28-year-old Philip Patnaude, whose body was pulled from Belmont Harbor on March 5, 2012 at approximately 10:26 a.m., was filmed at an alleged drinking party back in 2009.
The video shows a then 25-year-old Phil, along with another man, holding a third man upside down while the man drinks an unknown beverage through a small rubber-like tube. Apparently, the maneuver is called a "keg-stand"
The video was brought to our attention after an anonymous commenter posting the following remarks in response to our initial coverage of the Lakeview man's disappearance:
In this party video of the drowned guy (on the left, green shirt). It's seems odd to me because a straight guy would probably not be at all comfortable placing his hands on another straight guy's pelvis like that.
Touching anyone near that area of body is a physical boundary violation and a touching area that only reserved for people you're intimate with. (Or perhaps the two men already had a secret sexual connection, who knows.)
When there's alcohol present and everyone's having a good time, it's easier for a closeted gay man to give over-assistance in drinking games and get his hands and face closer to what he *really* wants.
Its a keg stand, I dont think its gay, I just think it proves this guy never grew out of immature frat douche mode.
ReplyDeleteThis is very gay. Turning a guy upside down while he enjoys sucking on things..
ReplyDeleteRidiculous. That was obviously written by a recluse who has never been to a 20-something drinking party. The only thing more ridiculous is CNR's decision to post this item under the guise of revealing some sort of homosexual past in Mr. Patnaude's closet.
ReplyDeleteSilly. Juvenile. I expected better.
"The only thing more ridiculous is CNR's decision to post this item under the guise of revealing some sort of homosexual past in Mr. Patnaude's closet."
ReplyDeleteNope. As far we are concerned... this is a video of young men drinking and being silly. Nothing more, nothing less.
However, other people are entitled to their opinions.
Kegstands are gay????
ReplyDeleteoh snap I gotta call my mom
Look at the other folks in the video, clearly not a gay party or anything salacious going on there; it is unfortunate that anyone would feel the need to do a keg stand while others count after graduating college... during your undergrad years its fine but post-college its embarrassing.
ReplyDeleteChicago News Report did not share this video to imply sexuality or anything of the sort; the video showcases that alcohol impairs his judgement.
I can not even believe that this is being 'reported' on. This internet libel is not only disrespectful to Phil's family and friends, but most importantly Phil himself. What was done at a party in 2009 has no bearing on the recent events in Phil's life. I will not even comment on the anonymous commenter's posting because it does not even merit a response. I'm blessed to have known Phil and will continue to carry on his kindhearted spirit. It may be alright for some to carry on with this blatant impertinence for one's fellow man, but I think it is shameful. Phil you will be greatly missed, but will carry on in the hearts of all those who loved you. Rest in peace friend.
ReplyDeletei never usually respond to random things posted online, but this is the most ridiculous hurtful thing. phil was a great man, great friend and a great fiance to selena. he loved her more than anything. drinking at a party in 2009 has nothing to do with his death in 2012. implying that he's gay by showing him having fun at a party with friends is hurtful to a family that's suffering such a horrible loss. have some respect.
ReplyDeleteSo friends of Phil, how often did your boy binge drink?
ReplyDelete"Chicago News Report did not share this video to imply sexuality or anything of the sort; the video showcases that alcohol impairs his judgement."
Seriously Chicago News Report... where is your journalism ethics here? What is the news value of this "story?" Have some respect for the family and friends that are grieving the loss of a great person. What is to be accomplished by posting a video from 2009? In addition, Katie is absolutely right that you have committed a libelous offense by going beyond just posting the video and also allowing the comment to become the "story." You have become negligent by allowing this defamatory statement to be published even though it is patently false (since you knew already that Phil was engaged). You have not done your duty as "journalists" to get an objective story. To compound all of this, you have allowed a cowardly ANONYMOUS poster to put forth his/her homophobic agenda at the expense of a man who is totally incapable of defending himself. If you have any heart, you will take this "story" down.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely touching someone in that area is a personal boundary violation, and speaking of violating boundaries, could Mr. Patnaude have also been trying to grab onto those metal handles and climb around the half-circle security gate that keeps people off those Belmont Harbor docks and fell? In that part of the harbor falling in would be trecherous ANY time of the year, at any hour, people around or not. On his web page his friends mention several times his love of climbing. Clearly he liked dares (i.e. keg-standing). So… well, there ya go!
ReplyDelete(A side note of my theory is that he retrieving his jacket because it fell in the water. Because you'd think it would be very difficult for someone who had been drinking to take off their jacket while in that frigid water?) The coat's arms were not turned inside out or found in such a manner to suggest he struggled to remove it.
Did Mr. Patnaude go to the lakefront to indulge in the favorite gay man past time of cruising Belmont Harbor area at 3 a.m. for sex after a night of drinking? Sounds somewhat irrelevant to me, but yeah, that's the first thing that I thought when I heard the story. I don't think people are being disrespectful here by the inquiries, I think they are just curious and little mysterious. Saying he was "oh just walking by the water and slipped" would certainly make the most convenient explanation. I doubt he was pushed, slipped, or committed suicide.
What drives me crazy are people speculating that he was pushed in or attacked by some criminal or disturbed person. Sure, that description of anyone out at the lakefront alone at 3 a.m. could fit the description of Mr. Patenaude. Certainly trying to get out onto those docks would be criminal activity. My impression is that he was a little on the wild side and certainly partying ("keg-stand") is not behavior you'd expect from someone in their mid to late 20's IMO.
Maybe the theories are uncomfortable for the fiance and family, but if they are serious in searching for answers and want to move on they may have to look at some aspects of the man's life that won't be easy.
LOL Jason, take your journalism bullshit to the tribune, asshole. This is a blog.
ReplyDeleteTorts 101: You can't libel a dead man.
ReplyDeleteBut story is still ridiculous.
Seeing this video offers outsiders a glimpse into the victim's personality and may help to put a lot of silly rumors to rest. Thanks CNR.
