Two male black suspects pretending to order food, were caught on tape robbing a Ukrainian Village neighborhood pizzeria at gunpoint.
The Village Pizzeria at 2356 West Chicago Avenue, near Chicago and Western, was robbed Friday, January 6, 2012, around 5 a.m., said police.
The frightening incident was caught on a newly upgraded surveillance camera that was installed the day before the armed robbery, said police.
In the video, the offenders, dressed in all black clothing, bop through the pizzeria’s doors like drunken slugs, then rest their elbows on the counter.
When their pizza slices are bagged and ready to go, the suspect wearing goofy-looking, effeminate braids, pulls a gun and the two suspects move behind the counter.
During the armed robbery, John Gagliarpi Sr., the purported owner, was punched in the face and struck in the back of his head as he struggled to open a nearby cash register.
Before the suspects left the store with their loot, the offender wearing a black hat and glasses, grabbed a female customer who was sitting by door and manhandled the woman for seemingly no reason at all.
Because the suspect in the glasses seemed to be trying to hide his mug, Chicago News Report zoomed in on his face and blew up his picture.
If you recognize these SOBs, give police a call.
Execute them on sight.
ReplyDeleteThey pulled a gun on a minimum wage employee for the take in a Pizzeria at 5am... Is there a death penalty for stupid? Ah yeah, below 70 you are considered too stupid to be executed....so you rob a pizzeria and put the employee in fear of their life.
ReplyDeleteI believe if you are in fear of your life, you can do whatever you can to protect it, right?
Ive worked in a pizzeria. You can beat the shit out of someone with a pizza pan. But this ff..er had a gun...
Fucking filthy nigger scum - just like those who raped the girl from highland park.
ReplyDeleteIf you watch the whole tape it looks like the stupid nigger that dropped the money also forgot to get the cash stashed under the drawer. I hope they kill these mother effers when they catch them
ReplyDeleteLOL. Stupid fucking coons cant even commit a proper armed robbery.
ReplyDeleteThe short coward looks like he is sucking his thumb. Obviously more of CPS honor students here. But they aren't too bright. They can't figure out how to open the cash register and didn't notice the multiple cameras in the joint. In you see them crossing the street & you are driving, please make speed bumps out of them, at least they would be doing something constructive then...
ReplyDeleteI'm not a victim blamer but they don't need to be open at 5am either. Greed.
ReplyDeletethey really know how to ruff 'em up to get that register open too. Why didn't they just pinch his titty? Total amateur thug wannabe's. I guess this is why the bullet proof glass isn't up here in this "city" yet. All he had to do was slap 'em back.
ReplyDeletewtf he dropped half the money on his way out. unbelievable...
ReplyDeleteSeems like they're getting a sadistic thrill out of threatening the victims. Must be their way of having fun.
ReplyDeletewtf - i love that place - the owner is a real nice old dago - i joke with him everytime i get a slice. i haven't been by in awhile (new years resolutions / diet, etc) but if you want a good slice - patronize this poor guy - i hope he doesn't close over this.....
ReplyDelete@1231 - the bk next door to him is open all night - he's trying to make a couple bux off the drunken yuppies and trying to keep the place open after decades in biz. its always a bit slow when i drop by - don't blame the victim dumba$$
ReplyDeletemy man! i'm glad to see my buddy didn't show any fear in the face of these little punk bitches, AND he hid the big bills under the drawer! see him take the real $ out after the robbers leave :) it still pisses me off 2 no end that they r messing with this old school italian pizzeria just trying to stay in biz in a tough economy. u can tell sr. has seen this b4 - im just glad he's ok. i think m diet might take a break 2day -im going by 2 buy a couple slices for me n my son
ReplyDeleteGreed. Did they deserve this? No. "making a couple bux off the drunken yuppies"? Greed AND ignorance combined are an explosive combination.
ReplyDelete......and REAL good letting everybody know "he keeps the big bills under the drawer". Your ignorance here is absolutely asounding AND, at this point, you deserve what you're getting. TOTALLY stupid F's here in Chicago! You really care about each other, don't you? Omaha, go buy a slice tomorrow to help out your fellow man. Dumb a**. And you want the po-po to take my tax $$ to figure this out?
