At 10:25 p.m., a citizen reported a car burglary in the west alley near the 5100 block of North Broadway, behind the Marathon gas station and the Dunkin Donuts.
According to police dispatch, the 911 caller said a male black on a mountain bike broke into a silver Mercedes.
Authorities said the offender is in his 30s, about 6-feet-tall, and 190 pounds.
The suspect was wearing khaki pants and a khaki-colored vest with a red long-sleeved shirt underneath.
The crook was last seen going northbound through the alley toward Foster.
This is "normal big city stuff".
ReplyDeleteChasing people with knives in bars, witnessing murder on Berwyn, bloodied head-to- toe "transient youth" running down Halsted, and being called a "White MF'r" in the Loop.....aren't though.
Obviously there aren't as many hungry and homeless people in this city as led to believe if all they're concerned with is iphone/ipods ($50 bucks tops in a pawn shop?) and murder.
Yea, if you dont know to tuck your valuables under the seat, you need to learn somehow. A ride home in the cold with a broken window should do the trick...
ReplyDeleteThe cops need to investigate the underground market for these stolen ipods. That's probably what fuels this wave of i-toy robberies around this city.
ReplyDeleteI was at navy pier yesterday and all these apes wanted to do is look at their iPhones (conspicuous consumption)...more than their kids experiencing winter wonderland....none of them paid either (no wristbands, just gibs me dat)
ReplyDeleteI won't say this person deserved to get robbed, but you have to be smarter about leaving expensive items on display in your car. Am sure this "vic" won't make the same mistake again.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they should buy a Zune! Nobody would steal that, you can't even give me one, I won't take it.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to avoid the groid, go someplace that has a cover charge to get in, Africanus only likes "free" stuff. Anyplace I've worked it's a common topic of nigcussion about what kind of "gibs" are available around the city.
"Cover charge". Exactly!!!!!!!! Detroit has them all over - NEVER a problem like here. To boot, you actually get something for your money too! The Norf side still thinks the "open door" policy is PC and wonderful. I don't.
ReplyDeleteP.S. The graphics and sound quality of the Zune was superior to the ipod. I had to throw mine out 'cuz they were subject to corporate planned obsolescence. Plus they had a built in FM tuner! Sad you all love your Magnificent Mile monkey-see, monkey do Apple Store (while buying a samich at Subway or 7-11 on the way home).
Hello You're in Chicago not fucking Mayberry when will you worthless white fucks wake and smell the coffee. John-Boy got what he deserved dumbass !!!!!!!!