Cackling like a pack of excited hyenas, several unruly patrons were caught on tape taunting a female Asian working behind the counter at Wah Hung Chinese Kitchen, located at 242 East 147th Street, in Harvey, Illinois.
Throughout the ordeal, the black customers peppered the Asian woman with racial jokes.
“She fin ta karate chop our ass, foo(l),” said a female in the group.
“Hurry up and buy,” said another member of the obnoxious clan, as he attempted to imitate an Asian accent.
When an Asian man tried to get the customers to leave, the female black holding the camera said something that sounded like, “Here comes Jackie Chan!”
After the female Asian refunded the loudmouthed customers’ money, the group continued to harass the woman as they left the restaurant.
As the unwanted nuisances stood outside the fast food establishment, one of the male agitators was caught on camera yelling and flailing his arms like a madman.
When the gang took their tomfoolery into a Laundromat next door, an African American woman politely asked the group not to “disrespect” her business.
Two of the troublemakers said they are related to Harvey, Illinois, police officers.
Im reminded of the primate house at Lincoln Park Zoo.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they can have classes that teach black people how to act in public. Seriously.
ReplyDeleteIts funny how they changed their tune when the black lady told them to keep it down.
I greatly admire the asian woman's guts standing up to those eeking and ooking ghetto chimpanzees. We often will not enter restaurants if there are any coons inside.
ReplyDeleteThis is why nobody wants to be around blacks. Horrible, worthless people. Thanks, Section 8.
ReplyDeleteYeah love it at the end "I'm sorry, no problem, we will." They "can" respect each other but given the fact more blacks are killed by blacks than anyone else, that doesn't last long. Regardless, the one consistency we always see with blacks is a complete disrespect for every other race, all of which have been vastly more successful in history. They hate Whites and Asians but they sure do love the things we build and invent.
ReplyDeleteThe chinese vs. blacks video on worldstar was 10x crazier.
ReplyDeleteThe link policy should be reviewed. If it is relevant to the story, it should be allowed...
Attention humans: Avoid buffets, besides, we are all too fat anyhow.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said... February 12, 2012 8:11 AM “… the one consistency we always see with blacks is a complete disrespect for every other race, all of which have been vastly more successful in history. They hate Whites and Asians but they sure do love the things we build and invent. “
ReplyDeleteDespite decrying racism every chance they get, blacks are the most racist people of all.
Of course, liberals enable and rationalize this behavior by inventing special exceptions for their protected wildlife.
Blacks have tremendous amounts of self-esteem and a massive sense of entitlement. They’re constantly demanding “respect” despite having done nothing at all to earn it, a trait they share with liberals in general.
The internet and the proliferation of cameras is doing a wonderful job of showing black dysfunction in all of its glory and demolishing the cherished mythology of liberals. And the amusing irony is that it is blacks themselves that are doing a lot of the highlighting, because they don’t see anything wrong with their behavior. They think that dysfunction is something to be celebrated.
Anonymous said... February 12, 2012 9:25 AM “The link policy should be reviewed. If it is relevant to the story, it should be allowed... “
I tend to agree, although this would probably require more diligent moderation.
Why is it okay for blacks to be racist?
ReplyDeleteReminds me of something that happened to us about 5 years ago at the China buffet in Lansing Illinois. Two adults (man & woman) with about 8 (hard to count) children between 5 & 10...unbelievable behavior, both by the kids & the adults. The Chinese men who ran the place did not back down when they wouldn't pay for the kids...it was a circus! The adults cussed out the Chinese men (in front of the kids) and pushed their way out...the Chinese man stood behind their car, while on his cell calling the police with their license plate...That was when we left! There were 5 of us adults plus one teen, who got a lesson in cultural diversity, that's for sure!! made our evening out, a total headache.
ReplyDeleteIts amazing how before I read the racist insults about "black people" I was and still am feed up with stupid youth and young adults who have no respect for anyone , my remedy for those idiots would have been to call the cops immediately.
ReplyDeleteTalking about racisism...why is it that the city Ward map is divided *mostly* along racial lines. Should just be a bunch of even squares basied on population.
ReplyDeletePeople who are laughing ALL THE TIME have something wrong with their brain.