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? Greed? C'mon be for real, the man is trying to make a living, just like the next man. I go into Village at least twice a week. The old dago is amusing. "Yeah Man" (anyone that knows John Sr. knows he is famous for that saying)I thank god no one got seriously hurt.
ReplyDelete@537 obviously, you are an idiot - nobody knew the big bills were under the drawer until WATCHING THE VIDEO AT THE END. and, if your uppity ass had ever spent a day in retail (and obv these coonz hadn't), you'd know puttin' the big bills under the drawer is layman security. john sr has 2 get a drop safe - but then why not bulletproof glass? effin coonz ruining the place. just like that spike lee movie 'do the right thing'. hey sal, how come there ain't no brothers on the wall?
ReplyDeletewhat, i can't say c00n?
ReplyDeleteRight, so remind the dumba**es that the large bills are under the drawer so they can come back and get it tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThis liberal city is just going to have to suck it up and realize the bullet proof glass is needed all over in the city, not just the - former - bad places.
Your going to see more scummy blacks wou are only tough when holding a gun commit more robberies on borderline neighborhoods. This is the tactic they used that caused the first wave of white flight to the burbs and now that we are moving nack to the city these internal and entermal terrorists will use this same tactic. whites in wicker park bucktown and ukrainin village beware
ReplyDeletei am white and dem c00n beeches betta watch out them-selves, if i had passed my village pizzza joynt the morning of dat robbery, i would have gotten the giddy-up out da trunk and these thugs would b no more! bam bam, watch out, im comin' i ain't a cop and this ain't doo process, i'll be processing ur skull with a lead supa ball
ReplyDeleteSome of us work odd hours and if we want pizza at 5am, and we're willing to pay for it, it should be available. Fuck you for saying otherwise.
ReplyDeleteLazy, stupid, ugly N I G G E R S! Let's ship them back to Africa.
ReplyDeleteFirst off it was wrong for them to do that.....but when you go round talking about niggers this and that, ship em back to Africa.....is that caused for......NO!!!!!! and to be frank.....none of our ancestors are from here...blacks where unwilling brought over here ans whites, robbed,killed and everything else to get here.....so if u can please help me understand when u say send them back to Africa......Where would u end up?..In Europe, East Africa, Germany....INDONNESIA?????
DeleteI can't believe all of these stupid ass racist on here.There are thugs of every race. Watch world's dumbest criminals some times. I agree that they need to be brought to justice but so does some of these idiot ass crackers on this site putting down a race as a whole because of what 2 idiots did. I guess we should all be afraid that white men will all rape,eat us or bury us in their crawl spaces for their sexual gratification. Jeffrey, John, what do ya say?
ReplyDeleteTo 1126 am - White people will call your reaction "TNB" because frankly, it is.
ReplyDeleteIt's TNB in that, instead of the black community owning up to the massive problem it has with an entire generation of 13-30 y/o criminal gangbanging thugs, it would rather attempt to deflect attention off of it's own problem by making statements such as, "white men will all rape,eat us or bury us in their crawl spaces."
Their are sick rapists of all colors and creeds. We know this. Unlike in black communities, white people shun sexual predators, and turn them into & cooperate with the police to get them out of our midst. How does the Black community handle sexual predators?
The problem in Chicago is random, violent, person on person crime that ruins communities, puts innocent civilians in constant fear, and drags down quality of life. This type of crime is committed by blacks at an exponentially higher rate than by whites - and person in this city is 500 to 600% more likely to be the victim of some type of an aggravated assault commited by a black male than by all other races, combined.
What do you have to say about that?? I'm pretty sure I already know - IT'S WHITE PEOPLE'S FAULT.
Grow up, raise your kids, stop glorifying gang lifestyles, stop making it acceptable for single teens to get pregnant, and perhaps white people will respect you, hire you, do business with you, etc. Your alternative is to keep burning down your communities & further alienating the black race from decent society.
well said Jan 9 12:24 pm
ReplyDeletehahah i hate when you whites hide behind your computer leaving racist comments you guys are safe hiding away from the real world thats why you always get robbed i rather hang with these thugs than walking and hanging with some goofy white yuppies that look gay with gay clothes and getting drunk with a bunch of yuppies you guys are pathetic