ReplyDeleteAsk a psychologist who knows their stuff and they'll tell you there are areas on the body (called "body maps") that certain people we know (and/or don't) have access too or not. A stranger may only touch your arm, shake your hand, pat you on the back --that is about it and not violate any physical boundaries. An intimate lover has more access to touching a person's body than a friend does, of course, but slightly less than a parent does. Only intimate lovers (with expressed permission) may touch an adult's person's pelvis area without it being a physical boundary violation. Personally I would not want anyone other than a lover touching me or holding me in that area like that, as you see in the video. I think the anonymous poster who originally commented on that video made a remarkable and somewhat courageous observation. Anyone who is offended by anonymous poster speculating about a man's sexuality after he'd been hanging around Belmont Harbor at 3 a.m. and wandering alone are the ones who are homophobic if you ask me,
ReplyDeleteThem all sayin HE WUZ SOOOO IN LOVE with his girl sounds like they don't believe it themselves. Dude was a MO. Look at dat video man!! Stupid partiers defend each other 2 much and are 2 loyal 2B real *T-R-U-E* friends. CanT deal w/harsh reality of adulthood. LIFE GO ON... SO YO PARTY ON!!!
ReplyDeleteLMFAO at 0:17 !!!!
ReplyDelete^ I meant at 0:16
ReplyDelete(its only gay if you make eye contact)
ReplyDeleteWow, so a guy got drunk and did a keg stand years ago? And this is relevant to the fact that he is dead now HOW? Chicago Breaking News, what on earth are you trying to prove now with a post like this? It is not news, you're not a journalist, and this video has absolutely nothing to do with his death this past weekend.
ReplyDeleteIt's a real shame that you posted this. The ethics here have always been a joke and the way you phrase things is amateur hour at best. "An alleged drinking party?" Ooohhhhh, something so shocking! A video of him at a KKK rally would be less controversial to you?
What are you trying to prove here? And, have you ever gotten drunk before? And saying "apparently the maneuver is called a keg stand?" Are you 90 years old or something?
Chicago News Report said:
ReplyDelete"Nope. As far we are concerned... this is a video of young men drinking and being silly. Nothing more, nothing less. "
Then why did you post it? Why did you feel the need to post comments from the previous thread about his death, that was filled with outlandish and degrading commentary towards Philip? The comment you quoted was nothing more than one of many disrespectful comments within it.
Why then did you post this? Why did you describe it in such idiotic terms when you in fact say in the comment I quoted, that it was just young men being silly and drinking?
"unknown beverage through a small plastic tube?" Again, I ask, are you 80 years old or something? You post the same kind of vague but targeted commentary about things like black kids fighting on film all the time; you've called fights "vicious attacks" when they were nothing more than kids throwing a few punches. I'm not defending them, but you constantly have a bizarre yet psuedo-ignorant style of writing, and you have done so for years.
I agree with 10:32, Chicago Breaking News is a horrible website.
ReplyDeleteThere's a saying that goes "angry responses is a good barometer of where the truth really lies". Nice sleuth work, CNR!
ReplyDeleteOne more thing, as a response to both CNR and people who have commented in this post:
ReplyDeleteWhat does Philip's actions in the video even prove? Nothing in the video shows that he was drinking, nor that he was drunk. Not only that, nothing shows that he was holding another man's pelvis or that his hand was anywhere around it. Not that that would dissuade any of you disrespectful homophobes from trying to draw a connection to homosexuality based on the things you can't even see.
I have to admit, I'm blown away that this video was posted, and blown away at the imaginations that some of you have.
@ Anonymous 10:48:
ReplyDeleteSleuth work? That CNR posted a video of a guy at a party NOT drinking and NOT being visibly drunk? Sleuth work that proves nothing whatsoever of the accusations that Philip was cruising for gay sex just because he's helping hold a man up?
I swear, some of you people must sit back and giggle at how amazing you think it is that you come up with this kind of shit.
I don't know the man who died. Never even met him. I'm just a person who is shocked both at the amount of wild accusations that have been hurled at a dead man by people posting about him, and shocked that a news blog would even lift a finger to create this post.
Pardon my intrusion into this oh so lively conversation, but isn't it often the case and entirely possible that the ones who are the life of the party, hipster, and best friend to everybody, group cheerleader, and well-liked and loved still have a secret life and subject to odd behavior like going to the lakefront alone at 2:30 a.m.?
ReplyDelete^^^^ Can I get a Amen?!
ReplyDeleteHe was "a great guy" though, right? "Always had a smile on his face". Wonder why. Now track down the bar/bartenders that served him out of his mind and hold them responsible.
ReplyDeleteIf he was
would be
all over that that story
and saying
the dude was totally
trolling for 'mo action
while the wifey
was at home
in bed
hold the bartender responsible for what? He diddnt make this idiot do anything he diddnt want to.
ReplyDeleteMOS DEF!! trying to jump on to the ramp that goes out to the dock and fell in the water. Gay yeah maybe that too.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe this thread! Some of you in here, you're all a bunch of hateful monsters!!! Shame on some of you!
ReplyDeleteHey Janice darling ...
ReplyDeletenothin' shameful, or monstrous, or wrong about calling a spade a spade
you partied with him too?
He was way too old to be involved in such an adolescent pastime as a kegstand. I thinks it's valuable to know that he had very poor judgement and was very immature. Thank you CNR.
ReplyDeleteThis is a blog for race baiting and homosexuals. Ill translate in boystown jive talk, "late black pole loving bitter queens". Most stories have black bashing or is related to homosexuality. They will even stoop so low to contact friends and family members on Facebook and other social media for silly "interviews". Read through the past posts.....you will see. These gurls are a mess!