ReplyDeleteLiberal Crybaby said... February 12, 2012 8:26 PM “Its amazing how before I read the racist insults about ‘black people’…”
ReplyDeleteDo you have a point? Or is this just more liberal whining about “racism”?
@ Castellan, I agree wholeheartedly with your comment about derserving respect and sense of entitlement. Liberals do in fact share these traits along with serious Narcissism to the point where it has become deeply rooted in our society. It is not only accepted but admired and praised among other liberals thus giving these individuals even more power. Ive noticed the pervasive sense of entitlement and Narcissistic personality disorder go hand in hand. Ive encountered individuals that have it so bad that they have actually become delusional, for instance stating something about themselves that is clearly not true, but because they proclaim it outloud they believe it to be such, and that others should as well. It is referred to as "delusions of grandeur". I often hear females state over and over again how "hot" they are, almost as if to convince themselves and others that they are in spite of the fact that they are clearly over weight, aging, or just in general not very attactive. It has truly become a mental affliction.
ReplyDeleteWell that white woman at the restaurant was just being racist and provoking them by her threatening behavior. There was no need to be so excessively dramatic in asking them to leave. She needs to understand that black folk have a more joyous and celebratory culture when they are out together and she should respect and tolerate that. That business needs to be shut down as it has no place in the community.
ReplyDelete@ 12:11am, you're fucking kidding right?!?!?!? Please tell me you're being sarcastic.
ReplyDeleteMOST black people JUST suck!!!
ReplyDeleteooga booga ooo oo ooooooooo!
ReplyDeleteCastellan said...
ReplyDeleteLiberal Crybaby said... February 12, 2012 8:26 PM “Its amazing how before I read the racist insults about ‘black people’…”
Do you have a point? Or is this just more liberal whining about “racism
lol , im witnessing a severe case of retardation , stop blaming blacks for your short comings , whatever your hangup is stop playing the blame game and get your obviously disgruntled pathetic life together or are you actually trying to be "BLACK"
839 - really? Do you really think that Castellan is "trying to be BLACK?"
ReplyDeleteYour answer is typical. Here we have disgusting, anti-social, destructive behavior by a group of blacks. They go to a legitimate business, order & eat their food, then create a huge ruckus and threaten the hard working people who are trying to make a living honestly. In fact, the business owner decides to literally pay them off, just to get them out of the store. But instead of condemning the behavior, you accuse someone who clearly finds the behavior reprehensible of secretly having jealousy of it.
Not only is the behavior abhorrent, but these black people think it's appropriate to film it, AND put it online!
So tell me, why on earth would you think that Castellan (who I assume is Latino or Spanish), or a white person like me, or any other respectable person, would want to be black, much less a disgusting black ghetto thug like these are? I would never behave this way; if my kids ever behaved this way, they would get punished; and if I knew anybody who behaved this way, I would stop associating with them.
White, Asian, Latino & European people see these, and then blacks wonder why we can’t fucking stand them. Well, garbage like this is why. Normal people don’t act this way. Until black people start condemning this behavior, too, the racial divide that they’ve created with decent society will only continue to grow. And it will only continue to hurt & harm the black race, too.
Respect is earned, it’s not given, and it’s certainly not taken. Learn that.
This is a good example of why Taste of Chicago has been destroyed. Jungle savage apes took it over with their anti-social behavior and whites stopped going. Any business, event, or community which gets taken over by coons gets destroyed.
ReplyDeleteThe good thing about Taste is that it's out in public, with lots of visible security, plus, the schartzes have to pre-purchase tickets in order to get food. They can't get away with showing up, ordering food, and running, or like here, showing up, then refusing to leave and making a scene, forcing the owner to have to pay them to leave. It's just much more difficult to pull shenanigans like we saw here in that type of setting, especially during the day while it's light out.
ReplyDeleteI work in the loop & went to the Taste daily last year during the week, it was great. The weather held up, the crowds weren't too large, and I got to try a lot of good food, many times from places I had never heard of. I saved money by buying my tickets ahead of time at Dominick's, and finally, it was a great excuse to get out of the office & not have to eat in the corporate cafeteria everyday.
I stopped taking my family to Taste of Chicago because it is overrun by eeeking and oooking chimpanzees running wild just like in this video...scaring decent people, performing sex acts on each other in public, screaming profanities, throwing food, and generally destroying what should have been a pleasant event.
