx b/c they are specific to that person, don't these animals know that??? What are they going to do with Rx eye glasses?
ReplyDeleteMy gym opens at 5:30 am. I should not have to wait until the sunrises as late as 6:30am in the Winter to utilize it in my "better" Chicago neighborhood were I reside (that I pay an unjustified amount for what I get in return to live in). Housing prices are already dropping like wet foodstamps. Newer construction "condos" are renting.
ReplyDeleteStop the blame game and deal with your crime. Pay your taxes so you have police protection. Quit trying to thwart the system Chicagostyle. It has caught up with you. You should also consider CCW. You're the ONLY state in the nation that doesn't have it. No, she may not have been able to "act quick enough" but they sure as H would have thought twice about attacking her. And maybe that guy walking across the street might have had a CCW too. Just something to think about peace, love, weed and liberalism people.
Hey all of you fucking liberals who live in these posh neighborhoods how do you like your failed liberal policies at work now? For years the only people who experienced failed liberal social policies (i.e. let's give them money to turn their lives around) were people in poor neighborhoods. Now the beast is coming to Lincoln Park, the Gold Coast, and other parts of the north side.
ReplyDeleteMost uninformed comment I have ever read. Congrats on sounding fucking stupid.
DeleteNot everyone in "these neighborhoods" is a leftist. Many like minded people here are suffering as a result of their stupidity as well.
ReplyDelete^Thank you. I'm not even party affiliated but if I would have know your politicism was this abundant and skewed in this mess of a city, I would have never moved here. It's gotta be the strangest thing I've experienced in my life. Truly crackpots.
ReplyDeleteI worked in a fast food restaurant back in the day, the black supervisor that worked there decided that one of their linecooks poor performance was due to a need for glasses.
ReplyDeleteShe demanded that I hang over my pair of them, as one size fits all.
She even thought glasses could solve total blindness.
And screaming Ebonics at foreign people would make them suddenly understand.
Alot of nig..s think that the lenses contain actual medicine... lol.
ReplyDeleteI used to work for an eye Dr and Ive seen it 100X
"hey man the medicine wore out in my glasses"
I wish I was making that up.
I think it is one of the funniest comments I've read. I don't know how you could hear one of them say that and not burst out in laughter......unless of course you knew he was packing.
ReplyDeleteThey probably thought they could melt them down and squeeze out some type of chemical to sell.
ReplyDeleteThey'd probably steal your "wares" if it had the right label showing. Hell, they can set their whole house/dump up without spending a penny on what they steal from hardworking innocent victims. Sub human is what they are. Evolution skipped over some in the black culture.
ReplyDelete"You can live in your car, but you can't drive your house." - Detroit (now Chicago).
ReplyDeleteI actually am a practicing optometrist and I can tell you I see at least two nigs a month who think that "the medicine wore out" in their lenses.
ReplyDeleteTheyre just inferior...
Glasses for some like myself are like a prosthetic leg. I am completely blind and unable to function without them. Would these ghettos steal someone's prosthetic leg?? I think I know the answer.