ReplyDeleteRobbie says: Look I got a lot of gay friends and am NOT homophobe, but I would NOT want a dude holding me up with his hands on my waist like that. And if he tried then YES I would think he was after the family jewels. The anon poster who wrote about the upside down sucking thing. Funny as hell
ReplyDeletei didn't know Phil, but from many comments he seemed like a good guy. However...what's wrong with this picture? A young man, supposedly engaged to be married, is on some kind of crazy mission at the lakefront on a crazy-cold early morning.
ReplyDeleteNo straight guy would do something like this, imo, because i can't possibly imagine that a healthy 28-year-old guy wouldn't want to be in bed with his fiancee - a few drinks or not.
And if he had *many* more than a few drinks, where were his supposed 'friends' (drinking buddies) that night? Why wouldn't someone have gone with him, or tried to talk him out of it? These 'friends' have some explaining to do.
I think the fiancee should read "He's Just Not That Into You."
ReplyDeleteThe only thing the the poor deceased fellow did wrong was break the law by being at the lakefront after 11 pm. I imagine Belmont Yacht Club area is also private property and trespassing at any hour is forbidden.
ReplyDeleteMaybe he slipped on a banana thong and fell in the water.
ReplyDelete...and just to expand a bit: When i said "healthy 28-year-old guy" - of course i meant: "healthy & *horny* 28-year-old guy". Maybe some women don't understand, but young guys are *always* horny ...especially on weekends ...after a few drinks ...maybe a toke or two - that's when a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of ...well, you know what.
ReplyDeleteSo given the apparent availability of the fiancee, this young man's behavior is very suspect. Again, where are the 'friends', when are they going to come clean on what they know?
Has our media gotten so bad that it's ok for a story as uninteresting as this, as seedy and suspicious as the circumstances suggest, is deemed newsworthy enough to receive all the attention it already has?
ReplyDelete~ and/or ~
Is this a positive sign that gay rights have progressed enough because people feel comfortable about talking about what ashamed closeted gay guys do out at the lakefront at 2, 3 or 4 a.m. in the morning?
Don't know the guy or any of his friends. That being said, wtf did some of you tools do before the internet? How did you display your ridiculous forensic psychology skills in which you could piece together a 28 year life story on a pic or youtube clip backed with speculation fueled loose associations for seemingly no purpose except to feed that insecure part of you that says "listen to me, I'm smart and deserve to be paid attention to." Don't any of you have a job? Or friends? Or hobbies? Or really anything that isn't devoted to making yourself look like a damned stupid asshole?
ReplyDelete"He was way too old to be involved in such an adolescent pastime as a kegstand. I thinks it's valuable to know that he had very poor judgement and was very immature. Thank you CNR."
ReplyDeleteCo-sign!!! Excellent Remark.
@7:08AM: Sweetie, you are NOT Julia Sugarbaker. Not even close. And, your message would come across much more effectively if you would punctuate when appropriate. You suggest that the readers have insecurities which demand that others "listen to me, I'm smart and deserve to be paid attention to." Well, SOMEONE has insecurities. Look in the mirror much?
ReplyDeleteThis seems stupid to me, when I saw the headline, I assumed it was a very recent, relevant video, taken either the night he died, or in the immediate past.
ReplyDeleteAll this does is show that three years ago at age 25, he still acted like a drunken frat boy. Did he still act that way at this age? I don't know or care.
CNR, if you're going to put stuff like this up, try to keep it at least somewhat relevant. I know you state that you simply put it up & let others draw conclusions from it, but I don't believe that. Every news reporting agency has an agenda, yours included.
I think the posting/article here is relevant. Very relevant. He hadn't grown-up at the age of 25, and still hadn't at 28.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't believe he just "slipped". Yes, his personal belongings were on him but what about cash? Could he have been knocked out (at the temple) as you do here, cash was taken, and pushed into the water to make it look like an "accident" so it can all happen again in a week or two? Maybe one of his "friends" called him out about his lakefront activities and the upcoming marriage and he did decide to jump.
If there's soooooo much "activity" out there, somebody saw or heard something. He shouldn't have been there but we have a right to more information and he shouldn't be dead either. Is he a drug dealer and nobody that met with him out there wants to come forward? I guess we should just let this all pass though and definitely demand more protection and follow-up if there's even one more similar incident.
"The Beloved Party Buddy Who Drowned" was most likely going to get drugs for himself and his friends, that's why the friends are not saying anything.
ReplyDeleteDid the drug dealers take the money but keep the drugs and then push him? Wouldn't be the first time that's happened, huh. The police are quick to rule it an accidental drowning and close the case for good reason. Don't want to waste their time. They know what's up. They always do!
There's one fact I think we can all
ReplyDeleteagree on: the man was not afraid
to take risks that could lead into
some kind of trouble.
@2:19 - my thinking all along. If he was gay, all he had to do was walk along Halsted St. There are about 5 dealers per block (not counting the alleys I'm sure but I've never been back in them).
ReplyDeleteI think it was way too cold for anybody to "expose" any body parts out there that night.
@3:33: Three Inarguable and Irrefutable Scenarios:
ReplyDelete1. DRUGS: It seems the most telling thing is that his friends were out there searching for him early the next morning. They had to have known that for whatever reason he was out there had the potential to go wrong, but they had some interest to not intervene and stop him. Most likely out there to pick up drugs for himself and his friends to bring back to an afterparty probably, when he did not return with the drugs, they knew something went wrong.
2: GAY SEX: but the whole trolling behavior is so shameful, he wouldn't have told him his friends where he was heading. Anyone with common sense would figure that one out quick, esp. the fiancee. Rule that out.
3: A LITTLE ECCENTRIC (SOBER OR DRUNK): If he was a little eccentric or a little wierd, beloved as he supposedly was, the family and friends would've been defending him. Rule that out. Instead they're defending his heterosexuality. (Also ruled out)
So we're back at #1, the only plausible scenario. A drug deal gone wrong.
Rumor has it he was into younger guys.
