Saturday, July 28, 2012

VIDEO: Disturbance at Boystown 7-Eleven caught on tape

A young, black male from the city's Avondale community received a little special attention from the Chicago Police Department when he refused to leave a Boystown, Lakeview neighborhood convenience store.

The public display of extreme foolishness took place inside the 7-Eleven at 3407 North Halsted Street, near Halsted and Roscoe.

A tall, thin African American male draped in an oddly constructed T-shirt, topped off with blond eyebrows, peppered a frustrated clerk with a steady stream of insults.

"Why did this stupid ass bitch have to touch me," screamed the apparently inebriated man.  "Why did that fucking whore have to come at me?"

When another store clerk tried to usher the man, who claims to live in the Belmont and California area, out the door, the combative subject redoubled his efforts to thoroughly insult the first clerk by calling the employee "ugly".

In order to get the agitated man to calm down, a responding officer threatened to put the man in the back of a police car.


  1. There's no reason we should have to put up with that. In the few times I've stopped in that store I've noticed that worker is always very friendly compared to whatever other abundant ethnic element they had working there.

    It used to be good enough to grab a Slurpee from now and then but once they started accepting LINK cards it's been nothing but a hassle and no longer a "convenience store" at any time of the day or night.

    What drugs are these "youth" on? I never got into that scene but just curious.


  3. This has nothing to do with LINK cards. What a stupid comment.

    One of the highest-grossing 7-11s located on a major bar strip is going to attract inebriated patrons.

    Im tired of some of these doomsayers who can only see the dark lining of a cloud.

  4. Another nig from the Center on Halsted.

    1. Did you meet him in the bathroom there? Or are you just assuming he's from the Center because you're an uneducated racist..

  5. CAT 2 Chimpout, congrats to the cop for making sure it didnt get worse.

  6. racist yes, uneducated no

  7. He/she/it uses the girls restroom. His/her/its welfare momma taught him/her/it to sit while peeing.

  8. Those poor people working at 7-11 making an honest living should get combat pay for having to deal with nigs.

  9. @10:10am. O.k. then stabbings, drug dealers, prostitution, more blood, strapped security patrolling the streets in groups, 3 on 1 attacks putting people going to work in the morning at 5:30am in critical condition and homeowners complaining about declining property values and rising taxes is acceptable then because this "is a major bar strip". Got it. That's why I avoid it.

    I mean, I don't want to sound negative or anything but these are things I've both read accounts of, heard about from others and witnessed with my own two eyes.

    On the positive side for you though is as long as the $$$ is flowing in, nobody really cares and you can have it your way.

    (I really don't care to be behind someone in line doing, basically, their grocery shopping at 7-11 with a LINK card which has been rejected numerous times resulting in arguments while I'm just trying to be in/out with one item. It's no longer a "convenience" store. After 3 incidences of this, I just left my stuff on the counter and fled never to return).

  10. And P.S. Most of us that work for a living or fill our down time with productive activities other than standing on the street all day or causing a ruckus in the stores don't have time for this BS. Maybe you wouldn't understand. Or work off hours on the "bar strip" and really don't have to be anywhere at any particular time like our friend in the video either.

    I've been out in public many times with one or two too many in me but don't do this crap (I usually just call it a night and go home).

    Any other place on earth he would have been arrested for public intoxication and I'm sure many in Chicago still are, you just can't touch your sacred hooligans and hoodrats on this particular "bar strip" for whatever reason.

  11. The cops should have quietly and peacefully taken that nig into an alley and beat him to death.

  12. *Yawn* Q: How many times does a drunk Cubs fan or messy white queen from one of the gay bars in Boystown act out like this? A: All the fucking time. Leave it to some racist fuck to add the soundtrack of that fat white fuck blackface performer and try to make this about race. Your video shows nothing that drunk white people don't do routinely. *Yawn*

  13. The guy is simply drunk. This shows how people are treated based on race. There's no reason for the Hispanic police officer to swear at this guy. If it were a drunk white guy in the same situation, nine times out of ten the police would act professionally.

  14. Another trayvon chimping out.

  15. Someone give that chimp a banana.

  16. 12:53, they don't really arrest people for "public intoxication." Have you ever been to the Broadway & Wilson Uptown area? Lots of drunk vagrants that loiter all day. The police do nothing.

  17. saw a crazy white mom screaming inside a starbucks last thursday about her blah blah latte, reminded me a lot of this video.

  18. @anon - 5:45 - one major difference. The lady at starbucks is paying for her coffee. This chimp at 7/11 has LINK CARD written all over him...

  19. Show me the beginning of the video. I think we need to see that. Conviienant to record it too. Provoking maybe? Won't know till we see the entire vid

  20. I actually like to see the beginning of the video before making any judgement. Even though it's clear that I'm wasted from having a great time for my friends birthday on Sunday fun day I still would like tyoder the beginning of the video and for those of you that think that it was a link card problem you're absolutely wrong thanks for knowing who I am and I love my blonde eyebrows in the word c.u.n.t. on my arm so before you judge me get to know me first thank you!!!

    1. But you have a link card? Why don't you put on a suit, write a resume, and get a real job some don't have pay for your loosies.

  21. I know both parties very well. Both are nice people. For the record I don't think he has a link and is not from the center. I blame the booze in this case. But the start of it could be different. The racist person on the comments you are way outta line.

  22. 8:25, you made a damn fool of yourself and now it's on the Internet. You need to learn how to shut the fuck up instead of acting out like a whiny bitch.

  23. Nice people don't yell at 7-11 employees and call them derogatory names like "ugly ass bitches." Stop playing the victim card.

