Saturday, July 28, 2012

Woman forced into Lincoln Park alley, robbed, says cops

A woman was pulled into a North Side Lincoln Park alley and robbed at gunpoint, said authorities.

Citing police dispatch reports, the armed robbery happened around 6 a.m. near the intersection of the 2700 block of North Racine and the 1200 block of West Schubert Avenues.

The victim was walking down the street when a black male, sitting on a porch with his shirt pulled over his head, approached her, said police.

The male brandished a gun and forced the woman into a nearby alley, where she was robbed, according to an investigating officer.

The suspect is 20 to 25-years-old, about 6’2” with a very thin build.

The mugger's hair was styled in short twists and he may have missing teeth, said police.

The thief was last seen one block south of Schubert, possibly in the area of Racine in Drummond Place.

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