ReplyDeleteA psychic friend of mine sent this:
ReplyDelete"I have this vision. It is of a man going to the harbor, slightly inebriated, to practice twirling glow sticks too close to the water. The glow stick in his right hand was green, and the one in his left hand was red. They are the color of harbor lights, boating and aeronautical lights. It is like he is frantically flagging a plane to land or a boat to come into the harbor. Maybe he is lost himself. But he is to close to the water. He is lifting his leg in one of the movements ... Look for the glow sticks."
How could you people be so silly. I'm thinking that he decided to go fishing late night/ early morning. So what happened a big fish like an Asian Carp got hooked onto his Rod and pulled him into the water. Now that's what happened. This is possible.
ReplyDeleteI've been a boater for 10 years now and i don't even go down to the harbor after midnight by myself.
ReplyDeleteI feel horrible for Phil's friends and family, but who goes for a long walk on lakefront that late drunk ? Not nature lovers and adventurers even.
It's really none of our business - the public should just support his loved ones and respect a good young man's life that was lost prematurely as a personal accident.
4:56PM. Thanks for backing me up. We're absolutely right. These people need to realize they left St. Louis, Mayberry, WI and Hooterville, Kansas. One of these 20 year Chicagoans here from Haystack, MI thinks he's got something on me too trying to be "world class city" for his cheddar. It's really hilarious at this point. Wake up call Chicago. You want our $$$$, still claiming you're invincible to the reality of the current economy. Gig is up! Some of us are much smarter than you.
ReplyDelete7:16pm - It IS our business!
ReplyDeleteHello everyone.
ReplyDeleteWell I guess I am one of the "low life" who bothered contacting people he knew and I did so because someone had remarked that they saw glow sticks around the harbor. (I'll explain about that shortly.) There's nothing wrong with caring about people and wanting to help people you don't know who seem like decent, caring people themselves.
The video above doesn't tell me much, but let's talk about the video of him glow stick throwing at facebook/findphillippatnaude *at night*, *by a ledge*, shall we?
I have NO DOUBT this is why he went to the harbor, what he was doing and why they found him in the water.
He did study aeronautics and yes, he knows his stuff: the configurations of his glow sticks (green on the right is "port", red on the left is "starboard"). They use those configuration in aeronautics and you see those on boats and around harbors. I could easily how Mr. Patnaude's interest and fondness of aeronautics and flashing green and red lights would drawn someone like that to an area such as Belmont Harbor because of that relationship.
It seems to me he had his jacket tied around his waist to free himself so he could practice better. Even when it's cold, guys with a few drinks doing something active would most likely take off their coats. In water as cold as that he would be in too much shock he wouldn't even have time or the sense to take off his coat. Also the sleeves and/or coat were not turned inside out, as they would if you were struggling to get out of a coat. Most likely came undone and fell in with him.
One of his friends I think stumbled upon a very important clue:
"I saw some glow sticks by the harbor tonight". In the dead of winter those probably belonged to Mr. Patnaude.
(P.S. Please do not start ridiculous stories of a coyote attack. I think the coyotes around the lakefront are a marvel and wonderous. Plus they are being closely radio-monitored and studied. They are very shy of humans. They are there to control the canadian geese, rat and rabbit populations. )
WTF good are prayers going to do now?
ReplyDelete"Single moms" raise these kind of sons who never grow up and become men because they have no male role model.
ReplyDelete: )
I bet it was the peregrine falcon from Uptown. Even the birds up there are savage...
ReplyDeleteMORE NEWS: I think you guys should take this page down. They just found another guy in Montrose Harbor today. There is something bad going on that we don't know about. We owe it out of respect to Mr. Patenaude, his fiancee, his family and friends will you please take down this page, ok? Please do it. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the glow sticking comment at 6:13 PM - is it just coincidence that there is a glow stick video on the Find Philip Patnaude facebook page?
ReplyDeleteRegarding the comment at 11:01 - where does his friend say they saw glow sticks at the harbor? I can't find that post on the page. If you could provide the time and date, please.
I think the glowsticking thing may be valid, certainly explains the slip, but I would like verification. Thanks!
Will never visit this site again. I hope it's owners/creators realize the gross negligence of this "story" and apologize to the family.
ReplyDeletestarted realizing he was gay..... decided to just drown himself and his troubles
ReplyDeleteGeoff VanLeeuwen
ReplyDeleteThis is a prime example of Phil's many talents... glow stick throwing. what an incredible friend; we will miss him daily.
This is a prime example of Phil's many talents... glow stick throwing. what an incredible friend; we will miss him daily.
Length: 2:17
Tuesday at 9:33pm
31 people like this.
Katie Whipp I hear the DIR, and I think me but I don't remember it. When was it? Phil was having way too much fun while taking it so seriously
Tuesday at 9:41pm
Katie Whipp I also hear Poc
Tuesday at 9:42pm
Nicole Bowman love this :)
Tuesday at 9:50pm via mobile
Katie Loring This makes me so happy. I saw some glow sticks by the harbor tonight, and they made me smile. Such raw talent!
Tuesday at 10:11pm via mobile · 1
glow sticks are gay
ReplyDeleteMarch 9, 3:45 - finding the glowsticks was mentioned in one of the comments made under the glowstick throwing video link on the findphilippatnaude facebook page
ReplyDeleteThis thread of comments is ridiculous.. You people have too much time on your hands and this video of Phillip never should have been posted. He was a client of mine and a real nice person. You are all so quick to speculate and gossip.
ReplyDeleteGet a life!
wow. wild thread here.
