Sunday, around 2:26 a.m., police were notified of a street brawl at the intersection of North Clark Street and West Cornelia Avenue.
A 911 caller said ten people were fighting in the street, said police dispatch.
At 2:37 a.m., an officer at the scene said the people in the area were “out of control” and there were “cars and people, everywhere”.
Shortly thereafter, authorities blocked southbound traffic at North Clark and West Addison Streets.
At 2:43 a.m., police said the crowd was starting to “clear out”.
A 2:48 a.m. police dispatch report indicated an alleged battery victim was waiting for police assistance at 3505 North Clark Street.
However, as of 3:07 a.m., there was no indication an ambulance was called to the scene and there were no reports of any arrests.
You people here just DO NOT know how to go out, have a couple of drinks and have a fun night on the town.
ReplyDeleteSame for the gays on Halsted St. as well. They just don't know when to stop. No limits. Drugs, BJ's in the alley, knives, bartenders fueling the fire........
Signs of the Obamaconomy. No limits. Here's another drink, I need the tax free tip $$$ to pay for my 3rd mortgage on my shitshack highrise/cage.
Hopefully this entire lakefront "gentrifies" back to what it once was......peaceful, clean Germans, Polish and Irish that built the damn place. Shit, let the peaceful Indians move in with their weed.
Unfortunately, this BS is only getting started.
ReplyDeleteIts not even warm yet.
It's the nigs... plain and simple.
ReplyDeletesounds fun wish i was there... my guess is this was because its the first nice weekend in MONTHS
ReplyDeleteas for the fight, TNB is unavoidable in this city
Is there any information about the " race " of the pugilists ?
ReplyDelete@anon 1:54 PM - I think we already know what race is responsible for this crap.
ReplyDelete"Is there any information about the " race " of the pugilists?"
ReplyDeletePolice did not give a description of the subjects.
I have the unfortunate pleasure of living near Wrigley.
ReplyDeleteIll tell you what happens.
White people: Drink, party, maybe get a little rowdy, go home.
Black people: Drink, steal, fight, goto jail.
Put em all in the zoo!
I never go out between the 1st and the 10th of any months. Because thats when they have their Link card money. You are safe between the 11th and 30th.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 10:53. Great tip. Never thought of that. But then again, don't they just steal between the 11th and 30th?
ReplyDeleteHeres a better tip - fight back; with extreme prejudice.
ReplyDeleteThis is OUR neighborhood. The nigs can go back to the south side.
there any information about the " race " of the pugilists?
ReplyDeleteI wasn't there, so this isn't firsthand, but from a friend who says he drove past it, it was an all black street brawl. He said it was nasty, too, saw one nig stomping on another's head when he was on the ground.
Fucking animals.
There is information on the race of the individuals, but as per usual, the powers to be keep such information out of the press so that it will not seem like this particular racial group is the only one involved in these activities.
ReplyDeleteAnd this particular racial group has decided that they are going to set up and plan such excitement in other quiet areas of the city that are composed of people not from their race.
I am just guessing that this was probably a large group of kids from Park Ridge, or Burr Ridge. Those little rascals.
"White people: Drink, party, maybe get a little rowdy, go home."
ReplyDeleteThey were still roaming like banshees at 3am this past Saturday. Hootin' and hollerin' in our courtyard, ringing all the buzzers, yelling "let us in" (obviously there was a floosy booty call inside for this group. I just moved in and will find out who she is). One was peeing on a bush. I told them to "shut the F up", poured a bucket of hot water on them and called the cops. Surprisingly, 911 said "they'll be right over".
My first inkling was it was a group of 20-something disrepsectful a-holes, but on second thought, they could have been pushing 50 because that's how they all act here. I didn't get a close look.
This doorway is set far back from the street. A courtyard. It's not like they just walked by and "happened upon" a place to pee and act like animals.
I wish they'd just go to the lake to buy some drugs, get robbed and pushed in.
....yeah, like you know when two dogs are "hooked"? No different here, pour hot water on the animals to diffuse the situation.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who lives in the city and complains about noise on a Saturday night is just a douche. Move to Joliet or some other suburb if you want to live in a tomb.