  24. All lakefront residents should have their cell phones ready to record more videos like these so other people can see what we have to deal with daily.

  25. how is any opinion against this guy racist? he's acting like a jerk, deserves a night in jail to sleep it off, and if that doesn't work, he's not fit for society. same for the frat boys. if they act like this, jail 'em as long as it takes to make them understand what is expected of them. we're supposed to be a first-world society. drop the racism charges. here he is on video, a jerk. white guys acting like jerks on video are also jerks. got it. now let the cops take action. that's what they're for. (of course, that's really what parents are for, but that ship has sailed).

  26. Some people just get drunk. But some people get drunk and mix it with homosexual/minority entitlement and all hell breaks loose. I think this video is clear evidence of the latter: Just an ignorant, self-entitled piece of shit disrespecting someone working an honest job, trying to get by in this world. Every last one of them should get fucked in the face with scissors.

  27. Saya Naomi Diaz Deleon-Visage... Thats that tired queen the works in boystown. Specially at spin.. Acting like a monkey is not right... Specially when u are part of the community... I will show this around so that you wont get booked anymore. We dont want our queens to act like animals.

  28. I hope the he/she nig continues to get very drunk very often because he will eventually run into the wrong person who will not be as kind as the cops were.

  29. LMAO! Say whatever you want about this site but you gotta admit they find some great videos.

    I LOVE that someone that actually knows this turd (July 28th 8:53pm) STILL doesnt know if the idiot has a link card.
    'I dont think he has a link'.
    I mean really... you'd think your friends would have a pretty good idea if your broke or not.
    I checked out that groid's FB page and its the cornucopia of digitized idiocy that you'd expect.
    And FYI this child occasionally performs (and I use that term very loosely) around Boystown. Do us all a favor and tell him he needs to stay in his neighborhood if he wants to act like a god damn fool.

  30. Ya'll dun up officially loss your d*mn mines. Was the server that was overserved at SarahTrak videotaped? I'd luv to see it.

    (All I know is that where I'm from we handled the hard economic times with much more class, diversified our talents without trying to be movie stars or artists, picked ourselves up by the bootstraps and moved on........and will again).

  31. @4:58 - I officially wrote off Uptown when the guy I was dating texted that he just wrapped a makeshift tourniquet around a guys ankle that just got shot at the place you're speaking of. I replied via text to "now GTF outta there - forever!".

    1. Your boyfriend is an idiot. He lied to you

  32. I saw a cop outside the 7-11 @ Addison/Sheffield during the day last week frisk a black guy and tell him "Now get the F outta here!". I witnessed that with my own eyes/ears. Why can't it be done here? Why?

    Do black people think this is funny on Halsted St. Do gays think this is funny on Halsted St.? Have you all really proved a point yet?

  33. That white cracker honky should have just gave him the food, who cares if it wasn't ready. It wasn't worth making a customer upset. His saltine azz was being a dick on purpose. He needs to quit that job and go back to kicking cow shit on the farm with the rest of the ghost faced queens who infest Chicago.

  34. ^ Typical "gimme gimme" welfare attitude. Just give it to me. Is it worth the effort to not just give it to me? Gimme gimme. Then sue the store for gimming you an undercooked product. Gimme more gimme gimme.

  35. I know him and unfortunately this isn't the first time hes acted like this in 7-11 hes always rude to them. I've witnessed him drunk causing a scene on many occasions. Its sad actually he doesn't have much going for himself and I guess turns to alcohol.

  36. Why is everyone getting so racist? You don't know him so maybe you should stop judging. We don't know what lead up to any of them getting upset.

  37. Nothing justifies the way he acted. Quit pretending there was a precipitating event that would have justified him acting like a whiny bitch.

  38. Nice how polite he became when the police arrived.

  39. ah, so center on halsted is a gang hangout now?

  40. Yup, COH pieace of shit

  41. Nice work by the CPD. Use the F-bomb as much as possible to calm him down. A better solution would be the throw his ass in the car and drop him off down in englewood.

  42. So yeah, I guess if you want to wait for Ned The Wino to run off his list of lottery #'s for the next day (isn't it mandatory to fill out a sheet for those now?) then watch him spill his cup of change out on the counter and wait for them to count out $3.50 in mainly pennies, nickels, dimes and only a few quarters in the pile - have at it. I put my money on the counter, advised it was for my item and left with instructions to not give my change to him. I'll expect it returned the next time I visit this "convenience" store. You're already paying a premium price to be in/out quickly.

    Not paying these housing prices to live in the ghetto. Again, some of us have places to go and things to do. All of you LL's get your hineys in there with all of your spare time and help them count all that change quickly so we can get to work.

  43. Maybe if your rude ass had ever held a job, you might know how horrible it is to have someone like you come in.

  44. Now you see why there is bullet-proof glass at every grocery store, mini mart,hot dog stand, and gas station in the black areas.

  45. While Chicago News Report may post a caveat clause to opt themselves out from filtering out overt bigoted and racist comments on here, it's still not cute that it's allowed. I also am amused that there is no reporter listed on this article, so the writer’s invisibility and the credibility "Chicago News Report" can go unchecked and clearly not do fact research about this story and where this reported "Avondale" black man lives and works. With this lack of accountability, it's no surprise that I hadn't heard of this site until I actively was looking more into this incident.

  46. I was amazed at the patience exhibited by the store employees and the police. this obnoxious hot mess should have been hauled away by the police as soon as they visually verified that said hot mess was drunk and disorderly -- which should have taken them 5 seconds.

  47. Same shit happens at 395 flatbush ext, (Brooklyn) Bad neighborhood, bad people, I don't know how the seven eleven employees put up with this kind of nuisance. I feel bad for them.


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