Around 7:27 p.m., an specified number of black males stole several boxes of Nike gym shoes from the Sports Authority at 3134 North Clark Street, where Clark, Halsted, and Barry intersect, according to police dispatch.
The thieves, believed to 15 to 20 years-old, stole three to four boxes of shoes, a piece, said investigators.
The brazen shoplifters were last seen running northbound on Clark Street.
Photo: Google Maps
Savage jiggaboo mobs heading north.
ReplyDeleteDoesnt their EBT card already provide them with free bakkaball shoes?
Almost went there today but decided to order online instead. Good instincts on my part!
ReplyDeleteThey used to send some great, great coupon cards in the mail (affixed to the outside of the envelope) from that place. The postal "workers" used to steal them though. Obviously enough of them were "lifted" because I got only one other....... and it was inside the envelope.
ReplyDeleteJust another day in a "better neighborhood" of a "World Class City" though.
Funny but I suspected the thieves were same male usuals that infest Boystown every evening.
ReplyDeleteEvery evening!
Of course, Tom Tunney fails to address the issue.
We'll have a 5-month respite next summer when they close down the Red Line south of Cermak.
I hope this store and media outlets publicize the images of these lowlife thieves.
Welfare types already get free cell phones but that's not good enough. They want free gym shoes also.
ReplyDeleteCitizens of Lakeview, break your conditioning and racially profile the shit out of these maggots, everyday & everywhere you go.
ReplyDeleteIf you see savages walking down the street, stare at them so they understand that they are unwelcomed. Have savages shopping in your store? Follow them around until they leave. Savages in your restaurant or bar, ignore them until they leave. Savages loitering in front of your home, call the CPD, don't ignore them out of PC guilt.
At least northsiders of the 70s & 80s showed some balls before ultimately fleeing.
I can't wait until cnr does a report about you getting your head smashed in for being a racist piece of shit. I'll keep welcoming all people of all colors in my business, where I've never once had a problem because I treat everyone with respect. You can keep living your lonely miserable fearful life while the rest of us prosper. Even the police won't protect you after you drop the n word and get your teeth knocked out. You've got it coming :)
Delete^ Exactly. I mean afterall, they "profile" me. We're all "rich" ya know. Ever have one of the black "homeless" look directly and ask you for $$ when there's a black guy standing right next to you? Happens at LEAST twice a day. Now I just look them in the eye and point to that person standing next to me. It could be a black male, "yuppy" single female, whatever. Believe me, she has more $ in her purse or the black man has more cash in his belt then I do in my wallet.
ReplyDeleteI think they'd be very disappointed if they gang attacked me. Take my phone. I hate it and want a new one, the keys are too small. Take my ipod too. The finish is all worn off of it. Wallet? Good luck. Usually about $10 max and usually about $10 credit left on each card per month.
"Move to Chicago, step back to 1950".
And as a side note, some of these "compassionate", "aware", "loving", "caring", "worldly", lunatic liberals already do call the police when they're hanging out on their porch. "Just call the police and tell them they're dealing drugs. They'll be right over.", as I was told to do by one of them. I mean, shouldn't they be out there caressing their forehead and playing a male role model for them?
ReplyDeleteLovely comment from an "anti racist" type. I guess sports authority was opressing the black community when several youths decided they needed to liberate some Nike's from the store. What a crock of crap. You Libtard anti racist types keep it up, it will just be you and the gang bangers left in the city while anyone with half a brain moves back to the suburbs, will be the 60's and 70's all over again.
ReplyDeleteIts funny how all the anti racists come from the cornfields of Indiana to enlighten us to their views of diversity. There isnt a black person in 100 miles of them, but they know black culture better than residents of Chicago. Right?
ReplyDeleteAnd quit lying about having a business! We know you are a barista at Starbucks, and you welcome anyone that comes into the store because you aren't actually allowed to tell people to leave. Thats why there are bums sleeping in the bathrooms and shitting in the lobby!!!
Actually, born and raised in Chicago, and have been running a family hardware store on the west side for over 8 years. You seem upset. Try counseling?
Deleteto bad the white gangs aren't around anymore!
ReplyDeleteDear Outraged Racist Shouting Types - Feel free to differentiate between a black citizen minding their own business and a savage.
ReplyDeleteWho is the racist?
Original Poster
I can't wait 'til CNR (i.e. Tim) admits the truth and stops censoring like the Trib and UU. He can't look at himself in the mirror either.
ReplyDeleteHe's STOLEN some of my punch lines here and USED them in his headlines ("snatch your ass bald' - sound familiar, Tim?). Weak. Cheap. Clueless. Chicago.
But thanks for the updates. I'll just sit back and observe the demise (in many arenas) though.
Is your mama a postal worker, Tim? Oh, come on. Fess up!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the real reporting CNR!! How many more tourists and law abiding citizens have to be attacked, robbed, and beaten before anything is done to stop these ghetto ass thugs?? IL desperately needs a conceal & carry law. If we could start shooting the animals, things would probably chill out. Take back your streets Chicago before you become another Detroit. Ooops, too late. It already happened. Good luck with that.
ReplyDelete@7:58 I dont see any punchlines in any of the headlines, what are you even talking about?