ReplyDeleteThat's not "noise". City sounds are fire engines, hearing the bus arrival announcements, kinda stuff like that. Actually, it somewhat gives the whole city experience a lil' character.
ReplyDeleteRinging EVERYONE's buzzer at 3am cuz you're so intoxicated you're can't remember which unit # your ho lives in is a little different. In Detroit, somebody would have just shot the a-holes. Believe it or not, a store owner shot a guy that was peeing on the back of his store there. You don't do that there. But ya'll piss on everything here. I had an alley parking spot once in Andersonville. Never saw so many mexican penises in my life (that I didn't want to see either). Broad daylight. Subhuman trash.
But I understand. There are no bathrooms, even in some restaurants because you'd have your "homeless", that you coddle here, living in them.
What's the sense of being one if you can't act like one.
ReplyDeleteThe racial comments in this thread is freakin pathetic. I live on that corner and love the neighborhood. Of course it's pathetic that these brawls happen- what's even more pathetic is language of the douchebags above. Sad f*cks...
ReplyDeleteAnyone who ignores that nigs are the cause of most crime related problems is just in denial of the reality.
ReplyDeleteThat's just what we need to strive for...to be more like Detroit. That city was destroyed by nigs and now lays in ruins.
ReplyDeleteThe financial crisis in Detroit was caused by faulty unregulated financial schemes formed by financial houses. You can blame Wall Street. You sound like an uneducated red neck prob smoking a pack of reds as you spit yer chew into an empty can of Shlitz...
ReplyDeleteNigs moved to Detroit in hordes because they heard there were no jobs there. A nig will always choose welfare over a job. Collecting gubmint benefits is the only thing a nig knows how to do.
ReplyDelete" White people: Drink, party, maybe get a little rowdy, go home."
ReplyDeleteI went to a majority white college for undergrad and grad, still serve in the military, and lived in both Englewood and Beverly. That statement above couldn't be further from the truth. I have wayyy more white drunken horror stories from being in Beverly, going to college, and even in the military than with black people. Say what you want but as much as I drank and got high BEFORE college we were afraid to drink and get high with the white students at school because it always got out of control. The poster was right about one thing though, they didn't get locked up for getting out of control, but we sure would be locked up if it was us.
Empty your spitoon, it's beginning to spill over.
ReplyDelete"Hopefully this entire lakefront "gentrifies" back to what it once was......peaceful, clean Germans, Polish and Irish that built the damn place. Shit, let the peaceful Indians move in with their weed."
ReplyDeleteI assure you the "peaceful Indians" don't think you're peaceful or clean and would probably want to put a bullet between your eyes as backpay to your peaceful and clean ancestors. It's ironic that you can rely on embellished tales of greatness for your own ethnic groups and then perpetuate embellished stereotypes of others. Tell us more about the peaceful Germans, leave out all the Hitler stuff, and the Irish, minus the whole Catholic Protestant misunderstanding...and as far as the Polish, well I don't know much about them. I'll have to get back to you on what to leave out of their history.
to previous poster re: "peaceful Indians" -
ReplyDeleteI think the commentor you replied to was referring to the "dot Indians," not "feather Indians."
"Med-school Indians," not "Casino Indians."
"Sanjaya Indians," not "Sacagawea Indians."
The Woo-Woo Injuns were not "peaceful." They were violent savages still living like cavemen and deserved to lose their lands because they could not adapt to civilized ways.
ReplyDeleteI moved into Wrigleyville recently from Highland Park. I thought it was a trendy, hip area. But unfortunately on Wednesday and Thursday nights some clubs have what are called "urban nights". These special occasions end up inviting citizens who do not know better.
ReplyDeletePerhaps as a community we conduct an outreach program? Or we engage in a set of conflict resolution strategies. Our community needs to engage with people who behave this way in a positive manner.
The owner of Circuit and the police commander regularly hold events for these poor youths.
ReplyDeletethey were just of bunch scadinavians having a nite on the town.
ReplyDeleteY'all sound like a bunch of racist chicago cops.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who says "y'all" is a nig...fo sho.
