Friday, December 23, 2011

VIDEO: Water Tower Place flash mob for 'Syrian Freedom'

Two days before an estimated 10,000 Syrian women marched through Cairo, Egypt calling for an end to President Bashar al-Assad's regime, Chicagoans with ties to Syria orchestrated a peaceful, yet moving flash mob in front of the Water Tower Place.

Curious faces strolled by as demonstrators, frozen in place, held up signs commemorating the dead killed by Syrian Security Forces.

One placard was in honor of 27-year-old Dr. Ibrahim Nahel Othman, who was murdered on December 11, 2011, while trying to provide medical care for wounded, defected Syrian soldiers and injured protesters.


  1. Most people don't even know where Syria is let alone have any idea of what's going on there. People on Michigan Ave are there just to shop till they drop.
    If those women wanted to be really revolutionary they would dump those headscarves into the garbage can and walk around like everyone else in this country.

  2. Flash mob? But nobody got stomped!

    All they did was block the path of pedestrians...

  3. As long as they are driven by their perverse religion which requires their hair-covered women to be considered property, the carnage will continue.

  4. Seriously? These sand niggers need to leave their nonsense in their own country.

  5. Entering the US should be like joining the get your head shaved, uniform and mind swipe - we don't need any third world culture here.

  6. wow whoever this person commenting is just perpetuates the stereotype of the culturally ignorant american...god help you

  7. Leave our culture behind? I believe we were all immigrants at some point in America. What's wrong with trying to spread the word about what's going on in Syria? You make it sound as if you'd tell someone to stop spreading the word about the holocaust if it was still going on today. You're very ignorant if you think the men and women taking part in this flash mob are oppressed, at least they're doing SOMEthing.


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