ReplyDeleteallow me to chime in a bit here. based on my experience. i can see that dude at the lake. i seen guys like him before. family and friends can't deal. very sad to get caught like that. then it becomes very public in the media. i use to go get sex alot at the lake too when i was 28. i was engaged too. she couldn't admit it to herself i was gay. i couldn't admit to myself either. i'm college educated. white. good looking (haha). stopped going to get sex at the lake when i came out. broke off the engagement too --very sad. very painful. lots of guys at the lake. young 20-something. drunk off their ass, high too. the more clean cut they are the drunker or higher they are. we are not creeps in the schoolyard. we are guys that just shamed to death. we wear business suits. smile alot. have nice friends and family. it's risk. it's like climbing. you can fall. hard to take off all those masks and feel comfortable. belmont harbor south very popular area at 2 am to 4 am. best time to get sex. or go sit and hang out. see if anyone grabs your eye. hook up there or go back to their place. but yeah i would go after partying with friends at bars. gay or straight bars. then i'd get enough beer in me to go to the lake. so you ask me what i think about this guy who drowned in the lake. my first thought is, wow, that could've been me. like i said, the nice clean cut guys who are naive like that guy get into more trouble. but unlike him i am street smart and that guy wasn't. i can tell. nice and studious but dumb. if i ever got busted doing that and it was in the papers i would wish i was dead. when i read that story in the trib. right? i would tell you what i thought happened but you would say how disrepectful! how dare they! dont' believe in clandestine explanations for crimes. don't believe in under rug swept. don't believe in conspiracy. no one really cares. the dregs are found everywhere and anywhere. thanks for the vent. – BC
This makes me sick!CNR should be absolutely ashamed of them selves for posting this!I knew Phil and he was a wonderful man full of love. He did not drink any more than the next person. Anyone who passes away surely has a picture that can incriminate them and shame on the PUNK that produced this picture! My wife and I were blessed to call Phil Patnaude our friend and will continue spread the love that he shared with everyone he so much as spoke to let alone knew personally.
ReplyDelete^ maybe he was out spreading his love down at the lakefront too ; ) ; )
ReplyDelete(from "Anonymous: March 7, 2012 11:08 PM)
"Pardon my intrusion into this oh so lively conversation, but isn't it often the case and entirely possible that the ones who are the life of the party, hipster, and best friend to everybody, group cheerleader, and well-liked and loved, still have a secret life and subject to odd behavior like going to the lakefront alone at 2:30 a.m.?"
******* NEWSFLASH UPDATE ********
ReplyDeleteWe have an unconfirmed report that the man who's doing the kegstand in the video made the following remark about Mr. Patnaude's death;
"Unfortunately, this is a prime example of what can happen when you're drunk and careless."
I don't buy that "drunk and careless" b.s. Something not right about the story. I mean, come on, there's more to this than just some drunk guy falling into the lake. People do go there to clear their head, ok, but if they do than that already tells you they have some sense. The guy knew where he was going, told his friends, and went there. It does not sound like he was shit-faced.
ReplyDeleteYeah, the glowsticking comment was made on Tuesday at 10:11 pm, over 36 hours after they recovered Phil's body. The glow stick comment wasn't written as a piece of evidence, but rather as a fond memory. Here is the comment in its entirety: "This makes me so happy. I saw some glow sticks by the harbor tonight, and they made me smile. Such raw talent!" This referring to the glow sticking video, which CNR did not post.
ReplyDeleteCNR, I liked you when you kept updated reports about Phil's disappearance. I question your journalistic integrity now that you've posted this baseless video.
"He was a client of mine..."
ReplyDeleteAre you an escort? Male or female?
Now we're getting somewhere!
This is the point where, if CNR had a way to put up pictures in comments, the "BeatingaDeadHorse.gif" would be appropriate.
ReplyDeletecarnac: zing!!
ReplyDeleteprobably wen to clear his head. probably some kind of scuffle or a fight with several people already going when he got there. tried to "help", break up a fight or intervene. he was drunk. they were not (maybe). he accidently falls in the water. someone yells out something. you hear a car door close. they're out of there. he drowns. if i was there i would not jump in after them--ok a child i would. no fucking way out of that moat.
M.J. Moore on the findphilippatnaude facebook site writes:
ReplyDelete"Phil always found a way to make any confrontational situation into a party."
Totally supports 2:05's theory above. Esp. if the guy was drunk and foolish enough to intervene in a gang-related situation no matter what they were up to.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for Phil and his family's loss but thats what happen when you drink out of your mind. People think getting drunk is cool and awesome but infact it is dangerous. He might have not lost his life if he didn't get drunk that night. Shame on his friends too for allowing that to happen.
ReplyDelete"Careful Philmo, you don't wanna fall in and waste any of that beer!"
if you view all the photos in that album, you will see that there is no denying how gay he was
ReplyDeleteR.I.P. PHILMO
ReplyDeleteSorry all the homos on this messageboard have to try to shit on your memory. Because THEY are miserable fags they think any dude that's friendly to them must be a fucking faggot too. FUCK EM!
Party on my Friend .... Party On!
Agreed 8:28 - those pictures show a very pretty young Philmo & his buddies who are attracted to him. Are they gay? Some of 'em, probably. The ones making goo-goo eyes & sitting on Phil's lap, yeah, no doubt they're at least bi. (that includes tough guy Friend of Philmo @ 11:38 ...was he the one sitting on Philmo's lap? Philmo's boyfriend? ...the biggest homophobes - like 11:38 - most often end up being gay themselves - or at least they're very confused about their own same-sex attractions).
ReplyDeleteWhat's very clear from the pics is that Philmo & his frat-boy buds used the cover of drinking & drunkenness to show their affection for each other. No straight guys would do some of the stuff they're doing in those pics. They're at least bisexual, not that there's anything wrong with that. But the story that those pics tell dovetails very well with what Phil quite possibly doing that night at the lake. To deny it is not doing Phil's memory any favors.
I just can't believe that this guy's friends think it's appropriate to memorialize him with photos of him drinking, over & over - nearly every picture on that page is of him drinking & partying.
ReplyDeleteWell, we all know what happens when you're a raging drunk, and you go to the lake in the middle of the night - you fall in.
What an alcoholic. Miller Lite distributors citywide are crying right now.
whatever happened, my gut feeling says the guy was left 4 dead.
ReplyDeleteStraight guys do not stand cheek-to-cheek sipping from the same glass with swizzle sticks. Definitely blatant 'mo behavior.