ReplyDeleteWhy do so many nigs insist on going where they are not wanted? If they think nigs are so great, why aren't they hanging out in Englewood with their own kind instead of Wrigleyville where whites live?
ReplyDeleteExpect more and more of this type of behavior. I live in the north side and I have noticed more and more blacks moving in. I first noticed it about 5 years ago. Each summer that comes, I see more and more of them moving in. They have completely destroyed the south side of Chicago. Now they are coming to the north side. Thanks Chicago News Report for allowing us to publish our thoughts free of any censorship.
ReplyDeleteThey come here because they've already ruined Englewood. If we dont push them back out they will ruin Wrigley/lakeview too.
ReplyDeleteWar is upon us.
If you didn't notice, the "lady" that splashed the rubbing alcohol in the CTA drivers eyes on the south side had an address "in the block of" 6000 N. Ridge.
ReplyDeleteSure, "reach out" to them. Coddling "transient youth" (upwards to the age of 40) hasn't worked yet.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you can invite them over for dinner and exchange fashion tips.
Can anyone tell me if these were Exedus customers?
ReplyDeleteI think he meant Hindu Indians not Bingo Indians. Most people that I know who actually grew up here say "Hindus", which while not always technically correct, still serves to differential them from the Uptown/Wilson American Indians.
ReplyDeleteNo comments needed... I meant differentiate, not differential.
ReplyDelete"The Woo-Woo Injuns were not "peaceful." They were violent savages still living like cavemen and deserved to lose their lands because they could not adapt to civilized ways."
ReplyDeleteHarsh, but correct. A lot of people in this country have a fantasy that the native Indians were peaceful, landloving tribes who got along with each other and traded & bartered goods & crops with other peaceful tribes. That couldn't be farther from the truth.
The native Indians who were here when white people came were complete savages like the other person said. They constantly waged war on their neighbors, and the only time tribes banded together in cooperation was to take on larger tribes in war that were killing their men, raping their women, and enslaving their children.
You want a modern day analogy to them? Look at Africa, places like Somalia, Eritrea, Ivroy Coast, etc. It's the exact same situation, tribes attacking & pillaging each other. Only difference is, it's the 21st century, so they use (somewhat) modern weapons & drive trucks, as opposed to 17th & 18th centuries, when the Indians here used traditional weapons & rode horses.
I always find it interesting when one poster on a site starts reveling in self-hatred of his own genetic kin. There was an anonymous who seems to just be in orgasmic spasm about how Whitey has done all the world wrong.
ReplyDeleteIf you enjoy the 'tribal' qualities of these 'other' people self-hating Whitey why are you not living amongst them at their best? Mogadishu and Johannesburg are waiting on you Hypocrite Anon!
I also do not understand why nigs who hate whitey insist on hanging out in white neighborhoods. I know nigs hate me because I'm white so I don't go to their neighborhoods...it's easy.
ReplyDeleteWe are a family oriented neighborhood near Halsted and Wrightwood.
ReplyDeleteWe are trying everything we know how to stop this from happening in our neighborhood. However our new alderman Michele Smith is seemingly supportive of the Wild Hare coming to an empty space at 2610 North Halsted. She calls it an art form. At Cornelia and Clarke there resides the Exedus 2 a reggae hip/ hop bar. Is it any coincidence the brawl and stabbing occurred on Clarke street there? I think not . It was the same scenario with the Wild Hare Reggae hip/hop bar when it was also located on Clarke near the Exedus.2. . Is this the future of our neighborhood?
Oh yes, Ald. Michele Smith just invite these people in with open arms.
We your neighbors really appreciate your efforts in support of the power brokers of the North Shore.
ReplyDeleteThere are several bars in the neighborhood that cater to the blacks who come from the west and south sides of Chicago. Those bars are ruining business for all the other bars and restaurants. Let's face it, you want to enjoy the night out and you see this sort of stuff happen and are you ever going to come back? Are you ever going to shop and dine in that area? I don't think so.
ReplyDeleteTime to let Exedus know they are not wanted here.
ReplyDelete@anon 2:29 unfortunately, our options are to replace dumb with ignorant...
ReplyDeleteI bet none of you dirty honkies will speak of your disgust directly to a south side resident. Very typically of you scary faggots.