Police were called to the Morse Red Line at 1358 West Morse Avenue, around 7:31 p.m.
The initial police dispatch report indicated a female victim was robbed at that location.
However, after police interviewed the complainant, it was determined that no proceeds were taken from the victim.
A responding officer classified the incident as a possible attempted robbery and a possible sexual offense.
The responding officer did not give any further details regarding the nature of the alleged crime.
The offender was described as a 200 pound male black in his late 20s or 30s.
The suspect, who was last seen running down the CTA platform's stairs, was wearing a black beanie-style hat and baggy blue jeans.
Photo: Bill Morton
I used to live up there by that el stop 15 years ago, when I had no money. They should rename that station "Morgue." It's a shithole. Advice if you live near there: 1) Earn some money. 2) Move.
ReplyDeleteThe problem is that now the niggers have been spread out to all neighborhoods, making everywhere dangerous.
ReplyDeleteCan't help but comment. I don't judge by the color of skin but by character. I live in one of the "better" neighborhoods (not RP nor Uptown), work downtown but have to make a stop back in my "better" neighborhood mid-day and return downtown. They're usually out in full-force around 1-2 o'clock or so (just getting up?). They are generally unfriendly but do acknowledge each other with a nod or such. Just peculiar, I don't see these people going to work in the a.m. on the bus or train from the same neighborhood. If so, I wouldn't have this opinion. These people are of working age, not senior citizens and not teens either. Usually they're not out around dinner hour either but are out in full force again after 11pm usually (if you happen to be out that late too). This "pattern" is quite noticeable even for a fool not paying attention.
ReplyDeleteYes, they have spread to all neighborhoods. If only I saw a few well dressed black people commuting to work with me in the a.m. I would have a different opinion. These people are usually causing some type of disturbance via cussing loudly and such in any store or restaurant on any given night or acting suspiciously such as loitering and pacing back in forth in any parking lot even after making their purchases and watching everyone elses every move in an intimidating manner. Yeah, I should mind my own business too right? But I do have reason to watch my back and what exactly are they doing just loitering (and that's what it is)? Most people are "moving along" going about their business.
Your city (not mine) has most certainly changed rapidly in the short time I've been here.
Advice if you live in Chicago, even if you aren't earning any money? Leave. I am.
Wasn't Cleveland nicknamed "Mistake By The Lake"? Best of luck, Chicago.
I think its sad myself all the shootings robberies. just a bunch of hoodlums with nothing to do. and always blaming someone else for their shortcomings. words of advice "TAKE YALL ASSES BACK TO SCHOOL AND GET REAL JOBS AND LEAVE THE HARD WORKING PEOPLE ALONE SIGNED A BLACK MAN.......
ReplyDeleteMorse station always has some ghetto blacks loitering around. What is it with blacks and loitering in public areas? Loitering is their hobby? The creepiness of those around that station, as well as others, gives the place a bad vibe. They're probably welfare spawn.
ReplyDeleteIt's stupid people and loitering, the white trash social service agency guys too will hold court for hours talking about the stupidest shit ever.
ReplyDeleteI LOVE living in Rogers Park
ReplyDelete@January 31, 2012 8:35 PM
ReplyDelete.. Anonymous said...
Yeh, let's all like move to that city that doesn't have any problems. There's a whole bunch of them.
Um and you described exactly zero crime to make you move. What are you a complete sissy. Oh know people cussy in public and talking loud...they might hurt me...I'm a baby.
Those people are always loitering around the Wilson stop also. It is like the Mecca for vagrancy on the North Side. They have that Wilson Club hellhole motel & the men cause much of the problems in the area.
ReplyDelete@9:56: You LOVE living in Rogers Park? Don't beat around the bush, just tell us which gang you're in.
ReplyDelete@10:09: It's not too much to ask for a clean, efficient transit system that isn't beset by bums, thugs, crazies, and roving mobs of savage youths. Many cities have exactly that. But hey, if your quality-of-life expectations are so low, who am I to argue? Enjoy Rogers Park.
to 10:09 - why does the other poster need to describe crime?
ReplyDeleteUnless you completely live in a cave and don't watch the news on tv, read newspapers, or read local blogs (and we know you do at least one of those things, otherwise your comment wouldn't be on here), you already know of the violent, gang driven crime that's become pervasive in several northside neighborhoods that are off the red line.
Also, the content in this very article in which you make your comment, is exactly about a crime committed by a black person at one of those stops.
How precisely do you need it spelled out for you? Are you like Phoebe and also don't believe that violent black flash mobs were the cause for the North Avenue beach closings last summer??
Please stop living in a fantasy land. Never once did the poster you replied to say he's looking for a city in which crime doesn't exists. It seemed pretty clear to me that he was looking for a new place to live that doesn't prioritize the handouts of entitlements to non-working criminals (which includes dropping public housing recipients into what were middle class working neighbohoords) over the rights of law abiding taxpayers to live a life without constant fear of random street violence.
@9:56am. I've seen one of these "harmless, homeless" people bash somebody in the face outside a Walgreens. I've seen somebody murdered in Edgewater. Want a list? These crimes were always committed by people "just standing around" too.
ReplyDeleteYes, most large cities have crime. Most large cities also protect the residents that pay a premium to not live around crime too. Chicago is different than most large cities. Get it yet?
(And thank you for reiterating my point Big Al. Well said).