ReplyDeleteTo 1148 - I'm the person who posted at 1135 that I enjoy the Taste, I have to say, I've been going in this manner for years (at lunchtime during weekdays), and have never seen that type of behavior.
ReplyDeleteI don't doubt at all that it happens, but I think a lot has to do with when you go. It's a lot easier for the monkeys to prey on innocent people at night, when it's dark out. Also, I usually go around noon or 1 pm, which is before many of the ghetto teen & early 20's bangers & wannabes are awake, much less have taken the redline to the loop.
Seriously, if your schedule allows it, go during the week during the day, it's actually a quite pleasant event.
Alan said...
ReplyDelete839 - really? Do you really think that Castellan is "trying to be BLACK?"
Alan get a life and stop crying like a child , there is absolutely nothing that will be solved with your rants about "BLACK PEOPLE" they are just rants but for people like you ,the typical whining under achiever stuck in the land of typical insults on a blog and yet at the end of the day you are miserable because of your "own failures" please for your own sake stop using the Jesse Jackson playbook and for the record my first comment about those morons in the restaurant was very clear they should have locked them up period.
Thats why we call you monkeys
ReplyDeleteAnonymous said...
ReplyDeleteThats why we call you monkeys
Now that's funny is that all you got in that underdeveloped cranium i guess I'm an "Albino Monkey" no I got it I'm a "ALBINO LIBERAL MONKEY"now that made my day we need more of you guys you make good foot soldiers cause you're expendable and you're dedicated to stupidity I couldn't ask for more from you, you really made me laugh man...
To 1243 - now I'm just confused. How do you know who I am, if I'm an underachiever, that I'm miserable, that I fail, etc? You don't. Throwing out those perceived "insults" at me & other people on here are a way for you to feel better about yourself and justify the abhorrent behavior in this video, not the other way around.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to know about me, here's this. I don't videotape myself doing anything, but if I did, it wouldn't be like this. A videotape of my wife & I out to dinner on any random night would show two well-dressed people, acting respectfully. You would see people showing respect to the owners, server, and cooks wherever we ate, unlike here, where people are acting like savages while at the same time demanding respect. You would see people engaged in civil conversation that doesn't disrupt other tables, not like here, where the “diners” are hooting, hollering, swearing, and insulting everyone in sight. You wouldn't see people who are loud, threatening, or otherwise displaying disgusting behavior like we see here.
Also, unlike a table of black people, you would see us pay our bill in full, plus a generous tip.
Alan said...
ReplyDeleteTo 1243 - now I'm just confused. How do you know who I am, if I'm an underachiever, that I'm miserable, that I fail, etc? You don't. Throwing out those perceived "insults" at me & other people on here are a way for you to feel better about yourself and justify the abhorrent behavior in this video, not the other way around.
Typical of someone who can dish it out and cant take the truth about themselves, I suggest you stay in the bubble that you live im sorry to have hurt your feelings LOL not. you actually do well in constructing your thoughts even though there pointless Im proud of you, youre becoming a big boy...
"Cackling like a pack of excited hyenas"
ReplyDeleteLOL! The only thing that sounds worse is a bunch of disease carrying men in Boystown LISPING like a gang of gays.
Really, person, you're pointless. Once again, this article, and my comments, are about the disgusting behavior in it. Rather than discuss that at all, you choose to fantasize about who I am or what I might be, in order to distract me from the point I was making, or perhaps, to simply feel better about yourself.
ReplyDeleteAt the end of the day, I'm a person who people respect when I walk into a business. I'm a person that people want to do business with. The people who made this video of themselves, then put it online? They are nothing, and never will be. Likelihood is they will be in prison, dead, or both, before they are out of their 30's.
You say dish it out, but can’t take it? If I chose to videotape myself acting like an ape, then put it online, I would hope I was in a position to “take it.” But I don’t act like an ape, and I certainly don’t videotape myself acting that way, and of course wouldn’t publish it, either. The exploits displayed by the people on this video are nothing to be proud of, it’s behavior those people should be ashamed of.
But I once again thank your for your posts, they simply justify what so, so, so many of us know and believe about the black underclass.