ReplyDeleteStraight guys do not stand cheek-to-cheek sipping from the same glass with swizzle sticks. Definitely blatant 'mo behavior.
ReplyDeleteLOL seriously, good call. The amazing thing is, these are the pictures that his supposedly "closest friends" chose to show the world who Phil was!
Well, as someone who has never met him, seeing those pictures makes me think: Gay party animal.
Well, looks like he died exactly how he lived. I guess he probably would have wanted it that way.
He did not drink any more than the next person.
ReplyDeleteApparently not any less either.
Those photos of endless gay debauchery are very disturbing. It's hard to believe that any woman "fiancee" would have such low self-esteem as to be linked up with a guy so obsessed with drunken perversions.
ReplyDeleteThe fiancee has posted a photo on her facebook page that has gotten people talking today:
it's a meticulously photoshopped job of the couple walking in snow pasted on top of a more atmospheric scene very reminiscent of the death scene (harbor light, breakers) with nicely feathered-edges, over blurred background (for atmosphere??), foreground and background colors balanced, but lack of foreground depth ... looks like they're stuck like pegs into the foreground. The photoshopper ...oops! ... forgot to include the detail of foreground shadows and depth.
But beside the poor girl's need to prove her boy wasn't no homo and her fantasy that she's a model, the photo is creepy if you think about it; If he were killed in a car accident, would she show a photo of them in the car too??
The photo being posted clearly sends a message while at the same time weakens her own argument:
"My boyfriend was not trolling at 3 am at Belmont Harbor"
The photo if effective at first, but the more you look at it, the more its' seems clear she's on the defensive. Even in her smaller facebook photo, we see them at the Lincoln Park (or Garfield) Conservatory—her beau has his legs spread apart in a show of manhood, and her posing as a model.
Different photo: same message: I'm a fashon model and my boyfriend is straight. Both lies.
Frankly, the most telling photo is the one of his clueless but smiling mother and him standing in front of his "trophy" case of empty hard liquor bottles in his U of I dorm room. But I digress ....
The fiance's facebook page has a ridiculous "Afterlife/"Somewhere In Time" (probably meticulously photo-chopped) image of them. It looks like a winter scene of them laid on top of a background showing a lakefront scene with breakers and harbor light. It's either creepy or they are Mormons. I can't tell.
ReplyDeleteHave a look:
Either way her intention of posting the photo seems clear that she wants people to know that:
(A) She's a fashion model, and;
(B) her boyfriend does not troll the lakefront in the winter for gay sex.
But beside the ridiculousness of that, I would ask her, honey, if your boyfriend was killed in a car, would you also show a photo of that car??
The other photo that kills me is the one of Patnaude's smiling mother and he standing in front of his bookcases at his U of I dorm room. The shelf looks like a bar! It is lined with empty hard liquor bottles. "Trophies" if you will. But I digress ....
Please ignore the 6:06 post and refer to the 6:18 post instead
ReplyDeletebecause there is not a Photoshop "pretentious/cheesy" filter that the wedding ... er, 'photojournalist' who took the photo could not use. Also, the conservatory comments are not really necessary. Thx.
look man,
ReplyDeletethe dude was likely looking for gay sex and drunk out of his mind. its unspoken but understood. the family is embarrassed. the fiancee is ashamed.
don't blame them.
show some mercy man and just let them be, ok?
ain't there some other story worth talking about????
That photo of them is very creepy...he is obviously looking off into the distance cruising guys. He has no interest in her.
ReplyDeleteWow. I was under the impression that the guy was found closer in toward the harbor. I was just talking to my friend who said that he was found at the mouth/gate of the harbor where the rocks and trees are. I was under the impression he was climbing around in the harbor and fell in. Now THIS totally changes the story. Gee I feel bad for his ex-fiancee. She's lucky to have escaped getting trapped in a marriage based on a deception like that. Or worse, he could have infected her with HIV or syphillis.
ReplyDeleteI just looked at the "creepy" photoshopped pic on Selena's Facebook page. I pray her friends and family are watching her closely.
ReplyDeleteThe meaning behind that pic could be interpreted that she is planning to join Phil on "the other side". I hope the poor girl isn't suicidal.
I don't know if this was addressed already, but how did anybody know to go looking for him at Belmont Harbor?
ReplyDeleteEven if he paid for the taxi with a credit card, it takes a little time for those transactions to process, especially over weekend, so I highly doubt that the cabdriver was identified.
Did he tell his friends he was going there? Were their texts from him to someone that he was there?
It makes no sense to me that anybody would have known to look for him there, unless either he told people he was going, or he regularly went there.
That kind of info may shed some light on why he went down but more importantly, could help determine what actually happened.
^ he told his friends as he left the bar. he got into the cab. he was going to the lakefront. they found his jacket floating in the harbor the next day.
ReplyDeleteno big mystery folks. he was drunk off his ass and he fell in. like i said, i've fooled around there too a few years ago. there are alot of guys out there drunk off their ass stumbling around looking for sex. either this is the first time someone drowned or its just the first time it's getting media attention. really fucked up and wasted dudes out there looking for sex.
there's a photo of him standing in a boat peeing over the edge. maybe he was doing that and just fell in. but mos def he was bombed out of his fucking mind and fell in. even his close friend hoped they'd find in a garbage dump asleep, because they knew how shit-faced he'd get.the family is not going to admit he was having sex. first of all they are too timid middle class nicey-nice. it's too shameful and seedy for their world, their reality. so they just won't say anything. it's better people think it's some wild mystery so they don't have to address it. parents like that usually lose their sons to either aids or drugs or some other death because they deny their sons their sexuality. the want them to be charming boys without any sense of mature sexuality. it's safer for them and they don't have to deal with their own feelings about it. really, all this is a no-brainer.
ReplyDeleteTo 344 am poster - Thanks for the reply, I'm sure the reason it was known to look for him there has been covered already, but I didn't feel like investigating the comments here & elsewhere on the web.
