Saturday, July 28, 2012

Closing Lakeview bakery accused of selling bank’s property

A Lakeview neighborhood bakery decided to have a going out of business sale with items that don’t belong to them, according to a concerned 911 caller.

Apparently, The Bleeding Heart Bakery at 1351 West Belmont Avenue in Lakeview, is closing up shop... and according to a 10 a.m. 911 call, they were selling equipment that belongs to the bank, that owns their property.

The person who called the police said they have the paperwork to prove the items no longer belong to the apparently failed business.

According to a responding officer, the issue is most likely a civil matter that will have to be addressed in a court of law. 

Chicago News Report called the eatery for more details, but our calls went to voice-mail.

At the time of this report, the business’ telephone greeting made no mention of the Lakeview bakery closing their doors, forever.

Photo credit: Sharee M.


  1. They previously announced on their Facebook page that they are closing on 8/5/2012.

  2. Another yuppie/granola nut bakery down the tubes. Not surprised...overpriced crap that you can get alot cheaper at a grocery store.

  3. @12:56 - ditto (except the stuff from the grocery store here is usually better).

    I'm not referring to this place but consistency is the key. These places aren't consistent. I for one don't have the dough (no pun intended) to pay $6 for a mediocre loaf of tasteless sourdough rye bread that LOOKS good only to give them a second chance on another item to find out it's absolute crap.

    I really would like to be loyal to these places like in my hometown but just can't. Here today, gone tomorrow......

  4. Bleeding Heart Bakery. They'll probably try to sell the real estate they don't even own either just to push buttons.

  5. Did this really warrant a 911 call?

  6. Yes, this warranted a call to 9-1-1 as a crime was in progress and the bank owned property most likely would be gone by the next business day.

    The stupid white people who were fraudently selling the property that didnt belong to them most surely could have been arrested.

    Now where will the stupid white patrons go to find more over-priced trendy crap?

    1. What does white or black have to do with it? I bought some stuff from them a couple of weeks ago. They guy I paid money to was Mexican. Again, what does that have to do with anything? You are an idiot. They are just bad people no matter what color they happen to be.

  7. Peruse the list of calls police no longer respond to in the cities that "you people" still have such disdain for and opinion on (without ever visiting them). Want it?

    Chicago. Welcome to 20 years behind the rest of America.

  8. Sweet Mandy B's is better... So long you liberal cake eaters.

  9. LittleCock Wankfest UptownJuly 29, 2012 at 12:28 AM

    Those Everyblock cocksuckers are delicate little flowers and probably called 911 about this.
    No matter what you do around there, they take offense to it and enforce tired ass, old political correctness.
    No wonder this city is going to shit, everybody is nucking futz.

  10. Gonna miss bhb. It was a great bakery with a friendly staff and delicious reasonably priced treats!

  11. Must not be that good or reasonable. The one thing that is most annoying about white yuppies is there obession with expensive crap. You could put a piece of shit on bread and call it a fancy name and the yuppies would buy it all up and rave about it!

  12. ^ The most annoying thing about black hoodrats in Sh*tcago is they notice the expensive quality of our cars years after we did (and paid for them), then steal and spray paint murals of their dead babies on the hoods of them. OMG. OMG. I've seen this in your "better" neighborhoods. Heaven Help You All Chicago.

  13. Birth and death dates listed on the hood of the hoodrats stolen car. Your "transplants" paying "market rate" wouldn't notice this. Ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is bliss.

  14. You're all a bunch of racist fucks. Is there ever a comments thread that doesn't devolve into bigoted off topic nonsense?

  15. What us rednecks really need is a Ryan's Steakhouse.
    Open up one of those.

  16. Bleeding heart is awful, they treated their workers like total crap, bounced their checks if they even paid them and sold pastries that were weeks old. no wonder everything tasted like crap.

  17. This place is getting what is deserves. Places like this give small businesses a bad name. I ate here once and was totally disgusted by the horrible crap I was served. Once I did some research and heard about the way they treat their customers, employees and creditors, it all made sense. Just because you get on TV doesn't mean you are a good person. One way or the other the owners will pay for their actions. Good riddance.

  18. Wow. So much unsolicited hate in the comments on this site.

    I liked BHB. They made some bad business decisions, and if this allegation is true, looks like they made some bad legal decisions too.

    Their goat cheese croissant was amazing. A little pricey, but delicious.

  19. This is the most unprofessional, terrible business I have ever come in contact with. All I can say is KARMA. Michelle and her management are pathetic.

  20. No surprise at all about this bakery. They promised a refund for a bad cake and never did it. We went in and asked again (very nicely) and the owner wouldn't speak to us and an employee flipped us off when we drove away...for no reason! No moral character.


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