PS - good luck shopping while black. From what I hear, that's always fun!
Just looking at the flame war between Alan & the anonymous person on here shows the difference between normal, educated people, and idiot apologist savages.
ReplyDeleteAlan makes valid points, based on the video that we see (and like he said, was made and put online by the assholes acting like buffoons) and the ONLY reply that his anonymous critic has are personal attacks that he has no way of knowing whether they're true.
Alan, you're better off just not replying to that troll anymore. He knows that you have him beat, you're obviously far more intelligent than he is. Don't stoop to his level. At the end of the day, while you & Mrs. Alan are enjoying a nice dinner at Capital Grill, that spook will still be itching his forehard, sucking down fried chicken, and trolling blogs like this. Stop wasting your time with him.
From your response I did my job , maybe you're having a dyslexic moment , I thought I was clear about those idiots in that restaurant those types of people would affect my bottom line all the time if I let them , I'm glad you are a self proclaimed man of respect you should be proud and assuming me being black is a fundamental flaw from a person who cant read between the lines remember you dont have to be obvious to be affective "ALAN"
ReplyDeletefuck niggers. disgusting scum of the earth. wish we still lynched those apes for doing shit like this.
ReplyDeletenice to see business at Stormfront...i mean Chicago News Report is going on as usual.
ReplyDeletenothing new, just your typical naggers ruining whatever place they are allowed to settle:
Washigton DC
who's next on the diversity train?
Uptown sucks because of the blacks said...
ReplyDeleteHey I love Capital Grille not capital grill,and I guess its good to hunt in packs when you are simply to slow to defend yourself and personal attacks are only personal if they're true good luck guys this has been actually a lot of fun...
To 248 pm -
ReplyDeleteHow could you forget Oakland, CA?
Also, there's Gary, New Orleans (the non-touristy part), and what may be even worse than both of them, Memphis.
Also, to Phoebe's cohorts from the EB blogs, before you start screaming about how racist this & the 248 pm post are, ask yourself, what redeeming qualities do those cities have?
Beal Street is only habitable because all the businesses are white owned, and white tourists flock there. Other than that, Memphis is a flaming shithole.
Gary, IN, is a total train wreck. Detroit is still nice - if you go to Oakland County, which is all white Jews, Asians, dot Indians, and Chaldeans (Christians from Iraq).
Baltimore is a disaster, only the eastern shore (ie, the valuable land on the water), which is where the white people live, is habitable.
Oakland, CA, is a dumpster fire.
Washington, DC, outside of Georgetown & the Foggy Bottom, is a train wreck.
Cleveland? The flats are nice, because there are businesses there frequented by white suburbanites, and whites who wanted to live in loft-style housing. Otherwise, Cleveland is nasty. It just keeps going on & on & on.
Just like here - Streeterville, River North, the Gold Coast, the west loop, those are nice neighborhoods. Austin, Englewood, the entire south side? Those are predominantly black, and completely destroyed.
Thank you for your minor spelling correction, noticing that I omitted an "e" (really, it's bc GDAC "fixed" it). But based on the spelling, grammar, and punctuation in all of your posts, I'm shocked that you would be the internet grammar police.
ReplyDeleteUptown sucks because of the blacks said...
ReplyDeleteyou shouldn't let anyone and I mean anyone ever push your buttons , stay white my friend
ReplyDeleteGood motto to live by: "Never let the dumb ruin your day..."
ReplyDeleteThis is why no one wants to open a business in Harvey, or any other "African-American" community.
ReplyDeleteFuck yall racist...nobody knows you and know body gives a damn what u think.......what great things have you as a white person contributed to society? What great civilitation have you built? If we were living in the days of slavery you would still be poor white trash , not a slave owner living on a great plantation. You my friend are shit and know body will know or care when you die except for that whore who born you. I challenge archie bunker anyday......... Mr and mrs holier tuan thou (side eye) go watch an episode of hoarders or intervention and argue that whites are superior.....i dare u.....
ReplyDeleteban the blacks; from everything
ReplyDeleteMaureen said... February 12, 2012 11:39 PM “Liberals do in fact share these traits along with serious Narcissism to the point where it has become deeply rooted in our society. It is not only accepted but admired and praised among other liberals thus giving these individuals even more power. “
ReplyDeleteFor many years now, we have been saturated with this insidious idea that good intentions trump real, positive achievements. This explains the liberal idea of “affirmative action”.
