At 6 p.m., shots were fired near North Clark Street and West North Shore Avenue.
After the shooting, alleged gang members were seen “running everywhere”, according to one 911 caller.
One witness described the shooter as a male Hispanic wearing a black hat and glasses.
Another tipster saw several male blacks and Hispanics running through an alley on the 1700 block of West North Shore Avenue.
At 6:04 p.m., a Rogers Park woman on the same block dialed 911 after a bullet pierced her window.
“When I opened the curtain, the bullet fell on the sofa,” said the officer who recovered the round.
So far, no physical injuries have been reported.
Wish the violence would just stop man. But then again, it wouldn't be Chicago if it did. Lol
ReplyDeleteWhere did she find those great bulletproof curtains? Do they carry them at West Elm I wonder...
ReplyDeletePer Wikipedia and and my Chicago connection before moving to this shithole "Rogers Park is the most diverse place in the U.S.A.". I didn't really think so either so I picked a place somewhere else.
ReplyDeleteI remember seeing this good looking White woman in a nice (non beat-up that actually had brake lights) car stuck in traffic on Devon and myself stuck as well but in the opposite direction. I noticed her right away. She looked at me like "WTF are YOU doing here?!" And I was thinking the same thing about her. We stuck out like sore thumbs.
Everyone write your reps/ senators/ and the republicans tell them the horrors of subsidised housing. Tell them of the failure of subsidised housing, how the people were supposed to assimilate into the rea but instead they turned it into the area they left. Tell them u want the HUD budget cut so that there is only enough for seniors,vets and people with mental and physical disabilities. This will force the CHA to reduce the number of vouchers and sell their buildings to private companies. The baby mamas who are the beneficiaries of subsidised housing have criminal relatives and boyfriends that target the area and they also live with them.
ReplyDeleteSection 8 and subsidised housing is funded federally not through the city(for those who didn't know). SO COMPLAINING TO THE CITY IS A WASTE OF TIME.
Everytime there is a budget battle contact them and tell them to cut the HUD BUDGET.
Support Paul Ryan's budget to cut food stamps and other welfare programs that promotes over breeding by lowincome, low intelligence uneducated men and women who produce the spawn who do all the wyldings and crime.