ReplyDeleteI guess the bottom line is, he has some really sh!tty friends, to let him go down there, alone, at that time of night, in that drunken state. They should be ashamed of themselves, and from where I sit (not that it matters, and I could be wrong, but) his blood is on their hands.
I hope they are ready to give his fiance & family some hard, honest answers about that night, and about the other side of Phil the fam & fiance may not have known, when they're ready to start asking those questions.
The frozen smile on that guy gives me the heebie-jeebies.
ReplyDeleteWhat sad, miserable lives some of you must lead that result in you having literally dedicated days on end to disrespecting the memory of this man, in the name of assuring yourselves that he was gay, or hiding something from his family and friends. Not only that, it is utterly shocking to see how twisted and imaginative your minds are to attempt to deduce so much about this man from something as innocent as that video, or a screen shot from it.
ReplyDeleteIt's also completely appalling the way that some of you have dissected the photos on his fiance's Facebook page - as if a photo of a couple together smiling and being happy somehow tells you that he's thinking about homosexuality, or that she thinks she's a model. Seriously, the shallow emptiness some of you must live with to not only lack compassion, but to also never receive it, is really very sad. You've never taken a photo with another person you were happy with? Married to? Dating? Friends with? Honestly, it's near-psychotic behavior what's going on here.
Lastly, if those of you writing these things are just joking and trying to get a rise out of people, I find that just as disturbing as if you mean what you're saying. All guilty parties here really represent the dregs of society with this absurd speculation, disrespect, and wild imagination.
Phil was straight and loved his fiance very much. At work he was a responsible hard working young man. What you saw is what you got with Phil. He was always a bright spot in a sometimes grim world.
ReplyDeleteSadly, he has paid the utlimate price for a mistake I wish could be taken back. Being immersed into 38 deg water generally means a person has only has 3 to 5 minutes to save him/her self or be saved by others...regardless of swimming ability.
It is sad to see all the hurtful things that people never knew have said.
I am proud to have known him and will think of him for many years to come.
Seems 9 out 10 commentators agree: It seems pretty clear the dude was cruising for gay sex drunk off his ass and fell in the water.
ReplyDeleteBut of course, the views of those 9 out of 10 should completely be dismissed because they "did not know that he was the rarified 1 out those 10". And of course, nice boys like Phil Patnaude would NEVER EVER have a secret life that betrays how most people knew him, because only disgusting old creeps do things like go drunk at 3 am and cruise the lakefront for gay sex.
Philip Patnaude's world (which is includes his friends) ... very, very strange.
Hey, ever try to get a 28-year old alchoholic to do something reasonable when they leave a bar at 3 AM completely shit-faced??? Not easy!! His friends should NOT feel bad about what happened to him IMO.
ReplyDeleteMiddle of the Night!
Every photo the dude's got booze in hand!
Chicago #1 fav. late night gay sex spot!
Do the math dumbfucks ...
.... duh!
This news item has generated so much response because the "friends" and "fiancee" and "family" of this drunk are in complete denial about what happened or what could have happened. Sometimes it takes an outsider looking in to clarify the situation for those closest to it.
ReplyDeleteyou know what? there are those who take people at face value and those that have a better grasp on human nature. there are also those who have their pulse better on what goes on in the city. my sense is that the Patnaude crowd are about getting on the treadmill and staying there. the Patnaude crowd *claim* they don't harbor any speculations or entertain any consideration whatsoever about what happened. this tells me that the lead lives as deceptive and closeted as Philmo himself. "Birds of a feather ...".
ReplyDeleteTruly, the character of Philmo is reflected by those he surrounded himself with, and vice-versa. it's stonewalling not as damage control, but rather a way of living.
wondering what angle the Chicago Reader is going to take on the story ...
my friend believes he was busted, jumped in to escape the cops, for fear of his secret being dragged into the station and getting self-outed to whoever had to bail him out, and the fiancee would find out too. the cops shouldn't be expected to jump in deadly cold water and kill themselves in the process and so naturally they just drove away. it's not a very colorful theory and that's what makes it the best i've heard yet.
ReplyDelete^ no sign of foul play ; )
ReplyDeleteWhy would a bunch of guys go to a bar in the heart of Boystown (GAY)? Wellington and Broadway (GAY). Why wasnt the girlfriend invited (GAY). What makes a person go to Belmont Harbor at 2:30 in the morning(GAY). Why does a person need to be so Drunk to be looking to have sex with another man at the Park(GAY). Hey im not saying anything put if you add all of this up it EQUALS a Closeted GAY MALE.. Just saying.
ReplyDeleteLol at Wellington and Broadway being gay.
ReplyDeleteThe damage control, lies and denials of the former fiancee, family and friends only highlights how much shame existed and crippled Phil Patnaude's life. It makes sense that an only outlet for that is the secret and dangerous. It's hard to not see Patnaude's friendships of being a political, conformist, and enabling nature—nothing less, nothing more.
ReplyDeleteTo all the other 3 AM gay sex cruisers at the lakefront, this is a wake up call: if you get caught, it could be a lot more than having to call your honey from the police station. You might end up as a top news story like Patenaude did.
why do you guys waste so much time refuting his idiotic friends' refutals about his sexuality? the dude was gay or bi. clearly. so move on already.
ReplyDeletewhat i'd like to see is for the city to change the laws so latenight sex is not a criminal offense. it is not prostitution. both parties are consenting to it. simply issue tickets to discourage the nuisance behavior.
people shouldn't be found dead floating in the lakefront like this. right?
I live on the lakefront and I don't want to have to see 'mos lurking around and fudge packin from my living room window.
ReplyDeleteWE are NOT saying Phil was gay .... we're just pointing to the obvious: he was out cruising for gay sex that night.
IT SUCKS that Phil's Family are more worried that he might have been gay then they are NOT concerned as to why he was out there.