Also, bad intentions are somehow as or even more important than real, negative actions. This explains the liberal idea of “hate crimes”.
In the liberal mind, subjective feelings trump careful reasoning.
Anonymous said... February 12, 2012 6:03 PM “Why is it okay for blacks to be racist?”
Blacks are an important, reliable voting bloc for liberal democrats, so they are endlessly pandered to.
Whites are not a monolithic voting bloc like blacks are. They’ve been conditioned to be timid and apologetic regarding anything related to race.
Blacks have been conditioned to believe that they are above reproach, no matter what. Few people are willing to openly take them to task for their behavior for fear of becoming a social pariah. Any criticism, no matter how valid, is disingenuously attacked as being “racist”, in other words, no actual, factual counter argument is made at all, they prefer to shoot the messenger so they don’t have to address the issues at hand. This is what passes for debate in the liberal mind.
ReplyDelete"Any criticism, no matter how valid, is disingenuously attacked as being “racist”, in other words, no actual, factual counter argument is made at all, they prefer to shoot the messenger so they don’t have to address the issues at hand."
Well said, I couldn't agree more. Also, I must say it's an ingenious strategy for them, too - the leaders condition their subjects to cry racism, rather than address the issues at hand. That way, the leaders can march & hold the flag & claim that they are working for "the cause," when in reality, they encourage perpetuating the status quo.
They don't bother teaching their followers to educate themselves, make themselves valuable members of society, or make themselves better. If the leaders did that, their "leadership" would not be needed, and then they would have to work for a living.
Instead, they encourage boorish behavior like this, they encourage people to take by force what they want, to drug deal and gangbang, and to live what are essentially criminal lives. And to scream racism when people get sick of their shit.
When someone intelligent like you, CNR, or a lot of people on here call them out, they revert to shouting, "racist, racist." It's all they've got. And they're so stupid, they don't realize that it hurts them more than anyone else. Like the other guy said, respect is earned.
Can you really call them "customers" if they ended up taking stuff without paying?
ReplyDeleteMost people would call people who do that, "criminals."
The African American credo:
ReplyDelete1. Don't ever challenge yourself to improve. That's "acting white."
2. Demand. Do not earn.
3. Learn how to behave by watching the guests on Maury and Jerry.
4. Anyone who criticizes your adherence to this credo is a RACIST.
Its time to start handing out poison bananas
ReplyDeleteJ.B. and Castellan have the liberal mindset down perfectly. So refreshing to hear!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteJ.B. said... February 14, 2012 9:17 AM “Also, I must say it's an ingenious strategy for them, too - the leaders condition their subjects to cry racism, rather than address the issues at hand. That way, the leaders can march & hold the flag & claim that they are working for "the cause," when in reality, they encourage perpetuating the status quo.”
ReplyDeleteWhat politicians love most is being in power and maintaining the status quo, managing perpetual crises that have in large part been engineered by these same politicians.
J.B. said... February 14, 2012 9:17 AM ”They don't bother teaching their followers to educate themselves, make themselves valuable members of society, or make themselves better. If the leaders did that, their "leadership" would not be needed, and then they would have to work for a living.”
I am not going to hold my breath waiting for blacks to figure out that they have been conned by these charlatans.
What is more useful is to wake up everyone else who has been taken in by this gigantic scam called liberalism.
I was at the Fullerton Red Line station today and a pack of black students that were displaying a "joyous and celebratory" nature were in my f-ing way for a good five minutes before I jaywalked across the street and got on my way Is it in their DNA to obstruct doorways, sidewaks, etc?
ReplyDeleteSo you mean to say these trixies out jogging, or strolling the $700 pram dont just walk in the intersection without looking like they own the goddamn place?
ReplyDelete"So you mean to say these trixies out jogging, or strolling the $700 pram dont just walk in the intersection without looking like they own the goddamn place?"
ReplyDeleteThose "trixies" have infinitely more right to do that - they and their husbands work for a living, and they pay extraordinately high income, property, and sales taxes here, to fund the lifestyles of those urban chimps woofing their way around the city & spreading terror.
