Friday, December 23, 2011

VIDEO: Health Commissioner Bechara Choucair chased out of mental health meeting

Who's sorry now? 

Rahm Emanuel may have dominated the black vote during his bid for mayor of Chicago, but his 2012 budget cuts, which threaten to shutdown a huge number of mental heath facilities, have caused some of his African American supporters to jump ship.

On December 20, 2011, Mayor Emanuel sent his mouthpiece, Health Commissioner Bechara Choucair to placate a group of concerned citizens at a South Side mental health meeting at the Martin Luther King Community Center at 4314 South Cottage Grove Avenue.

The audience consisted of mental health workers, mental health clients, and activists.

Before Choucair could work his magic, he was thrown off balance when members of his not-so captive audience began to shout him down.

Choucair tried to pacify his critics by agreeing to speak with them after the staff meeting, but two ladies in particular, weren’t in the mood to wait.

“It’s not right to close our centers. I tried to commit suicide, but you wanna walk out of here! But you have to remember, we are registered voters! We have rights!” shouted a visibly frustrated woman.

Within seconds, as if their lives depended on it, Choucair and his crew were out the door.

We don’t mean to sound cruel or insensitive, because there is nothing comical about mental illness, but the last thing you want to do is piss off a room full of people who are probably on psychotropic medications.


  1. Let the Jews up in Evanston on anti-psychotic meds, that hate "white men",take care of them as they sold their houses to them decades ago for far much more than what the were worth.

    Or the tax evading hippies without pony tails in Edgewater or Uptown can take care of them with their CASH income.

    I already "gave at the office" with my 67% state income tax increase. Obviously that $$ is being squandered.

    You have a black president and Jewish mayor. I'll bet these two "ladies" didn't even know Tiny Dancer sent the speaker.

  2. Trillions for bankers and endless wars is where the money is going. That's what is important. Mental health care for the sick has to be cut, as well as everything else for those on the bottom has to be cut. What lopsided priorities.
    The guy was sent there to sell the unpalatable but the audience wasn't as stupid as they were presumed to be.

  3. The gentleman's face @1:02 says everything...

  4. Shut up OWSfags. Its obvious you are behind this. They are using your tactics (mic check)...

    Also, do you even realize banks are corporations? That means there isnt 1 evil banker that owns each bank, they are owned by millions of shareholders. The companies employ people to do various types of banking, and they certainly aren't paid with government funds. And dont try to say the bailouts were used for paying employees. Many banks were forced to take TARP money and paid it back immediately. Only a few used it to pay for bonuses, and that was to executives who ARENT EVEN BANKERS...

  5. i have worked in banking and it is a small group of white men handing each other exec roles and large amounts of money, described as pay, bonus and share options. Thats it.

  6. This room full of black nutjobs just proves that they were all better off when they were owned by a plantation owner. They are incapable of taking care of themselves.

  7. I would have run out of there too - the audience clearly wasn't there to have a civilized meeting, or attempt to be productive. The woman in the video is bragging about how they "stepped up" and "took over."

    Well guess what? The more you try to chase out & intimidate guys like that, the less likely they are to even consider your point of view as they axe (or should it be "ask") your funding.

  8. Listen to the woman: "I tried to commit suicide" BUT, unfotunately, you survived and have been a ward of the state ever since. The taxpayer effectively owns you, and thus, will determine your fate.

  9. Those people actually think the working taxpayers OWE them. The fat woman who "tried to commit suicide" can't even accomplish that easy task...why is she too stupid to even successfully accomplish suicide? Aren't there enough tall buildings around for her?

  10. @12:16pm, I completely agree with you. If they don't act with some civility, the poor guy sent their to talk with them won't be able to do his job. The black community is always bitching about how their neighborhoods are giving up this and that. What about other neighborhoods do they not count??

  11. They clapped at the end...but what did they actually accomplish?

  12. A whole lot of blacks are scamming disability, and a whole lot of white social workers are enabling them. Lakeview and Lincoln Park is full of nigger panhandlers from the various community centers that feed them and let them shoot pool all day.
    Since when did being a nigger qualify as mental illness??


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