An alleged Direct Energy employee accused of attacking an off-duty Chicago police officer seems to have trouble controlling his temper... and keeping his clothes on.
On March 31, 2012, 23-year-old Vincent C. Taylor Jr. punched a 59-year-old off-duty cop on Chicago's Southwest Side while soliciting business for a local electric and gas company, said police.
Taylor got into a confrontation with the off-duty officer after Taylor refused to close the officer's gate on his way out, reports the Chicago Tribune.
Witnesses claim they told Taylor he was arguing with a cop before he allegedly assaulted the off-duty officer, said the Tribune.
The officer, who was treated and released from Mount Sinai Hospital, was struck in the face and sustained swelling around his left eye, according to investigators.
Taylor, a Proviso West High School graduate and an alleged former employee of Dunkin Donuts, was charged with aggravated battery to a police officer and criminal damage to property, said police.
This is the fourth time Taylor has been arrested for putting his hands on someone, stated the Chicago Tribune.

In addition to his apparent anger management issues, Taylor loves to show off his cash and his pubic hairs online.
Chicago News Report discovered several photos of the so-called angry salesman exposing his unmentionables and flaunting 10s, 20s, and one-hundred dollar bills.
When several Facebook friends warned Taylor that he was showing too much skin, he said he was showing off his "V".

Although Direct Energy reportedly refused to comment on Taylor's employment status with the company, word of the alleged assault has spread like wildfire throughout Chicago.
Some Chicagoans, already weary of opening their doors to strangers, had previous doubts about Direct Energy... some of the people we spoke with said they thought Direct Energy's door-to-door solicitors were part of a scam.
Direct energy is a new door-to-door scam no different than those poor DS-max bastards (selling the fake Disney books or the little screwdriver kits) or the kids selling magazines. Although I heard these guys case the joint and come back for more profits...
ReplyDeletesurely door to door solicitor companies should be forced to background check their hires?
ReplyDeleteI lvoe the way its described, an "Alleged" former Dunkin D employee...
no more donuts for me.
ooh.. three $100 bills and a bunch of $20's.. He's a playa! LMAO!
ReplyDeleteJust another lousy trayvon exhibiting typical trayvon behavior.
ReplyDelete$500 bucks and a dunkin donuts nametag, now thats gangsta...
ReplyDeleteYall always trying to make someone look bad. Forget chicago and yall spammers yall aint shit go to hell
ReplyDelete"Yall always trying to make someone look bad. Forget chicago and yall spammers yall aint shit go to hell"
ReplyDeleteYes. Everyone but Mr. Taylor is responsible for his predicament, right? That's a typical black response.
Lucky he didn't get "zimmed".
ReplyDeleteActually im white. N that my friend silly goose
ReplyDeleteOh shit!!! Hes wearing a hoodie in one of the pics....
Typical N Rage!
ReplyDeleteThese comments show the level of maturity and tolerance in this country. You can't blame a whole race for one clown!!! I would think pple would know that. Good going guys.
ReplyDelete^ go back to reddit
ReplyDeleteWhat company would hire someone that look like that?
ReplyDeleteWhat company would hire someone that look like that?
ReplyDeleteNone would, ever, besides maybe a local franchised Dunkin Donuts. But no real company, where he would be on salary, or have a chance to deal with customers/clients & earn bonuses/commissions, would hire him.
I would say that CPS needs counselors to go in & speak to the kids about the dangers of what they put on facebook, myspace, twitter, worldstar, youtube, etc., and talk to them about how that stuff is permanent & can come back to haunt them badly - but they already do. In many classes, they talk about the dangers of social media, and most schools, starting at the elementary school level, have some type of Social Media workshops throughout the year. Clearly, these animals don't give a fuck (I know they don't give a fuck, or fukkkkk, because that's what they put up on their pages, constantly).
I would then say the parents should be responsible, but well, when your mom is only 15 years older than you, and you don't know who your dad is (or he's dead or in prison), and when your mom is behaving in the exact same chimp manner, well, you get my point.
Some people think that if their settings are private, or if they take stuff down, it's gone. That isn't true. There are huge companies out there whose sole purpose is to record images, postings & conversations from social media, then sell that to interested parties, like potential employers, schools, and skip-tracers (the people who track the n!gs down when they don't pay their notes).
If I was a hiring manager at a major firm, unless this Vincent Taylor guy was so extraordinarily talented, and so unique that I couldn't find anybody else to do his job, I would never hire him. And if he or my boss axed why, I would just show the pictures.
maybe everyone should mind there own business and worry about what their doing and what their kids might do in the future. You guys dont know what happend so you cannot judge off a article the media always hype things up because that could hve been your brother or son or freind. You all are ignorant indviduals have a blessed life god does no like ugly. KLT
ReplyDeleteI assure you that lousy ghetto trayvon is neither my brother or son or friend.
ReplyDeleteI'm guessing that is a tranny behind him in picture two, or his sister???
ReplyDeleteUgly silverback
ReplyDeleteDoesn't matter if he's "your brother or son or freind."... And I think the word you wanted was "friend".
ReplyDeleteHe's still a low life.
yuck i can smell him from here...
ReplyDeleteThey all have a bad stink. Whenever I get on a CTA bus I can smell it.
ReplyDeleteLook at this sorry piece of ignorant ghetto trash.
ReplyDeleteCan we euthanize him??? Please???
I can only pray for all of you spewing hateful spit at people you deem sub-human. All rational people hate ignorance and criminals, but there are ways to express your feelings and thoughts without being just as ignorant in expressing cold-blooded callous, self-righteousness and racism from all sides of the color spectrum. Unlike most of you, all of you probably, I have spent the last two decades of my life pursuing and apprehending the most dangerous criminals across this nation. I've dealt face to face with the mothers, fathers, sons and grandparents whose children have been killed, raped,abducted and my humanity is still intact. I know from experience not to stereo type people. And I one thing more...on any given day something can go horribly wrong in your own pious, law-abiding, wear your pants buckled at the waist life that you couldn't see coming and couldn't avoid...and in an instant YOU are on trial for your life. Karma is a mother...
ReplyDeleteThink before you blog intolerant foolishness people.
Black man + hooded sweatshirt = shoot on sight
ReplyDeleteWe would be so much better off if we rounded black america up and shipped them off to their own island. I only wish Alcatraz was big enough to hold them all.
ReplyDeleteHateful hearts. All of you thats slandering other races, I'm quite sure you don't have a lot to offer. You probably do not have a job, didn't finish school, miserable in your own skin, in a gang, don't have a home, smoke whatever, sleep in different place, have special needs, suicidal, canabalistic, like killing your family, sex with the same members in your family and I'm quite sure you know who you are!!!
ReplyDeleteLook at the news recently with the couple killing people and making deserts and eating them. What planet did they come from? Hmmm what race is that? Google and find out!!
ReplyDeleteMr Alcatraz, do some research on your race. See what comes up. I bet you wont survive if you went to Alcatraz. Stay hating the black race and see where you will end up. You will see. Have a nice life in hell!!!