On June 9, 2012, a frightening and chaotic scene was filmed on Chicago's Magnificent Mile as young African Americans scattered in every direction - flooding the streets.
It's unclear what started the stampede, but a controversial moment was captured on video when a Chicago police officer wrestled a black male to the ground and allegedly used a racial slur.
The person who shot the footage claims the officer said, "I'll knock the shit out of you! Get on your stomach... nigger!"
The videographer also claims the officer used excessive force.
Chicago News Report replayed the controversial portion of the video at least twenty times and we aren't sure if the officer called the suspect a "nigger" or said "get down".
FYI, a little birdie told us that certain high ranking officials are doing everything they can to cover up the shenanigans on Michigan Avenue.
Profits before safety.
Well....if it looks like a duck.....
ReplyDeleteAnimals act better then these savages. The ghetto express should stop running at the 35th street stop. They ruin any area they go into.
ReplyDeleteLeave it to a bunch of blacks to act improperly and then bust out the race card once john law puts a stop to the shenanigans.
ReplyDeleteIt's blatantly obvious they're trying to "cover up shenanigans on Michigan Ave". Anybody with 2 eyes can see there are serious problems though. All the cop cars parked in the medians along the entire strip weren't there in 2007. Furthermore, the 2 paddy wagons outside the Water Tower Mall are now a fixture (can't help but notice that "blue light" camera that extends about 50 ft. from one of them).
ReplyDeleteI do know some "tourists", some from my hometown, that said they'd "never seen anything like this before" regarding some of the "shenanigans" and vowed never to return to Chicago. I'm sure the guy that got his jaw busted by 10 this past weekend isn't going to do much for your "image" either.
Time to get out the roach spray...
ReplyDeleteDarn 'tootin they're covering it up.
ReplyDeleteJust like Rahm and Garry covered up the real reason for closing North Avenue Beach last summer. And it was'nt because of the heat.
The lakefront path is already lost to the marrauding mobs between Fullerton and Ohio.
And Boystown is lost to them every night.
This apparent arrest is notable in that 018th district police have been instructed not to arrest the black marrauders.
Behavior no longer has consequences.
Yeah, the blacks are going on racist rampages almost every night against whites and then some of them have the effrontery to complain that some white cop who has to deal with them called them a name!!
ReplyDeleteTruth is an absolute defense in a libel suit.
ReplyDeleteOf course they're covering it up. It would be bad for bidness...kudos to the cop in the video, though he should have hog tied the black vermin. That's what they do to animals!!!
ReplyDeletelol that cop is totally screwed! Good riddance. Racist cops gtfo
ReplyDeleteI have to say that it did sound like the officer used the 'N' word when he flipped the perp over. Of course, that doesn't excuse anything the perp was doing, nor should it mitigate any punishment he is due to receive. Still, knowing how the courts work, there's a lesson for police to relearn. Whatever your internal beliefs, just don't use those words because they don't make your job any easier to perform.
ReplyDeleteHahahahah that cop is screwed. Racist little piggy bye bye!
ReplyDeleteGod bless that officer. I wish he wasn't out numbered. It looked like roaches scattering when you turn the light on. We need the national guard to clean up this mess.
ReplyDeleteUnless you are an N, there is no reason to hate cops (and even they have no legitimate reason its just part of their culture). You are probably just mad the suburban police in your hometown gave you a hard time when you were growing up, but when you live in a crime free bubble the police have nothing else to do but bust high school parties and write tickets for underage drinking...
ReplyDeleteGrow up and realize they are the only thing holding our "society" together. If you honestly prefer to live in anarchy, just move to Haiti, Somalia, or Niger.
The official term for what's happening downtown is called a "bongo party".
ReplyDeleteThat slur sounds dubbed. The audio quality of that one word is much better than the rest. I call shenanigans!
ReplyDelete^Yes I agree, if you replay the clip at :17 you hear him say "et on your stomach" in a voice very differently from the next word.
ReplyDeleteCNR might want to take a look at the user that uploaded the original version of this, and make sure to download and save a copy. If it was edited, the uploader would probably delete it as soon as people started questioning its authenticity...
Stay classy Black America!
ReplyDelete@ 1:59pm Thank You!!!!!! Very well put!
ReplyDeleteIf this was an educated, well behaved young Black man, the cop would not have called him a nigger. However, from the behavior, he deserved to be called a nigger & to be arrested. Are you serious? You are going to act in an uncivilized manner and expect the police officer to be kind when he arrests you? I can bet Al and Jesse will want to sue and make a big deal out of this. The thing is, just because someone uses the term "nigger" does not mean they are racist. There are Black people and there are niggers. I know the difference and I know that even educated Blacks don't like niggers.
ReplyDeleteWhat the hell is going on in Chicago??? Back in the 90s this would not happen. Where are all these ghetto Black thugs coming from? Is the city providing free housing for them? I think all the section 8 trash needs to start doing some community service and make themselves useful.
during NATO a German reporter was asked about Chicagos lake front and he said it reminded him of the coast of Africa. laughed mao when they reported that on the radio.
ReplyDeleteThe cops should beat the living crap out of them. There will be great economic consequences unless these animals are taught that this bahavior will not be allowed to go on any further. These people are prone to animalistic behavior by nature.
ReplyDeleteWe have to just keep them contained in those disgusting ghettos. Lock the door and toss the key. Can't get rid of them, they won't EVER integrate into a civilized society, but at least we can try and contain them. Wait until Zimmerman walks and these animals have an excuse to beat and steal.
ReplyDeleteThese animals are destroying this city and people are worried that some POS got his feelings hurt? Come on!
ReplyDeleteWho cares what anyone calls anyone. If you just got beat up or robbed, would you feel the same way about that poor guy that the Police are picking on for no reason at all? I think not.
For all you people that vote for the Democrats, you got what you wanted.
First of all, how is this mob different from the white mob that beat people in the restaurant in Tinley Park? It amazes me how you bigots label all black youths based on those ignorant fools downtown who need to be in jail to rot. Should I base all white people as pedophiles based on Jerry Sandusky? There are bad people in every race. There are bad democrats and bad republicans. It is what it is. It is 2012. When will you bigots go find an island to inbreed on????
ReplyDeleteScum of the earth. I hate all of these pieces of shit. They've ruined their black ghettos so now they want to take over everywhere else. Can we reverse Civil Rights?
ReplyDeleteThe perfect example of why racism is alive and well. They are all animals. Animals that need to be extinct.
ReplyDeleteNo, they are SAVAGES. I have animals, and they BEHAVE.
ReplyDeleteDon't cheapen animals by lumping them in with these foul creatures.
All you racist white bitchess are just hiding behind your computers. You would NEVER say these things to a black person's face
ReplyDeleteTo all the white racist people that comment,why must you do it anonymously? If your racist stand up and be proud!Ah you dont wont the world to know ok well keep it a secret. Remember your as SICK as your SECRET...
ReplyDeleteCherease...r u black? Have a banana and educate your monkeys. Or...kill yourself.