I am a Chinese woman living in NYC. Last night, my boyfriend took me out for a belated Valentine's day celebration. It was a Japanese restaurant where the sushi costs about $50 an entree.
ReplyDeleteMidway through dinner, a group of about 10 young white 20-something kids sat not far from us. Not long after they were seated, I heard someone at that table say "Jewey Jew." Soon after that someone used the word, "Chink." I got up and complained to the manager.
I'm posting this because after doing a google search about rowdy restaurant behavior, I saw the video (which was bad) but I also read the posts and am pretty disgusted by the racism expressed here.
Not one of the people at that table hushed up the guy who said, "chink." In fact, when one of the guys came up to the manager and me, he admitted that someone at his table had said it, but "it wasn't him."
Crass behavior, racism and ignorance is something that, SURPRISE SURPRISE, even privileged white people are can be guilty of. But what's their PROBLEM? Were their ancestors enslaved, their families dismantled? Did anyone ever hurt them or discriminate against them because of the color of their skin? What are they afraid of? What do they have to be ANGRY about? They have, by the looks of things, everything and more. Young, beautiful, wealthy and, yes, white.
I hope the smug people on this post can get over themselves and their backwards ways of thinking.
I hope the kids I hopefully shamed last night felt like assholes--especially since the staff was almost all Japanese and knew they said the word, "chink."
They would have never called you "Chink" here in Chicago. They would have called you "Nip". We embrace our diversity and people can tell the difference between a Chink, a Nip, and a Gook.
ReplyDeleteAnon @ 2:04 - you're really stupid and your final sentence sticks the proverbial foot right in your mouth with the racial problems my WHITE ass has experienced in Chicago.
ReplyDelete"They have, by the looks of things, everything and more. Young, beautiful, wealthy and, yes, white".
Highlight the word LOOKS in that silly statement and take your butt back from where you came from. You're an ignorant, stereotyping racist if there ever was one. After reading that, I don't think I'll ever "look" at your type the same again.
You people (yes, you people) "look" like you're about to rip me off in your restaurants or try to serve me cooked cat but I gave you the benefit of the doubt in the past.
RE: Chinese woman in NYC -
ReplyDeleteShe's clearly just another apologist for people like those we see in this video. She would rather endorse their behavior as “diverse” or “multicultural” or something, and rag on people who were apparently acting like civilized human beings, than dare risk offending the helpless “minorities” who not only act this way, but believe it’s proper to film and publish online their exploits.
What's worse, lady, some people who say a few things that you find offensive when you eavesdrop on their conversation, or people who act like these chimps & actively disrupt every customer in the restaurant, threaten and mock the owner to her face, and steal food by demanding that they are refunded their money?
The owners of the restaurant you went to should be thankful for those white people who are willing to come in & drop "$50 per entree," as you put it. Would you rather they have the chimps like in this video, who come in hooting & hollering, actively disrupting the entire restaurant, ordering & eating the food, then holding everyone hostage to their behavior until their money is refunded?
Yeah, I thought so. Grow the F up.
Finally, if you were so offended by these people’s dialogue, why didn’t you ask them yourself to speak in a manner you approve? Typical liberalism, whine about the behavior you abhor, and complain that “somebody should do something” How about, YOU do something! You are asking the manager to choose between a large table of paying customers, or you and your hurt feelings. What did you want management to do? Kick them out after eating all that $50 fish? Give you a free meal for being “offended?”
PS – What’s your excuse to let your BF off the hook for forgetting Valentine’s Day? Was he too busy having a Lingasm??
And furthmore NYC lady, you can be called a "White MF'r" by the supposed "homeless" people here in Chicago and according to the police "they're allowed to say that" - daily. In Chicago this is called exercising your First Amendment "rights".
ReplyDeleteIf you're offended simply by a WORD, don't ever set foot in this city. I guess it's quite different in NYC? In holding open a door for a black man, the gratuity I get sometimes is "thanks, mah n***a". As a white male, I'm offended by it but others obviously aren't.
It's just a word, right? I have the choice to never hold open a door for them again. You had the right to pick-up and leave that restaurant.
we need to just somehow infect the world KFC supply with sickle cell and the Earth would be a much more pleasant place to live :)