There are many reasons why men who are STRAIGHT or GAY or BISEXUAL who would pursue such activities. There are guys out there who enjoy sex with men, but are not gay or bisexual. There are straight men who were sexually abused as children seek abusive situations in adulthood that are reminiscent of how they were abused. Maybe they're exploring some bizarre private nature fantasy. Many straight men like to receive not reciprocal sex from gay or bi men and don't feel that it's necessarily cheating on their fiances. Many straight guys have turn-on's that they fear that they can't tell their fiances because they don't want to jeopardize the relationship if they don't understand it. Maybe they're having sex with men because the men will share their drugs, which is what they really want. Who can say??
....Sex behaviors are just not all cut and dry as people think!!!!
AGAIN: We're NOT saying Phil was Gay. We're just saying WHY he was out there that night.
AFFIRMATION FOR PHILMO'S FRIENDS (Repeat as often as necessary):
ReplyDeleteMy friend Phil was straight. And I'm o.k. with that.
He's had a same-sex pursuits despite my belief that he was not interested in that. And I'm o.k. with that.
I can learn to not judge my friends' personal needs.
I can learn to be more open-minded and non-defensive toward the subtleties and varieties of human sexual experience.
I can do more to make sure other late night sex cruisers at the lakefront are less at risk and not die the horrible death that my friend Phil did.
I can appreciate that hard work people do of message board posters who work diligently towards confronting ignorance and fear so that what happened to Phil does not happen to others like him.
I can accept that sexuality and stereotypes around sexuality are mutually exclusive.
CNR = Completely scumbags for writing this.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are pathetic.
Thank you to CNR for pointing out the truth about this guy that his friends and family tried to cover up. Hopefully the fiancee will stop trying to convert gays and find a straight guy.
ReplyDeleteMy gut feeling says you may have hit the nail right on the head!
"Hopefully the fiancee will stop trying to convert gays and find a straight guy."
The Philip Patnaude story fascinates me because he is the first poster boy of the dangers of late nite cruising and drug/alchohol abuse. Patnaude (as told through the eyes of his friends and family) is a regular guy-- a young, professional, well-liked, genuine, decent, nice guy, All-American Joe. He challenges the ignorant stereotype of the "creepy guy in the trenchcoat", or politician or right-wing religious nutjob that gets busted tapping his foot in airport restrooms. In my opinion, he is VERY TYPICAL of the kind of men that go out there cruising for sex. I think it's good sign that people are angry and upset at CNR for working towards getting to the truth of an aspect of life in the United States that people would rather pretend doesn't exist and they are having a harder time getting away with it.
ReplyDeleteIt's incredible how quickly the friends & family of this man went from thanking CNR for providing constant updates about the search, to criticizing it for putting up further information about Phil.
ReplyDeleteThere's an old saying that there are three sides to every story - "Yours, mine, & the truth." Here, it seems like those who were close to Phil only were concerned with one side, theirs. I guess they want it both ways - they want CNR to put up updates about the search they can't get elsewhere, but don't want any updates on the lifestyle he was living (and that killed him).
Ode to Phimo
ReplyDelete(an extended haiku)
Found himself in deep water
No help from the shallow end
"the loved are absolved from circumspection"
(In a perfect world, maybe)
"Net" worth: dead catch; few starfish; *sigh*;
The inevitable dredge
An unexpected sordid tale from Margaritaville
This is the most obnoxious, bullshit post I've ever seen. This poor guy is dead and you're making jokes about him being gay for assisting in a kegstand? Have some fucking respect.
ReplyDeleteWell, if he's going to be ok with having videos made of him acting like a drunken frat boy, or taken tons of pictures of him drinking, partying, and acting the fool, that's the risk he takes.
ReplyDeleteIt's like when some black gangbanging teen gets shot, and his homies put up a memorial page with the gang colors, pictures of the dead guy throwing up signs, pictures of them smoking weed, drinking cognac, and flashing cash, yet get pissed off when people call him out for having been a gangbanger.
At least in his case, Phil doesn't appear to have been someone who hurt other people & ruined their quality of life with his crimes (like gangmembers do). But if all his friends can do is post pic after pic of him getting wasted on their facebook "memorial," well, they need to realize that people will conclude he was an alcoholic partier.
The endless photos on the facebook page prove he was definitely an alcoholic and definitely gay.
ReplyDelete@ 3:23
ReplyDeleteYou know, that's a really good point.
@ 4:14
How can you prove he was gay by those photos? The one of the guy sitting in his lap is gay? Or is that just two close straight friends being affectionate towards each other and aware that it looks gay and they really don't give a fuck. Or are you jealous of that?
Yeah right...and if there was a photo of him with a cock in his mouth it would just "look gay" too.
ReplyDeletethat guy has the creepiest smile i ever saw
ReplyDeleteHis smiles don't seem genuine. Usually a true smile uses shows stress around the face (eyes, cheeks, etc.) His looks too restrained like he's had plastic surgery. Probably very unhappy underneath all those frozen smiles.
ReplyDeleteThe fiancee seems totally clueless about him and probably herself too.
I'm starting to lean towards saying the guy killed himself.
I casually knew this guy, though friends who knew him in college. I went to the bar a few times to meet up with groups & watch games, and he was there more than once.
ReplyDeleteIDK if he was gay, but I will tell you that he could party (to Phil's "boys" who will think that is a compliment - it's not). Like, he was a raging drunk, all the time. Every time I saw him he was plastered to the point of being nearly unable to speak, and friends of mine who knew him from college said he was the biggest partier (drinker) they knew. And I have a really difficult time feeling bad for people who hurt or kill themselves when they're so utterly irresponsible, all the time.
It's not a coincidence that every photo of him shows him with a drink in hand, wasted drunk.
"I live on the lakefront and I don't want to have to see 'mos lurking around and fudge packin from my living room window."
ReplyDeleteLOL, Anonymous! I'll bet they don't want you seeing them either.
the asshole stumbled into the lake